View Full Version : Micro crankbaits, micro jerkbaits, etc-recommend some for me!

03-18-2012, 09:21 PM
What are your favorite micro crankbaits and other hardbaits? For trout, bluegill, bass, whatever-let me know!

I ran into a killer InFisherman article about micro lures, with some excellent photos. Unfortunately, I can't find the link anymore [edit: Found link (http://www.in-fisherman.com/2011/09/08/mighty-mini-cranks/)], but I did save some of the images. Got inspired to branch out in my collection of micro hardbaits, most of what I have been throwing is Snap Beans and Bitsy Pond Minnows. Figured I should turn this into a new blog post series while I'm at, I'm going to do a series of reviews on micro lures, specifically micro hardbaits on my blog. If you have any suggestions on lures that would be great to include in this, please let me know. I have several Yo-Zuri Snap Beans, Bitsy Minnows, Aile Kili Fish, a few Bass Pro Shops XTS micros, one or two from Cordell and Matzuo, plus several generic lures, with a few Tsunami cranks on the way.

I'd really love to hear from some of the hardcore sunfish and crappie anglers on this topic. I know Fishmounter has posted a few photos of really sweet micro cranks, I just can't find that topic right now.

I've become fascinated with the micro lures offered; I'm trying to track some really esoteric models, like the Austraila River2Sea GT Bugs (looks amazing!), Baby Cranks, and some of the other neat-looking micro lures I've spotted online. I'm just going to post a truck load of images of some of these different lures, hope others find this niche in fishing as interesting as I do...(several of these photos come from the BigBlueGill forum, I think several FNN members are also active over there). Rebel has a nice series of micro lures, I'll definitely try to pick some of those u

GT Bug River2Sea


Baby Crank River2Sea

Bob Michael Little Bitty Lures, used to be sold at WalMart..no more, sad day.







http://api.ning.com/files/n05vnQktSM-zVxqwAPTJnq4ujzJa6dLrXe5*fSSIpOVTBRYjIPvkCTGdfI*zZ 1GMPSPxluUHXwQr3vCDgiaKmsuMsUAsp6ED/DSC_0069.JPG?width=737&height=490



I've found that a lot of micro lures are much more popular in overseas markets, i.e. Russia, Australia, Japan, etc. River2Sea has a whole line of products that are only sold in Australia. The Strike Pro company is another example of this, with only a few of their lures offered in the USA. Getting a hold of these models will be fun. One of the foreign articles I came across showing a wide variety of these lures is in Russian, plenty of photos to salivate over:http://www.gachok.com.ua/snast/ultralaight/398-mikrovobleri-segodnyu.html

Ok, I'm done rambling. Just wanted to share an exciting niche in fishing and get some feedback on must-have ultralite lures :LOL: <^_^>
Also, if anyone has some of these micro lures and would like to sell/trade/getridof 'em, let me know (PM)

03-18-2012, 09:23 PM
I really like that water beetle crank! Why haven't I thought of THAT!? The damn things are everywhere!

03-18-2012, 09:36 PM
Thanks for starting this Carpangler. This is a really interesting topic to me. Your great blog and post have really peaked my interest in microlures and urban fishing. I actually stopped by Bass Pro this past Friday and picked up some Bitsy Minnows, a Bitsy Wiggler, some weighted flys from the fly fishing section, and a BPS branded XTS micro crankbait minnow that's iridescent green and orange. Hopefully I'll get to toss them with you soon.

I just found this link to the Lucky Craft website: http://www.luckycraft.com/BCRT/SHINGO-BevyVib-BoneBody.htm. They make a little crankbait with these specs:

SHINGO Bevy Vibration 40
~ Bone Body ~
Length: 1-1/2” (40mm)
Weight: 3/16oz (3.5g)
Class: Sinking
Belly: #12
Hook Tail: #12
Line: 4-6 lb

They also make beetles: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/Gengoal35.htm

Wow! And goldfish cranks: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/Kingyo.htm

Water bugs: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/WaterBug.htm

2 inch mice cranks: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/RatRoll.htm

Won't be cheap since it is LC.

