View Full Version : canyon lakes on the 30

04-05-2012, 08:26 PM
went to my buddies house and fished at night for some kitties. caught 3 bull heads and it was about 11 and we were about to call it and then i get drilled on an anchovie brought the beast in and it was about 10 pounds got it on shore and did a quick release awesome fight!!!!! after that it was dead!!!! so then in the morning we had some breakfast and went back out for some bass we could see all kinds of bass in the shallows the spawn is about to happen there i think. the fish would chase but wouldnt commit. we manged 3 total before noon i got my fish on a shad colored frenzy crank and buddy got one on the rattle trap. great trip cant wait to get back out there!!!

04-11-2012, 09:51 PM
my parents live there, i hit it up probably 3 times a week. The water quality is getting horrible but there are still enormous fish all around. right now, its all about just finding what pisses them off because they will not hit anything that looks good to eat. I bounce white grubs on their beds and that does the trick.

04-12-2012, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the report. I just started fishing there last year. How is the water quality and level? It's been all shore for me, but this summer I'm gonna get the boat out and work them docks!