View Full Version : Looking for advice for rod repair. ):}+{:(

The Fishing Queen
03-28-2012, 05:18 PM
Lately, a couple of my favorite older two piece rods started wearing out at the joint. I get embarrassed when fishermen see the top piece of my 'barbie pink pole' fly right into the water when I am casting. I talked to a couple of people about the problem, they told me should toss them out and buy new ones because these aren't good quality poles. Well, I understand their point, but I'm just not the kind of gal who cares for fancy stuff. My poles aren't that great, but helped me catch many good sized fish in the past, I have a lot of good memories with them and they truly are very special to me. Like the old words say: 'no matter if it's a black cat or a white cat, as long as he catches the rats, then he is a good cat'....... I don't have worth hundreds of dollars of expensive fishing gear like other people but, fortunately I have a 'million dollar arm' and that helps me cast far and catch more fish. That's all that counts!

So, I am wondering if there are any ways that I can have their joints repaired. What should I do? Can I do it myself ? Or, do I need to bring them to someone or a shop for repairing? Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions will help. Thanks in advance!

03-28-2012, 05:48 PM
PM sent...

Slick Rick
03-28-2012, 08:40 PM
Just take some electrical tape the same color as the threads at your connections. It goes on and off easy and nobody but you would notice.

I would guess the right way to do it would be build up the insert with a little resin (very little) and sand to fit.


The Fishing Queen
03-28-2012, 08:50 PM
Interesting ideas, thanks!

03-28-2012, 09:33 PM
Do they need to be a two piece rod???? A little rod tip glue and they will be semi permanent. Heat on....... Heat off.


03-29-2012, 06:54 AM
Not the pink pole :(. That sucks Alice. I know exactly how you feel about your poles though. I couldn't imagine if my poles broke on me. Good luck!


The Fishing Queen
03-29-2012, 07:35 AM
Not the pink pole :(. That sucks Alice. I know exactly how you feel about your poles though. I couldn't imagine if my poles broke on me. Good luck!


Yes, the two of my very first pink poles, they got used too much and the joints started to wear out. I do have 10 other types of poles, some more expensive and have better quality than others, but I've caught my most memorable fish with these. A funny story about one of the poles - one time I caugh a big trout and it was fighting like crazy as I was trying to reel it in, finally I gave up and decided to hold my pole and run back ( about 20 feet) and dragged that big monster to the shore..... Ha, ha, that was so funny, I must have looked so silly, because all the fishermen were laughing. :Razz:

03-29-2012, 07:58 AM
Some good suggestions, but it really depends on what is causing the joint to be loose. I'm assuming we are talking fiberglass joints, not the real old style metal ferrule.

If it is loose because the larger part of the joint (the part that the other slips in to) is cracked, you may be able to cut the cracked part out and rewrap thread over the new joint. If you can't cut that part out, then gluing the two pieces into a one piece rod is probably the best solution. The gluing would be permanent. I'm not sure how using heat and rod tip glue would make it semi-permanent and removable since you would have to heat the rod back up to get the glue to soften and the heat would probably damage the rod and/or wrapping thread.

Some of the older rods have a loose fiberglass to fiberglass connection, and keep the two pieces together with a rubber plug on the end of the smaller piece. If that is the case, you may be able to find something at a hardware store that would work.

If you want it to continue being a two piece (I noticed you fish Puddingstone and Gregory so you may carry your rods in the car a lot) and the joint isn't cracked, building up the smaller piece is going to be the easiest solution. Like Slick Rick said, use little (very little) to build up the joint. It takes less that you would think. Also, don't try to reassemble the two pieces to check the fit until you are absolutely sure the resin is completely dry or you will have a one piece rod whether you want one or not.

03-29-2012, 08:03 AM
Yes, the two of my very first pink poles, they got used too much and the joints started to wear out. I do have 10 other types of poles, some more expensive and have better quality than others, but I've caught my most memorable fish with these. A funny story about one of the poles - one time I caugh a big trout and it was fighting like crazy as I was trying to reel it in, finally I gave up and decided to hold my pole and run back ( about 20 feet) and dragged that big monster to the shore..... Ha, ha, that was so funny, I must have looked so silly, because all the fishermen were laughing. :Razz:

I have had to run backward on the shore more then 1 time. I don't like when fish come speeding toward me. I have low gear ratio reels lol. People can laugh, who cares, what matters is you bested the beast!

03-29-2012, 08:51 AM

The Fishing Queen
03-29-2012, 10:33 PM
Thanks 'CraigH' for taking the time to reply to my post, I'm lucky to meet so many nice people here that are willing to help.