View Full Version : Manzanar

04-02-2012, 03:06 PM
Hey Guys, and Fear No Trout
I first learned of the Manzanar fisherman from an internee I met when I keyed a short film, "Day of Independence" (2003) about the life experiences of our exec producer (writer) Tim Tashima's dad. My family's experiences in the camps were regretfully, not spoken of much. I am aware that many of my aunties and uncles spent a good portion of their childhood years behind barbed wire, while others died in the 442, but other than that, little else. My experience while filming Day of Independence was an emotional turning point regarding my perspective as I watched the Stockton Hongwanji members, make this film happen. Many of the members were former internees. They built and decorated the sets, including the barracks by hand, and for many, from memory. They costumed and prop-ed themselves and stood in the heat and dust of the location by the hundreds, young and old. The church transported them and fed them everyday. It was a truly amazing and deeply moving time for all.. especially for the Nisei members who often broke down as they portrayed themselves during the filming. Congratulations and best of luck for your project's success. I hope it gets as much attention as is possible. I am thinking of taking my daughter to see the film if my schedule allows.

Thank You,

J. Steven Iriguchi "bodfish"
Proud Sansei, and descendent of the Soldiers of the 442

04-02-2012, 08:05 PM
Every time I drive by Manzanar on the way to the Eastern Sierra, I feel twinge of guilt for the misguided action of our government and regret for the folks who spent their time in the camp....many losing everything. Hopefully, we have learned.

Is the Day of Independence available on DVD or on line? It sounds like something I would like to experience.

04-03-2012, 04:43 AM
x2. This county's history is very interesting to me, and feel that our youth would be interested in what took place here - not somewhere else.
It's been a few years since I've been to the camp, but I feel it's overdue. crashburn2020

04-03-2012, 04:18 PM
not sure what happened to the film, I will do some checking and get back to you.
