View Full Version : SWAT'n The bar HIGH ...Mission Accomplished!

03-25-2012, 09:10 PM
As most of the surf fisherman here on the west coast, I've been laying down some footprints in the sand recently because spring is on the horizon and there have been many uncharted beaches to explore. Since the MLPA took effect I have been dedicated to the project of finding new AO's that offer alot of elbow room, structure and rugged terrain. Not a simple walk from the parking lot to the water but rather places where it takes effort and a deep desire to fish. I know from four decades of being a land based fisherman that the more effort you put into things ........ The better the possibility of the end results. I enjoy hiking and taking pictures and I always tell myself that it's great excercise to walk in the sand with twenty five pounds of gear on !

Folks here know that I don't post up reports very often and that is primarily because most of the fish are rather the same as what the local folks are catching but I'm usually in areas where I don't have to worry about being disturbed by locals walking their dogs,surfers, enviro's, PETA proponents and so on.....It's my time and I want peace!
That being said folks......Come take a journey with old " Lt. Bones " in the trenches over the past month or so. I'll do my best to keep the timelines straight. This post is mainly because I want to inspire all surf fisherman to be proactive.......Dream BIG and you might be surprised how BIG things might happen. DREAM small AND ONLY small THINGS will happen most of the time.

Ventura County ........ The beginning of last month.

I had the urge to hit up the area south of the harbor for a quick look see while I ate my breakfast. Hey.....I'm in sales and I just happen to have a few accounts in Ventura.
It has always been a favorite spot because of the elbow room but today it was rough and this was the time for the surfers to play....
Beautiful swell and the locals taking advantage of the perfect tide and swell for both rights and lefts......Gotta love it !
You could hear them screaming with excitement!



No fishing today but sometimes you just have to take a look for yourself and ignore the reports if you have time.
The next week I had a few hours and I wanted to venture a little further down the road and see what areas I could find. I love this stuff.....I found structure Disneyland !!




I fished for the two hours I had but it seemed real cold and even though there was some sick structure I didn't get one tap on my hardbaits.
Ya never know unless you try right? The area looked super promissing though.
A week later I hit up the same spot but ventured a little further to explore.

This place looks soooooo FISHY !




I made about 150 casts and never got a bump but I was really enjoying my quick recon trips.
On the way back up the trail I ran into a snake that was having a bad day!



I find that it's easy to justify the skunk if you tell yourself that you are doing recon and any catching is just a bonus this time of year.
The next day I took a quick run to a local spot and unknown to me at the time I left my backpack with all of my backup hardbaits at home. I only had one LC tied on and that was it.
I hopped down to the waters edge and with one mighty rod loading rip.......my bait came un-buttoned and flew to Catalina!
I rat's nested instantly. I suppose that I should drink one cup of coffee BEFORE I leave my house.

This should make Troublehook "Sohka" feel better....LOL


Time to tuck my tail between my legs and head on home unfortunately.

Lesson to be learned...Even if you didn't get bit the previous day on your rig.....ALWAYS and I meen AlWAYS Re-Tie before starting a new session. I'm guessing that I messed up my knot by bumping it into stuff the day before.I always run my line through my finger tips and look at my knot before making that first cast but..... Yeah.....I know....Rookie mistake...LOL

For now that's all of the mishaps and recon pics. Now for the FISH!

A few days later I told myself that I wanted to finish up my day by double timing it and get down to the surf in the afternoon. I was prepared and fished hard for three hours. The only hit I got was this record halibut on a 4 1/2" Lucky Craft. What the heck was this guy thinking?




I would estimate it's length to be about 7 to 8 inches. Just an idea of how fierce even baby halibut can be. Thinking it can bring down a meal 3/4ths it's size.
I think I've established a new record on a 110 series hardbait....... "Smallest Halibut" anyone!
A quick thought.....I wonder how old this little guy is? It can't be more than a few months old I would think. There are many theories on halibut breeding times but personally I think that in the warmer socal waters the halibut breed all the way from spring to the late fall. I think it just depends on the maturity and cycle the fish is on when it reaches it's first ability to re-produce when it's 6 years old.You can catch a halibut laiden with eggs any time during the warmer months.

With a smile I decide to head on home. I did start thinking though......MMMMM....The water temps are rising consistantly in the afternoon by two degrees or so. This could be a clue!
Three days later I have the quick opportunity for a morning hit and run before I have to be in oxnard by nine. I drive north and park along PCH and hop down to a fishy looking spot. Ten casts later I get a good grab and to my delight a nice legal comes to color.






Now that's what I'm talking about baby. A 27" legal and I'm taking this one home.......KIA

The next day I had a very light work load so I hit up my local honey hole for the first half of the morning. No halibut to be had but I did catch a handful of perch and a jacksmelt aka torpedo! The biggest perch of the day was a solid 15 and kid you not....as fat as a football and ready to give birth at any moment.




I decided the next day to give the afternooner a try.A quick run back up PCH is in order. I've been looking at the CDIP bouys and every day the water temps climb two degrees by the late afternoon.My train of thought here is that the surf temps have recently taken a dive due to a serious upwelling situation. But a pattern of rising temps during the day has settled in. Two degrees can make all of the difference when it comes to winter/spring fishing.I'm starting to get real excited about my new area.

A commorant brigade planning their attack on the football size schools of jacksmelt swimming up and down the coast lately.


About fifty casts into the session I finally get a grab and it has some weight to it. After a quick fight I slide yet another 27" legal up onto the sand.




I was commenting to Arthur the other day how these fish are just sandbagging it. We both agreed that when temps are down and the fishes metabolism is slow they are quite lethargic. A 27" flattie in 65 degree water fights a heck of alot harder in my honest opinion.

Quite a pleasing run I've got going and now I feel like it's ready to go WFO very soon as long as we have STABILITY. I've seen alot of bird activity,dolphins chasing the smelt schools as well and when ever there's seals in the area....you know theres fish for them to eat consistantly.
The next two days I had alot of work to do down in the SAMO area and I didn't have any time to actually fish but took a walk to the water south of the pier to see how the conditions were there. It looked real good but I heard that the schools of leos were up in the skinny and the place was a perch ghost town. I saw some very mature leos in the skinny around 5 to 6ft long.
Then I ran into an unfortunate discovery. A commorant got a little over hungry and wound up choking on a perch.


MMMMM....I'm going to be back down here tomorrow I thought to myself!

Well ...You guessed it....The next day I went prepared to attempt to get a fair hit on the LC by a nice sized leo. No fair hits but I did eventually snag one and she wasn't that big.....I'd say about 40 inches or so.


Five days later was my next opportunity to fish and I wanted to head back up to the new spot I found and do a serious attack mission.

Getting around some of the corners can be very sketchy and your run has to be timed out carefully. Thank god the tide was going out.I barely made it around this corner before poseidon tried to catch me....LOL



SWAT Fishing BABY!

