View Full Version : Skunked at Laguna Niguel 3/26

03-26-2012, 10:57 AM
Well, finally got the skunk at LNL.
Horrible fishing day.
Arrived at around 450am was 5th in line.

Set up in zone two just right of the where the stump used to be (its been removed).

First lines in water around 615am.
Only about 3 bites all day, with 4 poles in water until noon, 6 poles from noon to 645PM. Missed on all three. We tried it all, lures, powerbait, mice tails, nightcrawlers, powermouse, nothing.
What was weird is that about 15 feet to the left of us, a group of 4 were consistently being bit, and probably caught about 15 fish.
To the left of them was a couple that caught about 10 fish.

To the right of us? Skunk, skunk, skunk. I saw 1 fish get caught in the morning for one guy. he packed up and left at around 10 or so. Everyone else was skunked. Many left at around 1130-1200, those that came in after? Got skunked too. I think 1 guy caught 1 fish to the right of us in the afternoon, but that was it.
i walked the entre lake from our spot to the right until I got to the bridge at around 200pm.
EVERYBODY was skunked. Never seen that before.

Toughest day I've ever had at LNL.
Of course, everybody was asking the folks to the left of us what they were using - peach or chartruese powerbait on treble hook, 2lb test, (some used 4 lb) about 12 inch leaders, cast 20 feet from shore. We did the identical, to no avail.

To the left of the "hot spot", I didn't actually walk it and ask but the staff was telling me it was skunk over there too....

Just ugly. Didn't see the typical (for lately anyways) cruisers close to shore until about 4pm or so. They usually show about around 230-300pm...

Funny story, when I could see them about 10 feet from shore, I broke out the mini jig. They were moving slowly left to right. So cast over them and 10 feet to the right of them. Jigged the bait until it was about 5 inches in front of them. Nothing. I even screwed up once and got to close and literally hit the trout on the top of the head with the jig. (and no I wasn't trying to snag him). He took off, but about 10 min later? There he was again, same spot. After that I put the jig away. :Big Grin:

Last strange story of the day. So the 4 guys that were killing it leave around 5. One of their buddies that was getting skunked to the left of them brings one pole over and casts out into the hot spot. Then walks away. About every 15 min or so it gets hit and we are yelling it out to him. Finally the poor kid that had moved into the spot just to the right of this pole gets tired of the guy missing the fish, and sets his hook for him. This continued to happen for about an hour or so, finally I am standing there (the boy and his father gave up and left). His bobber goes up, and yell out and look for the guy, but don't see him anywhere. I am standing there watching the line move in the water, looking around for the guy, nothing. Finally I go set the hook, and start reeling the fish in. Get the fish to 2 feet from shore and just letting it sit in the water, finally the guy shows up and takes the rod and nets the fish.

So does that count as a caught fish for me? :Big Grin:

And what is protocol for something like that?

Anyways, only pix of the day is attached as I forgot to bring my cell.
its appropriate.

Tight lines everyone!

Also have planned on hitting LNL the next two wed to finish the trout season, but now am reconsidering.

The Fishing Queen
03-26-2012, 01:56 PM
Yes, I smell the :Skunk::Skunk::Skunk: But I love this report! Great details and good humor! I was laughing my head off when I was reading it. So, I'm going to give you three :Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up:

Fishing report can be boring sometimes, and the skunk isn't too much fun, but good story is alway worth to read about. Good job!

Wish you good luck on your next trip!

03-26-2012, 09:12 PM
i went yesterday, i caught 1, but a lot of people around me got skunked and everyone on the boats got skunked

03-26-2012, 09:56 PM
I love the story, sorry to hear you got the Skunk. I even have a name I use to describe that kind of fishing situation, they were only bitting on a postage stamp size spot.

pineapple express
03-27-2012, 01:20 PM
thats why they call is fishing instead of catching...lol great read & mahaloz fo sharing.
btw... if someone is not watching their pole, catch that fish !!! btw did that guy thank
you for hooking that fish for him ???

03-27-2012, 08:46 PM
I know what you mean Allanon. The Saturday action was the same. If you weren't in the sweet spot you caught nothing and it was a matter of feet being out of the zone. However, on Saturday, the spot that you staked out was the hot spot. Right where the Stump used to be in Zone 2 in front of the picnic tables. I got there a half hour too late and had to settle to the right of the spot. ( Not that far away). It didn't matter, if you weren't in the spot you were going to get skunked. I left around 9:30 knowing I wasn't going to get any action along with the others to the right of me. Very strange action for the trout this year. Another frustrating thing was to find out that guys where going to spots first without paying for their passes. Their buddies would buy the passes while the the others would secure an entire area. It wasn't so bad for me since I was late but the guy and his girlfriend who spent the night to secure the first spot was shocked to see so many guys already on the shoreline in front of him. At least he was rewarded with an 8 3/4 lb trout, but I felt he got rob of the sweet spot. Lake personnel isn't checking passes in the mornings like they used. Very frustrating.