03-18-2012, 10:26 PM
Holy cow! carpanglerdude I read that article too, my comment is on the bottom. I also post on bigbluegill. That last cranks you posted pics of I think are called strike pro mirco vibes but they cost like 15 bucks to get from Australia ebay to here :( There are also some nice Japanese ones on ebay. Heres some pics of my collection so far :D
O ya the one that's kinda turned over is a Matzuo nano Crank. The two above are strike pros baby pros, Dead fish company micro cranks as well.
I just need to get a pond minnow :) well maybe more then that....

Found these on ebay dont have them...

03-18-2012, 11:21 PM
Totally cool Sirbluegill! Time to look at ebay. The only problem is that hypothetically, it would be safer for my wife to catch me looking at porn than to catch me on ebay.

03-18-2012, 11:25 PM
Wow SirBlueGill, that's quite an impressive collection. How do you like the Aile Goby? Has it worked well for you and does it require a slower retrieve like the Aile Kilifish?

Do you mind posting the eBay seller that has those sweet microhardbaits? I really like the stink bug and the beetle lures you posted from him.

I'm trying to get this lure on eBay for a decent price. It used to be sold all over, for $1 to $2, price recently shot up and few sellers have them anymore.
http://www.hiwtc.com/photo/products/33/01/08/10864.jpg Some of the Aussie angler forums have mentioned doing well with these generic micro topwaters and I'd love to give them a shot.

03-18-2012, 11:36 PM
Thanks for starting this Carpangler. This is a really interesting topic to me. Your great blog and post have really peaked my interest in microlures and urban fishing. I actually stopped by Bass Pro this past Friday and picked up some Bitsy Minnows, a Bitsy Wiggler, some weighted flys from the fly fishing section, and a BPS branded XTS micro crankbait minnow that's iridescent green and orange. Hopefully I'll get to toss them with you soon.

I just found this link to the Lucky Craft website: http://www.luckycraft.com/BCRT/SHINGO-BevyVib-BoneBody.htm. They make a little crankbait with these specs:

SHINGO Bevy Vibration 40
~ Bone Body ~
Length: 1-1/2” (40mm)
Weight: 3/16oz (3.5g)
Class: Sinking
Belly: #12
Hook Tail: #12
Line: 4-6 lb

They also make beetles: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/Gengoal35.htm

Wow! And goldfish cranks: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/Kingyo.htm

Water bugs: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/WaterBug.htm

2 inch mice cranks: http://www.luckycraft.com/virtual/RatRoll.htm

Won't be cheap since it is LC.

Lucky Craft is the bomb. MegaBass and Lucky Craft seem to be the main lures cloned by some of the Chinese companies on Alibaba, check out this copy fo the goldfish lure:
Not quite the microlure, but definitely looks nice!
[Edit: Just found that River2Sea also sells the goldfish, at a little under $10 on eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/River2Sea-Japan-Designed-Goldfish-Type-Lure-to-Fish-Collect-Color-ORANGE-LADQ-/150781176693?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231b422b75)]

I also really like the Gengoal beetle you posted, reminds me of the BassDay beetles:


03-18-2012, 11:43 PM
Oh, and for some micro lures from UK:


Ridiculously nice, custom carved microhardbaits, also very pricey. http://www.microbaits.co.uk/home

03-18-2012, 11:59 PM
I think Ive only used the goby a few times, If I remember correctly I think its more similar (action wise) to the snap bean but sinks faster, caught a few trout and bluegills with it.
Here the seller for those Japanese cranks, only thing is that its pricey. Hate to lose one of those. Though I haven't lost a crank yet came close twice!

Who makes those crankbaits? second to last photo group first post. I like the first one #11.

03-19-2012, 06:04 PM
I believe those are Viva lures, a Japanese company. Haven't heard of them before. They have a nice selection of ultralite stuff along with the regular bass and saltwater lures.

Website: http://www.vivanet.co.jp/h_viva/h_namida.html

Review: http://www.tackletour.net/TTForums/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22075

eBay link? http://www.ebay.com/itm/VIVA-NAMIDA-KUN-CRYSTAK-BONE-/310347606372?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item484228a964 I think that is one of the Viva lures shown in the photo...

03-19-2012, 06:13 PM
Now you know why i fly fish. Where can you present size 20 18 16 "micro flys" at effortless distances. Really like those beetle lures.

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03-20-2012, 03:28 PM
i cant believe how much some of those lures resemble sand crabs ,now i wonder how they would work for surf perch...