I only caught two fish...A perch and a YFC that morning but I had a blast walking along a deserted somewhat remote beach.

Two days later I went back to the same spot and only managed one 15" perch and a pic of the largest sea anenome I've ever seen. It must have been 10 inches in diameter.



A few days later I get a call from Wingnut. Arthur says to me that saturday is the only day that looks good and sunday looks trashed. I agree and we both decide to hit one of our quick go to spots because Arthur only had until 9am to fish.
We hit it at greylight and fished it hard. Neither one of us even got a hit.....As we walked back to the car we both agreed that we usually at least walk back to the car with a few perch under our belt but not today.
That's fishing!
Around noon I get a text from Arthur that Jinbow just got two flatties. A 16" and a 24" legal and his PB. Damn.......That lit a fire under my butt so to speak. I was very tired for some reason so I decided to take a quick nap and try to re-energize. A little under two hours later I wake up and I look outside at the blue sky. I look at the CDIP bouys. I look at the winds up north. Then I decide to go grab a double double combo animal style and contemplate a secondary assault before the crappy weather gets here and turns everything upside down again.With the low moving in and the fair weather in front of it I decided that I HAD to give it a go. The odds are that the whole region here in socal is going to get a pretty good punch and the bite will diminish in the next week. So assault it is!
Rather than head on back down to the local spot that handed me a big old skunk I decided to head back on up to the new spot.
Boy am I glad I did. I had a feeling in my BONES and it wasn't arthritis!
Upon arrival I noticed a few cars in the area. I was hoping the cars were not fisherman. As I hiked down and took a walk around the corner at my new structure disneyland I saw two bait and wait fisherman on the spot where I wanted to begin. I got grumpy for some reason and started an internal rant that went something like this....
"Why are they here?......Damn Bait and waiters.....They are screwing up my plans.....Now I have to walk further to start fishing......" I was in a bad mood for some reason but that was about to change drastically. I walked under their lines and went just on the other side of them. This spot is very snaggy and cast timing is very critical. High sticking over the rocks during the flooding stage of the surge is the only way to avoid snagging your hardbait.I fished the whole area in front of me and to the right. Fan casting away and I started casting a little to my left as well near the other fishermans lines. I just kept bitching and was about to just give up and move up the beach to the next hole when I decided to make just a few more casts.
That's when I get a good grab. As I raise my rod tip I feel the weight of the fish and she is a TANK. She didn't take off at all but rather she started bulldoging me. Just pure muscle and she wasn't happy. When My rod loaded up with her weight I could actually feel her chewing on my bait. That's a first and it made my heart skip a beat.Then she came up to the top and I almost had an accident in my waders. There she was.....A boogie board with a mermaid tail. With one big WHOOSH she was off and running.I started shaking REAL BAD. I actually got a little faint and almost had a panic attack because I new........This was THE ONE. My PB is 36" and this fish was BIGGER for sure.First she went right and took my line across the rocks.
I screamed "NO....NO....NO". I knew that I had to give her slack in order for her to hopefully swim back out and away from that rock and swing left for me. I had no plan but that way was a definate no go. Just like I commanded her....She cooperated and swung left. I looked over my left shoulder and here comes the two fisherman I was bitching about. These guys wound up being the nicest and most helpful guys EVER!
Their eyes were as big as mine and I said" She's HUGE ". They both agreed and they waited patiently while I tried to get her close. I had a real good opportunity with the incomming surge and got her close. She came right at me and in a few minutes....She was right next to me in somewhat of a hole.Then disaster strikes.....The outgoing surge drains the spot and she slides back out over the muscle shrouded rocks and she is gone again. My heart sinks but she is still on. Right then the next surge comes in and I put pressure on her. In one swift move simuliar to dragging a pitbull on a cat leash over a barbed wire fence.....She is in the hole next to me once again. I swing my rod and one of the fisherman offers to grab my rod. In a half of a second I hand him my rod and jump into about 1ft of water. I scoop my arms underneath her and say "OH MY GOD". The other guy not holding my rod just GRABS the lucky Craft like a crazy man. I scream at him "NO...Don't Do that.....We don't want to have to take you to the hospital" Then the other guy holding my rod sets it down and tries to help me back out of the water by grabbing my shoulder and the fishes gill. So I scream at him also but in a nice way!
I said " Let ME DO IT"
I quickly announce to them that I have to let her go. Thereby remaining true to the SWAT creed. Always release your PB flattie!
These two guys were totally in agreement and understood. I was shaking like a leaf and I had her in a bear hug. This fish wasn't getting away....NO WAY.
The two guys were kind enough to help me work quickly and even took a pic of me and my ghostly.....shocked face. In the pic.........I was still having a hard time catching my breath.

I've been hunting for this fish for a VERY long time. 41 inches of pure halibut BABY!





Of course Wingnut was my first call. I didn't know how to start so I said......"Thank God you answered your phone" Arthur knew immediatly.....Something special just happened.
Now is when I would like to admit something. I truely believe that I deserve this epic fish but if anyone is more deserving of a 40 inch flattie......It's Arthur. He has put so much time and effort into SWAT,Hali hunting,Team spirit and overall leadership of the SWAT team and the FNN.He has given so much to the fishing community and I had to be the person who pulled the ultimate rabbit out of the hat.Given the fact that I fish five times as much as our SWAT leader..... It was just a matter of my odds played against his ability to shine like gold when ever he hits the suds. I can only imagine what Arthur would accomplish if he was on the water as much as I am.The reason why I have been so purpose driven to succeed in the surf is because of Arthur.
He is so full of positive energy and it's infectous. He created a little friendly competition between the SWAT team to keep us all on our toes and continuesly pushing the limits. HE IS AN INSPIRING LEADER and we all owe him alot.
Arthur....My friend.....When you said to me " Mike...If there is one person I wanted to catch this fish other than myself.....It's you. Congrats Brother! "
That meant more to me than words can say BRO.

To all of my SWAT brotherhood.......This is proof that if you remain diligent in your endeavors on the sand. Your dreams will come true. Where there is a 41.......There is a 45....Trust me.

I'm just very lucky!

A big Shout out...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARTHUR! I truely do wish that this would have happened on a different day but hey.....God always has a plan.

Which Way Out
03-25-2012, 09:13 PM
Mike I read every word without scrolling down to see all the photos. You did the work to write such a great story I didn't want to cheat myself.

I like the Disneyland name, A place where dreams come true that's for sure. I just hope the 2 other fisherman don't go lighting up your new found spot with a bunch of bucket brigade guys.

That fish is one of the most impressive fish I have ever seen. Most people would never believe that something like that could be caught from the shore. Last year you took the crown in a battle of the best down south. It was to close to call most of the year. But this year, the stars will need to align in some crazy fashion for anyone to surpass your achievement.

