View Full Version : 4 species Elsinore

04-15-2012, 08:21 PM
First of all was not a good day fishing but okay. Fished from shore trying for the crappie bite, no
luck did not catch any, to avoid the skunk I set up a carp pole while fishing for crappie.
Five minutes later I land a huge carp, did not take pic, threw it back, before I can pick up
crappie pole the carp pole slams again, land it five minutes later it hits again, this time I
loose it which is bad omen, because the carp pole dose not hit for two hours.

While fishing the crappie pole I land a 10 inch bass on a crappie lure, later I put a night crawler on
and land a green sunfish. Was about to leave when the carp pole finally slams again, it was my fourth
species of the day, another carp but a mirrior carp. I did not know Elsinore had them in the lake, pic below,
but not absolutly sure if it is one


04-15-2012, 11:56 PM
Nice fish!

Never been to Elsinore. If I ever visit, what are the good places to fish? Best carp area?

04-16-2012, 07:59 AM
Nice fish!

Never been to Elsinore. If I ever visit, what are the good places to fish? Best carp area?

Lakeshore Drive best area for carp