03-20-2012, 08:55 PM
I've wondered if they would work well for surf perch, problem would be getting them far enough out in the water on ultralite tackle, plus they aren't very visible in the choppy water.

03-21-2012, 05:55 AM
I've wondered if they would work well for surf perch, problem would be getting them far enough out in the water on ultralite tackle, plus they aren't very visible in the choppy water.if u want to find out a dropper loop with a wieght on the loop ,lure on the 2ft.tag end.a bright orange color might be the ticket.maybe use my darkside flyrod tactics ,and throw them far enough with my heavy action 8wt.i guess u never know.

03-21-2012, 08:55 AM
Anthony - check your PM

03-21-2012, 07:41 PM
You guys are killing me! Very cool stuff! Anthony-you've been busy! I will be throwing a lot of little lures very soon now at LP. Can't wait. Jigs and bait is fun and productive, but there is just something really neat about catching large panfish on tiny cranks and ultralight outfits.

03-21-2012, 07:54 PM
Yup its a lot of fun especially in the spring/early summer when the bluegills hit the shallows.
I love their spring colors. Cant wait..those days are getting closer.

03-23-2012, 01:35 PM
My favorite by far for trout is the Mira Shad. The swimming actions is just amazing plus it also rattles. I like how I can throw it without any weight and it still swims around 8-10' which seems to be perfect for trout.


03-25-2012, 08:08 PM
Where did you get the Mira Shad? Looks really nice.

The Lone Fisherman
03-28-2012, 08:09 PM
This is what I usually carry:
Owner Mira Shads, Rapala X-raps, Rattlin rapala, Strike King Bitsy Minnow, Rapala Mini Fat Raps and floaters.
Yo-zuri Snap Beans, Strike King Bitsy Wigglers, Yo-zuri Aile Goby, Aile Killifish and CD1's.

I use 6 lb test and an 8' rod for the micro cranks due to these guys robbing me whenever I used anything less.

03-29-2012, 08:45 AM
Wow, that is definitely one of the most impressive collections I've seen of micro hardbaits. Very nice!

Side note: Bass Pro Shops is no longer carrying the Yo-Zuri Aile Kilfish lures, not online nor in stores.

03-29-2012, 11:12 AM
Where did you get the Mira Shad? Looks really nice.
Carpangler, I'm pretty sure I saw some at Turners on E st. I think they're about $10-12.

04-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Where did you get the Mira Shad? Looks really nice.

I think it was at one of the big shops like tacklewarehouse. They are kinda hard to find, but swim great and colors are amazing.

04-02-2012, 09:17 PM
Went in to check it out, some nice Yo-Zuri's but no Aile's that I spotted. Might have been sold out.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I've amassed quite a few micro lures that I'll be posting as a review/report soon.

08-11-2012, 07:08 PM
I just picked up some snapbeans today from sports chalet for 50% off.

08-12-2012, 11:20 PM
Intriguing thread. For trout and panfish do these work better than mini jigs? Mini jigs have been phenomenal for me and wonder he these compare. They sure do look pretty.....

Also is there a particular kind of fun factor with these? Mini jigs are sure Moore fun than powerbait for example.


08-14-2012, 09:13 PM
I would argue that microjigs and minijigs work better, in general. However, fishing ultralite crankbaits and topwaters is incredibly fun. It's more of a fast reaction bite on many of these lures.

08-14-2012, 10:20 PM
Have you caught anything using those snap beans?

08-15-2012, 03:09 PM
Have you caught anything using those snap beans?

Snap Beans are amazing. In the right conditions, I've landed loads of sunfish on them. Usually big green sunfish.

I've had best luck with them in smaller creeks and ponds. A lot of guys use them at Perris, but I haven't done as well with them from the shore. The trick with 'em is to reel just slow enough to get the wobble action out of the lure. Too fast and you'll kill the action easily. Good luck!

08-15-2012, 03:10 PM
Wow SirBlueGill, that's quite an impressive collection. How do you like the Aile Goby? Has it worked well for you and does it require a slower retrieve like the Aile Kilifish?

Do you mind posting the eBay seller that has those sweet microhardbaits? I really like the stink bug and the beetle lures you posted from him.