Yes you deserved it. You put in the effort and the time. Can't catch fish on a computer...

Somewhere in the surf there's one out there for the rest of us to give you a run. At least we need to think so, even if its remote.

Congratulations once again. :Cool:

03-25-2012, 09:29 PM

that's what I'm talking about. :Cool:
Congrats Mike, Arthur is right. If anyone else deserves a fish of that caliber, its you.
When I received that phone call, I kept saying "noooo wayy, are you serious, 41!? 41!?" I kept saying that as Arthur was laughing in the background lol.
I was in complete shock but couldnt stop smiling...this was something that all of us hardcore fisherman dream about and for one my bros to pull it off, frikin awesome.
Congrats brotha, enjoy it. Way to destroy the hali leaderboard on the 3rd month of the year!!!! LOL!:Wink:
Who needs a boat bro?! hahahaa.

03-25-2012, 09:29 PM
Very nicely done my friend! I don't know what to say, that is one hell of an accomplishment from the beach, and I'm proud to know you're the one who did it! Sakes alive, only thing missing is the faces of the bucketeers watching you let that pig go. Not sure whether I'm supposed to shake your hand, or lay a big smacker on ya. Truly awesome bro.

03-25-2012, 09:33 PM
man that thing's a monster, congrats x2!

03-25-2012, 10:06 PM
Just... WOW..

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is one hell of a catch! You should have put a SWAT tag on in lol

You deserved this catch. I am so inspired to one day catch a fish like this on the surf :Smile:
I still can't believe it. When I found out I was in shock. I had to tell all my family members lol
Way to go man!


03-25-2012, 10:17 PM
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUU. the part where she washed over the rocks would have made me have a heart attack. wtgx1000!!!

03-25-2012, 10:26 PM
Great read, and an awesome fish. That's the beauty of an almost endless coastline. We have so much that we can explore and fish for enjoyment's sake that it's sometimes taken for granted. But not you, brotha. Not you, not SWAT, and not the many others who share the angling passion. It's a great example, Mike. Not only that, you've put up a quality report to match the fish. I've always enjoyed your literature, and I'm glad to see that the vast coastline continues to offer the satisfaction and extension of a true fisherman's ever changing goals.

Hats off to you, and to the beast of a fish that crossed your line. Im sure if halibut could post reports on anglers they've encountered, you'd be one of the "beasts" they've encountered.

Thanks again Mike,

03-25-2012, 10:47 PM
I just read that whole thing.. WORTH every word. Congrats on the PB flattie. Ive always wanted to try my luck in the surf but I'm not too skilled at that. Maybe one day. Good stuff Mike!


03-25-2012, 10:51 PM
Mike, here's how it went Saturday afternoon..........

I'm out in the front yard with my wife talking about a little outing next weekend :Wink: and the phone rings.....

It's Arthur.....hmmm.....I wonder what's up and answer the phone....."Hey Arthur what's up?"

Arthur, in a somewhat excited tone ......"Are you sitting down?"

I'm starting to get a little concerned ......"No, I'm leaning against the car .....What's going on?"

Arthur says to me ......"Bones just got a 41!"

Me ......"A what!"

Arthur ......"Mike just caught and released a 41" halibut!"

Mike, when I was talking to Arthur I could tell in his voice that he couldn't have been any more excited or happy for you. It was fun hearing the enthusiasm is Arthurs voice. He was truly happy for you!
I couldn't be any happier for you and I think that if anyone deserved a catch like this it is you My friend! I remember you driving down to fish with me while I was searching for my halibut and the many phone calls you gave me with offers to fish, encouragement and valuable information. I know you have done the same for some of the others during their challenge efforts and it has been greatly appreciated by all of us who have developed a friendship with you.
I look back at the pictures of the last Hunting Giants and remember how hard you worked doing your part of the planning and the generous gift you paid forward with the trophies ....... Thank you again Mike!
I know how much you love this sport and every time I've fished with you I see how hard you work at it and I know you have worked very hard in search of new areas to fish and I'm always amazed at your knowledge of the beach and the surf every time I have the pleasure to fish with you.
This is one of those times when I get a good feeling when I see something good happen to a truly good person!

Congratulations Mike........Congratulations!:Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up:

03-25-2012, 11:11 PM
Congratulations Mike!!!! As I had mentioned over PM I know you have put in your time and not to say that others on the team have not but the fact remains that this fish was hard earned and well deserved. That first shot of you holding the fish is priceless.. You look like an athlete holding his gold metal. Admiring the reward that took years of training and hard work to achieve. Taking pride in knowing it was well worth the effort.. It looks like the middle hook was the only thing holding that big girl on the lure. So the score is new PB, new SWAT Team Record Beach Butt, and BIG BUT leader board top spot.. The bar has been raised guys. It seems like there are a good number of big fish in tight already this season. We have seen several 27" fish plus one over 30" and one at 41".. This season is getting off to a great start and hopefully its a good indication of what to expect for the season ahead.


03-25-2012, 11:13 PM
WOW JUST WOW that's fricken amazing of you do out alot of effort into something you will have it and I'm sure you can agree with your years of intelligence great job out there

Santa Fe Eric
03-25-2012, 11:37 PM
Amazing Job Bones! You are a gifted and dedicated angler. You have been generous and kind to people. In the past You have put a roof over people's heads and food on the table. Even if you had not made the many sacrifices that you have for others, you would still be deserving. But you did do those things and now it is your time brother! Enjoy and God Bless!

03-25-2012, 11:39 PM

All I can say is that is an ASTOUNDING CATCH! TWO YEARS IN A ROW SWAT HALIBUT KING!!!! When I talked to you on the phone, I could hear the excitement in your voice. Believe me man, I know how much work you put in, and you DESERVE this fish after the years of chasing it. To get it in a new spot is awesome too. The year has started off with a huge bang for SWAT, and hopefully it will only get better from here!

See you next Sunday,


03-26-2012, 12:00 AM
man you can probably go bodyboarding on it! congrats!

03-26-2012, 12:05 AM
What a journey and a beauty

SP Dan
03-26-2012, 06:09 AM
Hey Mr. Bones!!

Congratulations!! :Applause: A job well done Sir!!

You are indeed one of the most giving and knowledgeable individuals that I've ever encountered in the sport of surf fishing, and right now I'm just boiling up inside myself with pure happiness for you and the "outrageous accomplishment" that you achieved in the salt this day!!
Actually...I am still in shock........A 41" Mature Halibut! :EyePop: WOW!! Thank you for sharing this beauty with all us ...my SWAT Brother!

Mike.....I wish that I (or any SWAT brother) could have been there with you to be your "wing-man" during your momentous S.W.A.T. moment!
Once again....you have proven to all of us that with..... "persistence" and "dedication".....all things are possible......you always did BELIEVE!

