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lip rippin sob
03-24-2012, 10:56 PM
last weekends storm kept me from fishing so Ive
Been dieing to get out, but knew i only had about a four hours to fish this
weekend...So i weighed my options,,, either fource my self to sleep in,laundry
or fish......
The decision wasn't hard...
Got the gear in line,gave my cousin a call and hit the road....

My baby!!!! Shimano cuc77m cumara 10-20 medium,, fast.....

curado 200e5.

10lb. I love working at a outdoor shop... Fresh line every trip...

low 0.3 4:55 am
High 4.06 10:55am

Fished... 6am-11am

were about knee high with a real inconsistent 3-4ft.
Don't rember the time between...

Salad... Thick in spots..

I though I was gonna stick a good one this morning there was a good amount of
bait,birds and structure..
A few hours go by wit no love....Was surprised and bummed..
On the way back I managed my First lil shovel nose shark.pretty cool.. but tuff skin. hard to get the sharp LC hooks out.
Then about five minutes go by and I stick a baby leopard,a first from the surf to...
My cousin and I kinda got some distances apart.today working every pice of structure and trench we came acrosed..
Followed bait. But the day ended up being a tuff one... My cuz hasnt gotten a
bite yet but is happy that he is dry this time. And not using the pair of waders
we duck taped up.lol!!!!! He's about being positive..haha!
We called it quits any headed back..

Past a spot that just looked to sexy,,,so made some cast at it..

First cast!!! Bamm get the same and head shake. Beach it and it's a chill 20
incher,,take a quick pic and realse her...
Cast at the same spot but retrieve it about 20 feet off the rock and get a soft hit,I
start cranking see the nice legal come floping out the water but she some how shook hook.DAm It!!!!!
Make more cast for nothing more....
A fun day.....

i have some pics ive been meaning to post. some befor the crash and after.
and some that are to large.
try to do it tomorrow.

03-25-2012, 05:35 AM
Thanks for the report and pics, wtg.

03-25-2012, 06:34 AM
What up lip ripper!glad to see you got out I wasn't able to get out,,still waiting for my first Leo in the surf ,,,that's a good report ,,,lotsobites!,,