View Full Version : Float tubing safety

03-22-2012, 11:29 PM
I heard that float tubing at the Vine can be dangerous due to boaters not paying attention or being inconsiderate. I have been out there on my float tube and have not had much of a problem with the exception of one or two boaters who came pretty close and boaters who obviously don't abide by the no-wake rule. Do any of you float tubers have any advise about how to handle this hazard? I was thinking of buying one of those orange bicycle flags and sticking it on my float tube, kinda feel funny doing that...people may be looking for the training wheels. :Sad:

And I would think being out there on a tube during a tournament can be an especially hairy situation.

03-23-2012, 01:51 AM
I thought about painting my pvc rod holders flame Orange for the late summer Perris bite.

03-23-2012, 08:12 AM
Stay closer to shore, of course that means only in areas where there aren't a million shore fisherman. I've been trolled on at the Vine and had a treble hook stick in my tube, I yelled at the boater to stop but he wasn't getting it so I tried to remove the hook while he was still tugging on me hook then impaled my thumb, got it out but it hurt like hell after a few minutes. Many lakes make it mandatory for float tubers to stay within a certain distance of the shoreline.

03-23-2012, 08:58 AM
I've had the same problem once or twice and thought about taking a paintball gun. The way I see it is if I can hit you with my paintball gun then your TOO CLOSE to me. The problem is they always feel they have the right away and don't realize they don't and until they run you over they will never really care.

03-23-2012, 04:54 PM
Stay closer to shore, of course that means only in areas where there aren't a million shore fisherman. I've been trolled on at the Vine and had a treble hook stick in my tube, I yelled at the boater to stop but he wasn't getting it so I tried to remove the hook while he was still tugging on me hook then impaled my thumb, got it out but it hurt like hell after a few minutes. Many lakes make it mandatory for float tubers to stay within a certain distance of the shoreline.

OUCH! Dang that must have got your blood boiling. Do you know what distance tubers are suppose to be from shore? I've seen guys in tubes crossing from Woody's Cove over to Trout Island a few times. I guess that would not be recommended.

03-23-2012, 04:57 PM
that flag idea is genius. one of those tall atv ones. talk about should be mandatory

03-23-2012, 05:00 PM
I've had the same problem once or twice and thought about taking a paintball gun. The way I see it is if I can hit you with my paintball gun then your TOO CLOSE to me. The problem is they always feel they have the right away and don't realize they don't and until they run you over they will never really care.

I hear you, but I'd rather see the Vine Patrol be more cognizant of the problem and warn boaters to slow down and keep a safe distance from tubers.

03-23-2012, 05:08 PM
that flag idea is genius. one of those tall atv ones. talk about should be mandatory

I'll probably end up doing something similar for my own peace of mind. Just wonder if its within boating regs to have an orange flag. I think certain colors signal an SOS or distress call so I'd want to make sure its okay.

03-23-2012, 07:26 PM
The back of most float tubes have a bright orange patch sewn into the seat but that doesn't mean the "idiots" will see you, especially the "renters" some of them really don't know what they are doing. I would say if you wan to get the "captains" attention carry a can of air horn with you.

03-23-2012, 08:26 PM
I like the flag idea and the horn idea, as for patrol crackin down, they have thier hands full all day on tourny day. If you see speeders or drunks doing stupid stuff or just Aholes, call the tackle shop(you should have that number in your cell) tell them your in harms way, also call them if you need to be rescued(i have done it) they will be there asap.

you will always have idiots out on the water, so remind yourself keep cool, be patient and enjoy yourself.
Have Fun/ Fish Hard

03-23-2012, 10:45 PM
an easy one is to buy a dive buoy for divers, its long and easily inflatable!

03-25-2012, 07:27 AM
The back of most float tubes have a bright orange patch sewn into the seat but that doesn't mean the "idiots" will see you, especially the "renters" some of them really don't know what they are doing. I would say if you wan to get the "captains" attention carry a can of air horn with you.
Speaking of renters, I was at the tourney yesterday and saw a boat full of renters come within about 25 feet from shore and crossing up peoples lines. There was a lady float tuber that yelled at the renters when they came too close to her causing a wake. They just slowed down enough to hear what she was saying, mumbled something not too nice and sped off again. Ridiculous.

03-25-2012, 07:37 AM
I like the flag idea and the horn idea, as for patrol crackin down, they have thier hands full all day on tourny day. If you see speeders or drunks doing stupid stuff or just Aholes, call the tackle shop(you should have that number in your cell) tell them your in harms way, also call them if you need to be rescued(i have done it) they will be there asap.

you will always have idiots out on the water, so remind yourself keep cool, be patient and enjoy yourself.
Have Fun/ Fish Hard

Thanks for the advice. I'll probably call the tackle shop next time and get an air horn for saftey in general.