You've dedicated yourself to building a better mouse trap at AO: "Disneyland"....you baited the trap.....and....when the trap snapped!...you welcomed your honored guest! Talk about having the "E" ticket ride of a life time! You have proven that.... "Dreams Do Come True"! :Wink:

As I read your well written report...I was holding my breath when I read that your "MOBY" made a run out of the shallow trench for the deep water with the out going wash....I was honestly on the edge of my seat and biting off my nails!! OMG!!

I can only imagine the natural high that you are on right now with the gift that presented it's self to you on this day!
I am so very proud of you and to be a part of your ever expanding life's adventures my friend!

You've definitely achieved "GREATNESS" status here today Mr. Bones!
For the rest of us....the bar has been set incredibly high and we all just need to follow in your foot steps........and BELIEVE! :Cool:

A great read and ONE FANTASTIC 41" HALIBUT my friend!! :Cool:

Well done Sir...well done indeed!

PS...The next time I get skunked!...and I am certain that there will be a next time!....I'll be sure to report it as a "RECON MISSION"! ha ha ha!

SP Dan <"))><

03-26-2012, 07:09 AM
I'm calling it IN EARLY SPRING.

BIGGEST HALIBUT FOR THE YEAR 2012 ! ! ! http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy253/blue-nightingale/contest%20banners%20and%20images/applause.gif


Congratulations Mike. :UDaMan: U DA MAN !

03-26-2012, 08:38 AM
I'm hanging that photo of you and THE LEVIATHAN on my wall! That surf trophy will forever be an inspiration to me... not just for the possibility of landing such a beauty, but for all the effort and determination, with less than glorious results, that lead up to that kind of money shot! It reminds me when I first heard James Brown say how it took him 11 years to become an 'overnight success'..
All well-deserved cudos to you, Mike...


03-26-2012, 09:41 AM
Again, amazing fish Mike.
Looks like you got some nice structure spots to hit once it warms up. I stumbled across some really fishy looking structure the other day as well. But, same as you, nobody was hungry (except one med sized perch). Can't wait for things to warm up again.
But, in the meantime (especially with the MLPAs), it just means I gotta stop being lazy and take a step out of my old comfort zones to search around.
Did a lot of walking the last couple times I've been out. Not a lot to show for it. But some of the sights have been great.

As you mentioned, the leopards are in full force doing their thing in the skinny. Don't think I've ever seen that many of them in my life as I did on saturday. Might be time to bust out the flyrod and give that a shot. I swear I found one spot that dropped my jaw like you in your halibut pic. Haha. Musta been close to a hundred of them piled up in a 25 yard stretch of water, about 1-2 feet deep. Never seen anything like it.

p.s., Don't know why you wouldnt let the bucketeer grab your LC to help you land it. I would have gladly taken an LC to the hand and/or face to help you land that. LOL.

03-26-2012, 11:12 AM
Lieutenant Bones, didn’t you know that Halibut was supposed to be MY birthday present from Poseidon? :Wink: :LOL: :Envious:

When you called me right after you released the monster Hali, I could hear that your voice was still trembling with excitement. Getting the play by play from you, I felt like I was standing right next to you when it happened and I wished that I was…

You did it my friend, you are the first S.W.A.T. member to enter the exclusive 40”+ Halibut club. I meant it when I told you that nobody was more deserving of this fish than YOU… for many reasons.

You have dedicated years in the relentless pursuit of the prize. Done extensive research and spent countless hours on the sand. You have endured more heartbreaks and mishaps in the surf than anyone I know. Through all the adversities, in or out of the surf, you never lost sight nor waivered from your goals and your resolve never weakened. Most people don’t even know that you are responsible for most of the reconnaissance surf missions for S.W.A.T.
I’ve had the luxury of benefiting from the intel and the hard work you provided over the years. All the “Paying it Forward” that you have done has caught the "Man Upstairs" attention. Yes Mike, you deserve this my brother… more than you realize. :Big Grin: Congrats on the epic catch and reaching a personal milestone. :Thumbs Up:

The S.W.A.T. bar has been raised, yet again! :Twisted:

In the race to be better or the best, you are now the leader… :Applause:

I'll see you and the rest of the S.W.A.T. Crew on Sunday. Time to celebrate! :Cool:

Look who I caught checking out your big Butt! :Big Smile:

03-26-2012, 11:16 AM
EPIC dude, EPIC... You definitely put in your time, maybe I'll pull my head out of my ***** and start putting in some time myself. Congratulations!!

03-26-2012, 11:19 AM
Wow - an incredible fish !
Major congratulations bones.

& PS: Awesome on the CPR.

03-26-2012, 12:06 PM
Wow, wow, wow! I'm new to FNN and have only met you that one time, but dude, this is spectacular! And well-deserved. I want to frame the picture, no so much for the fish, though that is amazing, but because of the symbol of perseverance and respect it represents. Very cool that the motto of the SWAT team is to return to the sea the PB. Super impressive. Again, big congrats. I've got a real goal to aim for. Cheers, fz

03-26-2012, 01:46 PM

I cant even sort out my thoughts on your success here. That is one hell of a fish there my friend.
Caught by the most deserving person I know of. 40 years of fishing is alot of time to put in. That
is alot of experience!! Considering I only have 5, I hope I wont have to wait 35 more years to catch
a huge flatty like that... I'll be 81!!!! LOL!

I think this is one of the best reports you have ever written to go along with the best catch I have
ever seen here on FNN or anywhere for that matter. Congratulations Mike!! Awesome!!

P.S. I am so glad you didn't catch that fish in Long Beach. That would have made it too easy,
like being there at the just the right time. Nope, you searched for her long and hard using all
of your Flatty senses that guided you to a true conquest. (To me, this makes your fish ten times
bigger than a fish that is physically measured at 41 "or" 43... if you catch my drift!) :Big Grin: :Big Grin: :Big Grin:

calcutta and butts
03-26-2012, 03:50 PM
:EyePop: congrats on a catch of a lifetime...especially from the sand

03-26-2012, 04:48 PM
Congrats Bones ! What a read . That is just awesome you landed that WHOPPER !!! That was HUGE !! Happy for you !!

murrieta angler
03-26-2012, 05:12 PM
Mike, Mike Mike,
What are we going to do with you Brotha?!
When Arturo called me and gave me the news, I had to tell someone and that someone was my wife...:Smile:
Now she doesn't understand all the effort and time you have put into that beautiful fish but, she knew how excited I was and that it must have been a great accomplishment...:Big Grin:
When you sent me the pre-post pictures, she came into my office to witness the beast and she said, "Holy ****!"
Now you don't know my wife, but she doesn't curse too often. ( Maybe at me once in a while ):whistle:
That fish definately makes up for the BSB you lost last year...or does it...:Envious:
Loved the report, the pictures and the Man!
Take care Bro,

03-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Simply amazing! That Halibut is huge. With all the time you put on the sand you deserve that fish. I would have paid to see that catch on video :Wink:


03-26-2012, 06:05 PM
Mike, congratulations on your halibut of a lifetime bro.
Like everybody said, you earned that fish. I had the pleasure of fishing with you so I know how hard you fish, simply awesome. :Big Grin:

03-26-2012, 06:14 PM
Mike I'm not only stunned,,but impressed!!!!there is no question about you deserving the fish ,with all the work and recon you did that fish should have just given itself up!!!!wow what a great report fish or no fish congrats ,congrats congrats ,,but now you gotta get out there and beat your own pb!,mine is 23'no pressure broth a!!!!