I'm trying to get this lure on eBay for a decent price. It used to be sold all over, for $1 to $2, price recently shot up and few sellers have them anymore.
http://www.hiwtc.com/photo/products/33/01/08/10864.jpg Some of the Aussie angler forums have mentioned doing well with these generic micro topwaters and I'd love to give them a shot.

Follow up on this lure-please don't purchase it. I got one off eBay and it's basically a sub-surface, fat wobbler. Not impressed.

08-15-2012, 03:59 PM
What color snapbeans did you use?

08-17-2012, 06:05 PM
I used the Golden ones. I have a few in the rainbow trout pattern but haven't used them much. Golden ones worked well in semi-murky creeks in the Spring/early summer

09-07-2012, 11:57 PM
Looking at these micro-crank baitss has me wondering about your rod and reel combo that your using ?

09-23-2012, 08:19 PM
Looking at these micro-crank baitss has me wondering about your rod and reel combo that your using ?

Ultralight spinning rod with 3lb fluoro on a spinning reel

09-23-2012, 08:26 PM

http://i.imgur.com/8rxsC.jpg (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html)

Just posted a massive lure review on various microlures to my blog, at http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html#more)

Thanks for all the suggestions on various lures to check out! I'll keep updating it as my ultralight fishing collection grows. I reviewed a lot of bargain micro lures in the post, found a few companies selling dirt cheap ones. If anyone has questions about the lures featured, or ones show in the above picture but not mentioned in the review, feel free to ask.

Poxy Boggards
09-23-2012, 10:20 PM
Thanks for the link, pretty awesome deals on the lures from Jet tackle. And at that price, they are desposable...LOL

Do those Bitsy Wigglers work well? Looks like they would work well for trout.

09-27-2012, 06:15 AM
THANKS! Very helpful. I just started making my collection.

Quick question. In your list of the best ones, curious you did not mention the Rapala CD1 and CD3. Is it due to cost? I picked up a bunch of both on a good sale. Like the fact they sink so I can drop them into different water depth to start. Any comments on these?


Just posted a massive lure review on various microlures to my blog, at http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html#more)

09-27-2012, 04:16 PM
THANKS! Very helpful. I just started making my collection.

Quick question. In your list of the best ones, curious you did not mention the Rapala CD1 and CD3. Is it due to cost? I picked up a bunch of both on a good sale. Like the fact they sink so I can drop them into different water depth to start. Any comments on these?


Just posted a massive lure review on various microlures to my blog, at http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html (http://huntingtheriverking.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-micro-ultralite-fishing-lures.html#more)

I do have a Rapala CD model. It's very compact and sinks very nicely, unlike many cheaper microlures. Definitely a great lure to have in the collection-I believe I snagged mine just prior to the review, thus the lack of it. Good call!

Poxy Boggards
10-02-2012, 04:45 PM
Just got my order in from Jet and realized that I have a serious problem with being a tackle ho.


10-03-2012, 05:49 PM
Hahaha nice! You went all out! Let me know how you like them!

10-16-2012, 08:44 AM
I noticed a lot of those inexpensive lures at jet don't dive too deep around 1-3' I've never had much luck with the shallow water lures and seem to have more luck with deep divers from 5-10'. Anyone had luck with the shallow water ones in the pay lakes?

Poxy Boggards
10-16-2012, 02:04 PM
The floating rapalas are all shallow divers and I have had some decent luck with those lures. Even got my personal best landed fish at Irvine on a Rapala F5.

10-17-2012, 09:57 PM
I noticed a lot of those inexpensive lures at jet don't dive too deep around 1-3' I've never had much luck with the shallow water lures and seem to have more luck with deep divers from 5-10'. Anyone had luck with the shallow water ones in the pay lakes?

It's true, many cheaper lures do not dive as much. However, if you look carefully, you can find a few decent divers.
I've a little biased though-I usually fish small bodies of water, including tiny streams and pond. For these, I usually don't need a very deep diving lure.

10-17-2012, 10:03 PM
The floating rapalas are all shallow divers and I have had some decent luck with those lures. Even got my personal best landed fish at Irvine on a Rapala F5.

It looks like you got one of the cicadas that Jet sells. I suggest flipping the wings around on it, to be more like the Megabass Cicada. Let me know if you need any help with that

10-18-2012, 10:12 AM
Has anyone used those little baits from Jet? Seems like when lures are cheap, they roll onto their sides or have no action. If they run true and are quality built, I may buy a few for panfishing.

