View Full Version : Legg lake help

04-18-2012, 01:40 AM
Heading down to legg lake for the 3rd time tomorrow, I have been skunked twice the only two times I have went. Any tips and advice on what bait i should use or any other useful info that can help me?

Dr. MindBendo
04-18-2012, 07:26 AM
Don't feel bad. Legg lake is not a good fishery. Skunks are actually the norm there. What kind of fish are you fishing for?

04-18-2012, 09:58 AM
I'm trying to fish for bass but I had no luck with that.
I think I saw some huge carps swimming around but they were just taunting me :Sad:
and I didn't know that thanks for the info!

04-19-2012, 10:19 PM
skunked for the 3rd time.
I'm officially done there.

04-19-2012, 10:43 PM
We leggulars don't need another bass angler anyways. :LOL: J/K. Anyone who fishes Legg will tell you that you need to put in your hours to figure the lake and its inhabitants out. It's a tough lake, no joke on that, and if I didn't live so close I probably wouldn't fish it so frequently. Oh a little tip: Senkos are pretty effective there. It's an over used bait and that's for sure, but I've seen them work on the green bass.

04-19-2012, 11:11 PM
I was out at the lake today for 6 hours and nothing. It was very discouraging to say the least but thanks for the tip! I just bought some zoom brush hogs but I'm not too sure how that would work out.. I'll try and get my hands on that senko bait!
and if you don't mind answering this question, how often do you catch anything when you go? :Bug Eyes:

04-19-2012, 11:17 PM
I really only fish the lake when it's warmer so that would mean from march to about late November. In terms of frequency I want to say once every two weeks, and yes I consider that frequent. lol. Do I catch anything? Yes, small bass. I would almost never get a skunk, but lately there has been WAYYY too much pressure at Legg and too many sh*tty casters out there, like me lol, presenting unrealistic presentations to the fish.

If I were you I'd go to another lake as it seems that you have quite a bit of time on your hand.

04-19-2012, 11:30 PM
Well it looks like your doin something right since skunks aren't a problem for you!
And thanks for the info! would you know any other nearby locations to fish at?
I actually do time is not a problem for me right now! :Envious:

04-20-2012, 12:04 PM
Im fairly new to bass fishing and Ive been fishing there since Feb2011 and mustve put in close to 300 hours if not more lol. Im learning quite a bit nevertheless. I caught my first one in April2011 and there was only one month that I did not skunk but b4 and after that its been mostly tough. It sounds like the pudd is doing OK but from my experiences there, its no gimme either. Good luck out there!

04-20-2012, 12:41 PM
The Double "L" is a hard lake but as i have noticed a lot of the new faces are slowly leaving as the spawn is gone, try small baits as most guys are using senkos and never forget catch and release .

good luck