03-26-2012, 06:41 PM
Mike, thats one bad *** fish ! make's me proud to be lurkin today... CONGRADULATIONS BUDDY !

03-26-2012, 07:25 PM

I had no doubts that you would pull a big Hulibut out of the surf. I new it, that you have an excellent knowledge on the condistions out there. To bring you this Bad Boy hulibut.
Congradulation Bones

03-26-2012, 09:02 PM

“Congrats” for being the first “SWAT” member to accomplish a” Flattie of the right kind” in the “40 Club” from the surf. You have spent many hours on recon missions up and down the socal coast and have a great talent for locating very fishy spots.

I know you have had your ups and downs as well as some tumbles and unforgettable spills while trying to land some nicer fish in the past but when it was time to pull off a last minute game winning shot you pulled thru

To be able to bring that “Beast to CPR” can only be appreciated by those that have been there. Some great talent to accomplish that task!

Simply Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you and the gang next Sunday!!!!

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif


03-26-2012, 09:04 PM
Awsome release, Nice job on the barn door! Wowza:Shocked:

03-26-2012, 09:44 PM

Thank you all for the kind comments. I even see a few names that I havn't seen on the board for years and it makes me even more proud to be able to share a milestone in my life with shall we say.......my extended family.
To all of my SWAT brothers ........ Believe and make it happen!
Thank you all for so much support and encouragement over the years. We all have our own personal goals and I've now had 48 hours to think about a new set of goals on the sand. First the obvious.....Where there is a 41 inch halibut....There is a 42 inch one for sure! The grunion runs are just starting down south as we speak!
My PB White Sea Bass is only 28 inches and my PB Leo is only 48 inches...........Of course I would love to hang a nice striper in the surf and I still have a grudge to settle with a Black Sea Bass that I lost last year as well.
Don't even get me started on corbina!

I think I'm getting my point across.....

So many goals to still conquer and stories to share.

I'm planning on getting back out there in a few days.......spring is in the air and magic is going to happen! I have a serious feeling that some CRAZY catches are going to be recorded this year !

Tight lines to all,

Mike aka Lt. Bones

The soldier named private first class Zebra MS Chartreuse Shad has been given an honorable discharge and is now in retirement!

03-26-2012, 10:32 PM
The bird view of your monster doesn't give it justice. I thought the tape was kinda weird. Saying to myself "it can't be 41 inches, maybe 41 centimeters?" hahaha...
And then I scrolled down to that last picture of you holding that thing. Dude, that made me freak out and so excited. I never knew a California Halibut that big existed.
That is just some great work of yours. Congratulations and it is really well deserved.

03-27-2012, 12:57 AM
Nice going Bones, congrats on a beautiful catch....now go grab your 45! :Thumbs Up:


03-27-2012, 06:10 AM

Thank you all for the kind comments. I even see a few names that I havn't seen on the board for years and it makes me even more proud to be able to share a milestone in my life with shall we say.......my extended family.
To all of my SWAT brothers ........ Believe and make it happen!
Thank you all for so much support and encouragement over the years. We all have our own personal goals and I've now had 48 hours to think about a new set of goals on the sand. First the obvious.....Where there is a 41 inch halibut....There is a 42 inch one for sure! The grunion runs are just starting down south as we speak!
My PB White Sea Bass is only 28 inches and my PB Leo is only 48 inches...........Of course I would love to hang a nice striper in the surf and I still have a grudge to settle with a Black Sea Bass that I lost last year as well.
Don't even get me started on corbina!

I think I'm getting my point across.....

So many goals to still conquer and stories to share.

I'm planning on getting back out there in a few days.......spring is in the air and magic is going to happen! I have a serious feeling that some CRAZY catches are gooing to be recorded this year !

Tight lines to all,

Mike aka Lt. Bones

The soldier named private first class Zebra MS Chartreuse Shad has been given an honorable discharge and is now in retirement!

WOW :Shocked: Does releasing your PB mean your get to eat the rest !!! :LOL: below that ? :LOL:

Now HOW :Rolls Eyes: are we LA.er limited Hali Hunters gonna get a 40 down here ? But I hear ya on

the need for more re-con, and been doin it, to but takes awhile to dial in down here in Malibu etc.

Awesome skills ya got there Bones, you earned that one, for sure !!! :Big Grin:

03-27-2012, 06:57 AM
I'm curious how many pounds it weighed ?
Most boat reports are in pounds.
Last year some dude had 61 lber caught on a live lizardfish in WON.
What would your estimate be Mike ?
You also voided out my theory that BIG ones are deeper.

03-27-2012, 11:24 AM
The only word that comes to mind is WOW DUDE ............. you payed your dues and put a lot of time on the water and found new spots to fish which payed off BIG time ..
Congrats Bones you deserve it ....


03-27-2012, 12:47 PM
Well done Lieutenant Bones, well done. :Big Grin:
I don't think I've seen or heard of a Halibut that big that was caught on artificials coming out of the surf in years!
Quite an accomplishment. :Thumbs Up:
You have put in your time and pay your dues and all the hardwork has finally paid off.
I'm sure we will be seeing this catch in an upcoming issue of W.O.N. :Wink:
Enjoy your moment bro and hopefully I'll see you this Sunday at the Gathering of Eagles. :Cool:

03-27-2012, 02:32 PM
Awesome job Bones, very well deserving. That catch should give you immortality here on FFN.:UDaMan:

03-27-2012, 02:51 PM
Congratulations to Bones on one heck of an AWESOME fish! I'm new to the boards and this is my first post but thought you might want a gauge on the weight. My biggest butt to date is a 41" fish (from a boat). It was extremely skinny but weighed in at 25lbs. Looking at your pictures, and it's a little hard to tell, yours had a bit of girth to her. My best guess is around 30lbs...but again, that's just a guess.

I'm curious how many pounds it weighed ?
Most boat reports are in pounds.
Last year some dude had 61 lber caught on a live lizardfish in WON.
What would your estimate be Mike ?
You also voided out my theory that BIG ones are deeper.

03-27-2012, 03:30 PM
Wow! I got a rush just from reading your report so I can't even imagine how it must of felt catching that beast. It appears that all of your hard work, dedication, and positive Karma was rewarded again. You earned it. Nice job out there and you have inspired me to hit the surf and give it a try.