Poxy Boggards
10-18-2012, 12:13 PM
You don't have much to loose by giving them a try, I will give the tiny ones a try possibly as soon as this weekend and will let you know.

10-18-2012, 07:26 PM
Has anyone used those little baits from Jet? Seems like when lures are cheap, they roll onto their sides or have no action. If they run true and are quality built, I may buy a few for panfishing.

There's a few quality ones that do run true. There are also a few to avoid. For shallow trout streams and urban creeks, I've done pretty well with the S4-LKA046-45-10 and similar model cranksbaits. They run shallow but have a very solid wobble and work great on green sunfish in the creeks I frequent.

The only model I really feel comfortable recommending for "deeper" spots is the S6-JET0006-100-35 and related crankbaits. It's rated as running to 7.5 ft, in practice, I think it really ran to 4-5 ft. Great wobble, also great for panfish and small bass. Definitely a nice micro crank.

The S3-JETX0002-45-20 and related ones are a little more variable. I like it because it's the tiniest one offered. It is light and some ran true, some did not. It slowly sinks and really isn't for "deep" water at all. However, it definitely worked-it's one of the fews ones that the mountain trout really hit frequently. Also nailed greenies on it. Very small and lightweight lure, looks like a rapala but nowhere near the quality or cost.

Those are my favorites of the ones offered by Jet. They have alot of lures, some good, some bad, but a flexible return policy and fast shipping from the USA.

And no, I wish I could get paid for this post but I won't. It would be great if they had an affiliate program like TackleWharehouse, but they don't have one of those either :LOL:

05-09-2013, 10:53 PM
Just a headsup...the clone Snap Beans are all over eBay now, very affordable and they work great:

06-16-2013, 06:22 AM
bought 3 different colors of these recently, will see how they are when they arrive..
for 18.00 for 18 look alike snap beans, I could not resist, thanks for posting the link up...
I always lurk and read stuff on the board, from Cincinnati Ohio.

I am a huge fan of micro crankbaits, really like them alot...
I am trying to stay away from the 1/8 ounce sizes for the most part, I do use 3.1 lb dam tectan on a custom built 7 foot, 1 piece rod rated for 1-4 lb test line and 1/32 to 1/8 ounce lures...
ordered a blank from CTS, a 2 piece, 7 foot 6 inch, 2 wt fly rod, going to have it built into a extreme UL spinning setup...

any other micro crank baits around the 1/16 ounce or smaller size, please post up if you guys have done well with..
I bought some snap beans last year, didn't have much luck with them at first, kept the 1/16 ounce ones, and was stupid enough to get rid of the 1/32 ounce ones...
If anyone has them and never uses the 1/32 ounce size, I wouldn't mind purchasing them for the right price...
I am planning on using super small stuff for the 2 wt fly rod setup if possible.

06-16-2013, 07:58 AM
Do these work as well as the originals? I tried one of these clones and it hardly wiggled and I wondered if they are all like that or if my unit is defective.


bought 3 different colors of these recently, will see how they are when they arrive..
for 18.00 for 18 look alike snap beans, I could not resist, thanks for posting the link up...
I always lurk and read stuff on the board, from Cincinnati Ohio.

I am a huge fan of micro crankbaits, really like them alot...
I am trying to stay away from the 1/8 ounce sizes for the most part, I do use 3.1 lb dam tectan on a custom built 7 foot, 1 piece rod rated for 1-4 lb test line and 1/32 to 1/8 ounce lures...
ordered a blank from CTS, a 2 piece, 7 foot 6 inch, 2 wt fly rod, going to have it built into a extreme UL spinning setup...

any other micro crank baits around the 1/16 ounce or smaller size, please post up if you guys have done well with..
I bought some snap beans last year, didn't have much luck with them at first, kept the 1/16 ounce ones, and was stupid enough to get rid of the 1/32 ounce ones...
If anyone has them and never uses the 1/32 ounce size, I wouldn't mind purchasing them for the right price...
I am planning on using super small stuff for the 2 wt fly rod setup if possible.