03-27-2012, 04:26 PM
Yo Mike, nice write up and congrats on landing the fish of a lifetime. When Arthur texted me about your fish, I thought he was just pulling my leg. I thought maybe you had landed a 41 inch land locked butt. :Shocked: LOL I was glad to see it was of the right kind.

I was on the edge of my seat reading your report. I think everyone is just as excited as you are for your catch. You have proven that the giant butts can be caught in the surf and not just on live bait in deep water. I think your catch has given everyone hope that if there is a 41inch out there, could there be a 50? :Surprised:

I think it's safe to say that you will win this years Largest Hali Leaderboard again. WTG buddy you are the frikin man! :Worship:

03-27-2012, 04:36 PM
im saying it again. hail the new surf king!!!!!!!!

03-27-2012, 05:03 PM
Congrats Bro!!! Awesome catch!!!!

03-27-2012, 06:37 PM
That's absolutely mind blowing Bones. :EyePop:
Arthur was telling me about it over dinner Sunday night and he pulled up the pics on his phone. I almost choked on a piece of sushi. :ROFL:
Arthur was so proud of you, he said that's my boy. :Big Grin:
Dude, major props to you bro on the catch and the release.
This one will be hard to top, but every time I say that, SWAT goes and blows us away again. :LOL:

03-28-2012, 08:18 AM
Congratulations to Bones on one heck of an AWESOME fish! I'm new to the boards and this is my first post but thought you might want a gauge on the weight. My biggest butt to date is a 41" fish (from a boat). It was extremely skinny but weighed in at 25lbs. Looking at your pictures, and it's a little hard to tell, yours had a bit of girth to her. My best guess is around 30lbs...but again, that's just a guess.
Welcome and thanks for your info.

03-28-2012, 08:22 AM
Pacific Halibut Chart.


21" long = 3.7# live / 2.8# dressed

22" long = 4. 2# live / 3.2# dressed

23" long = 4. 9# live / 3.7# dressed

24" long = 5. 6# live / 4.2# dressed

25" long = 6. 4# live / 4.8# dressed

26" long = 7. 2# live / 5.6# dressed

27" long = 8. 2# live / 6.15# dressed

28" long = 9. 2# live / 6.9# dressed

29" long = 10. 3# live / 7.# dressed

30" long = 11. 5# live / 8.6# dressed

31" long = 12. 8# live / 9.6# dressed

32" long = 14. 2# live / 10.7# dressed

33" long = 15. 7# live / 11.8# dressed

34" long = 17. 3# live / 13.0# dressed

35" long = 19. 0# live / 14.3# dressed

36" long = 20. 8# live / 15.6# dressed

37" long = 22. 7# live / 17.1# dressed

38" long = 24. 8# live / 18.6# dressed

39" long = 27. 0# live / 20.3# dressed

40" long = 29. 3# live / 22.0# dressed

41" long = 31. 7# live / 23.8# dressed

42" long = 34. 3# live / 25.8# dressed

43" long = 37. 0# live / 27.5# dressed

44" long = 39. 9# live / 30.0# dressed

45" long = 42. 9# live / 32.2# dressed

46" long = 46. 0# live / 34.5# dressed

47" long = 49. 3# live / 37.0# dressed

48" long = 52. 8# live / 39.6# dressed

49" long = 56. 5# live / 42.5# dressed

50" long = 60. 3# live / 42.2# dressed

03-28-2012, 11:05 AM
Wow, very cool chart. Might be something to add to the Sticky "So you want to catch halibut from the surf".

Sorry, didn't mean for this to stray too far from Bones' accomplishment, but it seems you had a 30+lb. fish in your hands Mr. Bones. Amazing job!

03-28-2012, 02:41 PM
Bones,,, Terry told me about this today and to say I'm speechless in an understatement. I had no clue a fish that large would frequent the surf zone, but bingo there it is and it is a truly amazing specimen.... WOW !!!

03-28-2012, 08:44 PM
absolutely incredible! congrats on your PB flattie.... amazing.

03-28-2012, 09:51 PM
very nice fish indeed. congrats

03-30-2012, 03:21 PM
Pacific Halibut Chart.


21" long = 3.7# live / 2.8# dressed

22" long = 4. 2# live / 3.2# dressed

23" long = 4. 9# live / 3.7# dressed

24" long = 5. 6# live / 4.2# dressed

25" long = 6. 4# live / 4.8# dressed

26" long = 7. 2# live / 5.6# dressed

27" long = 8. 2# live / 6.15# dressed

28" long = 9. 2# live / 6.9# dressed

29" long = 10. 3# live / 7.# dressed

30" long = 11. 5# live / 8.6# dressed

31" long = 12. 8# live / 9.6# dressed

32" long = 14. 2# live / 10.7# dressed

33" long = 15. 7# live / 11.8# dressed

34" long = 17. 3# live / 13.0# dressed

35" long = 19. 0# live / 14.3# dressed

36" long = 20. 8# live / 15.6# dressed

37" long = 22. 7# live / 17.1# dressed

38" long = 24. 8# live / 18.6# dressed

39" long = 27. 0# live / 20.3# dressed

40" long = 29. 3# live / 22.0# dressed

41" long = 31. 7# live / 23.8# dressed

42" long = 34. 3# live / 25.8# dressed

43" long = 37. 0# live / 27.5# dressed

44" long = 39. 9# live / 30.0# dressed

45" long = 42. 9# live / 32.2# dressed

46" long = 46. 0# live / 34.5# dressed

47" long = 49. 3# live / 37.0# dressed

48" long = 52. 8# live / 39.6# dressed

49" long = 56. 5# live / 42.5# dressed

50" long = 60. 3# live / 42.2# dressed

Martin.....If you don't mind me asking.....Where did you find this chart? I've been looking for something like this for a long time and are there other charts for different species?

03-30-2012, 09:11 PM

Here is one I have bookmarked.

I think you will have to go to Alaska or Iceland to reach the top of the chart! :Wink: :Envious:

Just imagine losing over 141 lbs. dressing out the "Bones"

That would be equel to tossing back you future 65 incher! :Bug Eyes:

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif


03-31-2012, 02:37 PM

Here is one I have bookmarked.

I think you will have to go to Alaska or Iceland to reach the top of the chart! :Wink: :Envious:

Just imagine losing over 141 lbs. dressing out the "Bones"

That would be equel to tossing back you future 65 incher! :Bug Eyes:

Steve http://planetsmilies.net/person-smiley-1122.gif


Cool chart Steve but I don't know about the 18" and 20" flatties:ROFL:
The California Halibut differs from the Pacific Halibut. The California Halibut world record was caught by Francisco J. Rivera at Santa Rosa Island in 2011 and weighed a whopping 67 lbs 5oz. I'm kind of thinking that because the Pacific Halibut grow so much larger.... A 41" Pacific flattie would be considered a juvinal thereby making it kinda skinny compared to a California Halibut that is nearing the latter half of it's growth cycle which is when most fish slow tremendously in growth of their length and fatten up instead.

03-31-2012, 09:27 PM
.Where did you find this chart?




Here is more info Mike.

California Halibut = Paralichthys Californicus

The length-weight relationships of fishes typically fit the non-linear equation W = [aL.sup.b], where W = weight (g), L = length (mm), and a and b are derived constants. A best fit line was plotted for each distribution using MS Excel. The determination of the best fit was based on the [R.sup.2]-value. Fifty-six species were best described by the traditional non-linear equation W = [aL.sup.b].

Table 1. Length (mm)-weight (g) relationship, tightness of fit
to the equation (R2), sample size, and minimum and maximum length
recorded for 54 fish species (Class Actinopterygii) collected
during impingement sampling from Los Angeles County to San Diego
County, California from 2001-2006, mainly 2006.

Species Equation [R.sup.2]

Acanthogobius flavimanus Wt = [2E-05SL.sup..sup.2.8272] 0.84
Anchoa compressa Wt = 0.3SL-0.0164 0.78
Anchoa delicatissima Wt = 0.2SL - 0.0123 0.76
Anisotremus davidsond Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.0457] 0.99
Atherinops affinis Wt = [2E-06SL.sup.3.3046] 0.96
Atherinopsis Wt = [2E-055SL.sup.2.9051] 0.89
Atractoscion nobilis Wt = [4E-05SL.sup.2.7991] 0.98
Brachyistius frenatus Wt = [5E-06SL.sup.3.3596] 0.93
Chilara taylori Wt = [1E-06SL.sup.3.2744] 0.92
Chromis punctipinnis Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.1244] 0.97
Citharichthys stigmaeus Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.0021] 0.87
Cymatogaster aggregata Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.0583] 0.95
Embiotoca jacksoni Wt = [8E-06SL.sup.3.3244] 0.98
Fundulus parvipinnis Wt = [8E-05SL.sup.2.6197] 0.87
Genyonemus fneatus Wt = [IE-05SL.sup.3.1249] 0.98
Gibbonsia elegans Wt = [6E-06SL.sup.3.171] 0.92
Gillichthys mirabilis Wt = [1E-04SL.sup.2.4415] 0.87
Girella nigricans Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.124] 0.98
Halichoeres semicinctus Wt = [5E-06SL.sup.3.2776] 0.95
Heterostichus rostratus Wt = [7E-06SL.sup.3.0407] 0.95
Hyperprosopon argenteum Wt = [1E-05SL.sup.3.2295] 0.97
Hypsoblennius gilberti Wt = [6E-05SL.sup.2.7702] 0.88
Hypsurus caryi Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.051] 0.99
Leptocottus armatus Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.2.9422] 0.94
Leuresthes tenuis Wt = [7E-06SL.sup.3.043] 0.95
Medialuna californiensis Wt = [3E-05SL.sup.3.0106] 0.97
Menticirrhus undulatus Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.2.9383] 0.99
Ophichthus zophochir Wt = [1E-12SL.sup.5.1724] 0.91
Ophidion scrippsae Wt = [4E-08SL.sup.3.9624] 0.96
Oxyjulis californica Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.2.939] 0.92
Paralabrax clathratus Wt = [4E-05SL.sup.2.9184] 0.98
Paralabrax nebulifer Wt = [3E-05SL.sup.2.9802] 0.99
Paralichthys californicus Wt = [8E-05SL.sup.2.6813] 0.88 HALIBUT :Shocked:
Peprilus simillimus Wt = [IE-05SL.sup.3.1729] 0.90
Phanerodon furcatus Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.053] 0.97
Pleuronichthys guttulatus Wt = [4E-05SL.sup.2.9106] 0.99
Pleuronichthys ritteri Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.083] 0.97
Pleuronichthys verticalis Wt = [3E-05SL.sup.2.9387] 0.98
Porichthys myriaster Wt = [1E-05SL.sup.2.9407] 0.97
Porichthys notatus Wt = [8E-06SL.sup.3.0692] 0.98
Rhacochilus toxotes Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.0787] 0.99
Rhacochilus vacca Wt = [4E-05SL.sup.2.9363] 0.97
Scomber japonicus Wt = [8E-06SL.sup.3.0902] 0.85
Scorpaena guttata Wt = [4E-05SL.sup.2.981] 0.98
Scorpaenichthys Wt = [3E-05SL.sup.2.9904] 0.97
Sebastes auriculatus Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.0945] 0.95
Sebastes miniatus Wt = [5E-05SL.sup.2.9095] 0.99
Seriphus politus Wt = [0.3e.sup.0.0373SL] 0.93
Sphyraena argentea Wt = [5E-06SL.sup.3.0316] 0.97
Symphurus atricaudus Wt = [8E-04SL.sup.2.0957] 0.91
Synodus lucioceps Wt = [4E-06SL.sup.3.1072] 0.87
Trachurus symmetricus Wt = [7E-06SL.sup.3.1246] 0.91
Umbrina roncador Wt = [3E-058SL.sup.2.9233] 0.99
Xenistius californiensis Wt = [2E-05SL.sup.3.0349] 0.94

Min. Max.
Len. Len.
Species N (mm) (mm)

Acanthogobius flavimanus 67 70 183
Anchoa compressa 187 62 126
Anchoa delicatissima 119 40 129
Anisotremus davidsond 45 41 327
Atherinops affinis 1499 22 286
Atherinopsis 668 48 342
Atractoscion nobilis 65 64 420
Brachyistius frenatus 22 70 128
Chilara taylori 18 140 226
Chromis punctipinnis 133 28 238
Citharichthys stigmaeus 165 22 116
Cymatogaster aggregata 824 29 161
Embiotoca jacksoni 413 47 256
Fundulus parvipinnis 14 48 70
Genyonemus fneatus 389 28 252
Gibbonsia elegans 32 48 160
Gillichthys mirabilis 112 25 154
Girella nigricans 21 75 332
Halichoeres semicinctus 33 136 286
Heterostichus rostratus 131 33 325
Hyperprosopon argenteum 274 42 168
Hypsoblennius gilberti 87 31 113
Hypsurus caryi 27 50 186
Leptocottus armatus 326 32 185
Leuresthes tenuis 125 31 165
Medialuna californiensis 12 145 224
Menticirrhus undulatus 72 56 375
Ophichthus zophochir 11 419 672
Ophidion scrippsae 14 130 249
Oxyjulis californica 35 82 180
Paralabrax clathratus 242 25 402
Paralabrax nebulifer 150 27 435
Paralichthys californicus 53 41 508
Peprilus simillimus 160 45 175
Phanerodon furcatus 150 33 200
Pleuronichthys guttulatus 61 27 375
Pleuronichthys ritteri 185 20 245
Pleuronichthys verticalis 40 54 294
Porichthys myriaster 230 19 476
Porichthys notatus 25 37 266
Rhacochilus toxotes 98 68 281
Rhacochilus vacca 69 54 276
Scomber japonicus 272 74 363
Scorpaena guttata 145 29 293
Scorpaenichthys 37 79 285
Sebastes auriculatus 51 110 316
Sebastes miniatus 12 39 290
Seriphus politus 3073 11 193
Sphyraena argentea 31 45 406
Symphurus atricaudus 18 22 179
Synodus lucioceps 85 26 221
Trachurus symmetricus 159 60 241
Umbrina roncador 73 72 301
Xenistius californiensis 265 29 173

Table 2. Length (mm)-weight (g) relationships of fit to the
equation (R2), sample size, and minimum and maximum length
recorded for five elasmobranch (Subclass Elasmobranchii) species
collected during impingement sampling from Los Angeles County
to San Diego County, California from 2001-2006, mainly 2006.