06-16-2013, 08:42 AM
I bought some Tsunami ones before
actually going to try them out today, but i did hear that they do not work to well, at least they were cheap to

according to carpanglerdude these seem to work great..
so for 18.00, figured it didn't hurt to try them out myself, just ordered them this morning, so hopefully by the middle of next month i can try them out....
been on some russian site lately looking for very small crank baits as well, around the 1.8 gram range, still have to figure out how to order some...
I have more than enough plastics, and i probably have around 50 cranks, just like to keep adding to the collection i guess, hoping to try more overseas stuff..

06-17-2013, 10:46 AM
The clones of the snap beans seem to swim just as well, both the Tsunami and the generic ones from eBay. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more 'lemons' with them than Snap Beans though....overall, it is not the easiest lure to fish. Really light line, really careful, measured, slow retrieve to find best 'wobble' rate without keeling over (or too slow with no action)

06-17-2013, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the great post and fantastic photos.

06-25-2013, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the great post and fantastic photos.

Glad it has been helpful. Never realized this threat would be so popular!

07-02-2013, 12:20 PM
Bought all the salmo hornets that was advertised on your blog carpanglerdude
I have not been able to try them out as of yet because of the weather, rain every other day has blown out the rivers around here, and i really have not found a good lake to try yet...
I fish from shoreline only or wade in the rivers..
craftsmanship on these hornets are really nice, I can't wait to try them out though..
Has anyone tried the daiwa SC shiners?? was thinking of buying the 3/32 ounce ones, 1.5 inches long, figured it would be a nice lure to try...
Land big fish has a 15 percent sale going on right now, and free shipping after 50.00, thought i would buy every color they had and throw in another lure or two of something else to make sure i got the 50.00 free shipping after discount..
I am very curious though on the sc shiners, guess i am just a lure whore to, I tend to buy every color someone is selling for some reason...
I bought all 13 salmo hornets that someone had posted on your blog, for that price, I couldn't pass it up, total was 45 dollars and some change with shipping on 13 hornets =)

01-11-2015, 07:15 PM
Found some more neat lures! The Polish guys really make some nice ones!

From this guy: http://lures-pn.jimdo.com/

Custom, hand carved, and reasonably priced even with shipping (roughly $6 each or so)



01-12-2015, 09:29 PM
I just bought these 3 from that dude in Poland. I will post a review when I get them in a few weeks.

01-12-2015, 10:24 PM
BTW, did you order from ebay or through his website? I dont want to keep shelling out 10 bucks for shipping if I can get it all done in one shot. I wanted to try a couple before I bought them all, test how them swim...

01-12-2015, 10:30 PM
Nice Slims. That little shad colored one should be a killer bait at Perris for the big 'Gills and crappie. It probably runs pretty shallow though.

01-13-2015, 02:05 PM
BTW, did you order from ebay or through his website? I dont want to keep shelling out 10 bucks for shipping if I can get it all done in one shot. I wanted to try a couple before I bought them all, test how them swim...

Contacted him directly. Shipping was muuuuuch cheaper.

01-25-2015, 05:42 PM
Carpanglerdude - I am getting ready to order from http://www.jettackleonline.com/. But, the website is not the best to navigate. I was curious if you know whether or not they accept paypal?


11-11-2017, 05:53 PM
Thread resurrection !


Piss on Myspace
11-12-2017, 07:18 PM
Holy rapala countdown batman, thats a lot of lures. Thumbnail looks like my trout box before i started flyfishing lol. Keep up the videos dood, they're getting better and better. I respect and appreciate the effort. How do you know when you're hooked,,,,"this one is just ugly" lol. Seen this post and thought back on an ole' fish story. Who said size matters?? This alper was taken on a CD01 Brownie before the PVR BJones Derby Jan '10

Thanks for the resurrection dude!

Keep up the good work. Cheers!!

50477 50478

12-20-2017, 01:54 PM
Wow! This is an old post! I see no one mentioned the tiny "Skeeter" Dardevle spoon. Comes in lots of colors and two different weights. Also the famous "Flatfish" in the smallest size, the F2 with a single hook. These two ultralight lures are really great on trout, crappie, Bluegill and Redear Sunfish. Using 2 lb test and a loop knot, you will probably get fish slamming the "Skeeter" on almost every cast when used in the springtime shallows if any Bluegill or Redears are around.