Species Equation [R.sup.2]

Heterodontus francisci Wt = [9E-06TL.sup.2.9948] 0.98
Myliobatis californica Wt = [1E-05DW.sup.3.0436] 0.95
Platyrhinoidis triseriata Wt = [7E-06TL.sup.2.9774] 0.98
Torpedo californica Wt = [7E-05TL.sup.2.7748] 0.90
Urobatis halleri Wt = [3E-05DW.sup.3.1312] 0.88

Len. Max. Len.
Species N (mm) (mm)

Heterodontus francisci 19 112 750
Myliobatis californica 446 167 885
Platyrhinoidis triseriata 102 115 670
Torpedo californica 50 185 932
Urobatis halleri 960 68 366

04-01-2012, 11:39 AM
Way to put in work bro! Bones Thugs N Harmony...is now Bones OWNZ Hali's !!
Much props to you!! I bet the blood flow is your body was epic!
I bet you had to sit down and catch your breath on this accomplishment! "DAPZ"!!

justin oceanside
04-02-2012, 11:49 AM
Absolutely amazing!! Congratulation!!!

04-03-2012, 11:25 AM
Sorry I'm late replying Mike. Had to register again with FNN. :Neutral:
Dude, that's an absolute beast of a Halibut bro. I still can't believe it. :EyePop:
You deserve it man, you help out so many people, myself included, congrats. :Big Grin:
Hope to fish with you again soon.

Native Gal
04-05-2012, 01:53 PM
All I can say is CONGRATS on the Beautiful Beast. It has a been a while since I checked the boards (been crazy busy the last 3 weeks out here) but something has been telling me to get on and take a look. Glad to see your report and the extremely nice Hali. Congrats again and yes dreams due come true in "DisneySand" :Cool:.


04-05-2012, 07:15 PM
All I can say is CONGRATS on the Beautiful Beast. It has a been a while since I checked the boards (been crazy busy the last 3 weeks out here) but something has been telling me to get on and take a look. Glad to see your report and the extremely nice Hali. Congrats again and yes dreams due come true in "DisneySand" :Cool:.


WOW.....I feel like I flipped over a rock in time:ROFL:

With Santa Fe Eric and our dear Native Gal chiming in....I feel honored that you guys still check in on your "Extended Family". The SWAT team is still keeping the promiss of Family,Fun,friends and Fishing ALIVE!

Thanks once again for all of the kind words folks!


Margarite....I really like the "DisneySand" Idea !
You have always been so creative!

04-05-2012, 11:11 PM
dude, sooooooo fishyyy! :Twisted:


04-05-2012, 11:35 PM
Well done sir.
Excellent story.
A fish for somebody who deserved it.
For once.

Enjoy Bones. That's the halibut of a liftime.

04-06-2012, 05:02 PM
Congrats on the pic in Western Outdoor News Mike. http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m265/chloe2707/Avatars/trophy-icon.gif

Which Way Out
04-08-2012, 08:25 AM
Congrats on the pic in Western Outdoor News Mike. http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m265/chloe2707/Avatars/trophy-icon.gif

That photo should of been on the Cover.

04-10-2012, 02:16 PM
I'm curious how many pounds it weighed ?
Most boat reports are in pounds.
Last year some dude had 61 lber caught on a live lizardfish in WON.
What would your estimate be Mike ?
You also voided out my theory that BIG ones are deeper.


Back in the day there was a small area in a local harbor that was mugged with smelt and lots of halibut. At that time I tagged and released halibut, this are was 5 to 20 ft deep depending on the tide.

Many days we caught halibut to 25 plus lbs that we could some time see eating the bait so the big one do go shallow.

Mikes fish too me has a lot of girth and probably weighed in the high 30s

Congrats Mike on the catch and the release. That's is probably a big egg producing female

04-13-2012, 08:12 PM
Mikes fish too me has a lot of girth and probably weighed in the high 30s

Congrats Mike on the catch and the release. That's is probably a big egg producing female

My thoughts exactly when I had her in my hands. She was seriously 6 inches thick. Good to know that her genes will continue on. A big girl like that would have thousands of eggs ready to grow into future flatties for all of us to enjoy catching.

04-19-2012, 10:52 AM

04-24-2012, 04:36 PM
One for the record books !
Congratulations Bones

04-24-2012, 07:21 PM
Again.. Wow..

I think I looked at this post like 15 times...

Amazed every time..

lip rippin sob
04-25-2012, 11:51 AM
bones conrgats on your trophy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your the man!

befor every trip. i kick the tunes drink a cup of coffee and read this post and drool over the pic!

its definitely some good motivation, and i thank you for it!

04-25-2012, 04:42 PM
MIKE, great read and awesome pics, especially of the 41." Man i need to do some recon and find spots like you guys do. Man siiickk report. Thanks.

04-25-2012, 09:14 PM

HOLY @#&$!!!!! I can't stop looking at this photo... CONGRATS! :UDaMan:


01-31-2016, 06:02 PM
This is what dreams are made of , every time my withdrawals start seriously affecting my everyday life , i take a minute off , open FNN and find this report...
The detail , the pics , and the story I've heard in words puts everything back in place (Makes me feel like a normal human being again).
Thanx again for teaching me what i know , and for always inspiring me to go out there and get me some !

01-31-2016, 06:39 PM
Thanks Edgar for bringing this post back to life. I've never seen this one.

It's definitely one for the books. My hat is off to Lt. Bones. Thanks for sharing a wealth of information.


02-23-2016, 12:18 AM
Holy smokes that is a monster halibut! Super congrats!

02-26-2016, 07:43 AM

04-19-2016, 10:36 AM
Wow! A great read. Really inspires me to get out there and do some scouting missions for new honey holes. I admire the hell out of your commitment.

The dichotomy between the baby flapjack at the beginning and his mama at the end had me cracking up! Congrats man!