View Full Version : BBL Nov 11 - Think/Thank a Vet

11-12-2011, 07:41 AM
Up in BBL for a long 4 day weekend. The wife wanted to get in some early season snowboarding so she dropped me off near the Observatory around 8 and went to shred the white stuff.

Lake conditions weren't horrible (yet) - 40 degrees air temp, light wind, choppy water, but not too bad, gray-threatening skies. I kick around for a while stripping a fly for trout and dragging a crappie/trout jig about 10' under a bobber. No action the entire time on the bobber, but once I started working close-by the Observatory structure I started getting a few taps. Nothing major, felt like crappie. Finally hook into something stronger, but just giving me a slow, steady, hard drag - thought I might have a small bass. Didn't want to lose my possibly-only fish of the day, so finessed it close by and finally saw a big silver flash - woohoo - trout! Got in in my net and snapped a pic - maybe 15", but a nice fish. Kept working the same area, but no more action, so I decided to move east trying to work various depths - closer to shore and farther out in the lake.

About 10:15, the wind came up quickly and started to howl - blowing me north-northeast hard into the shore. It's still not too cold, but getting colder, and I'm still feeling warm enough so I figure I'll let the wind blow me east to Juniper or maybe even Stansfield and we'll see how it goes.

After about 45 minutes the wind's still hard and my legs are getting a little tired kicking away from shore. A bad fly cast and more crazy wind and I end up with with a big mess on my fly rod. After getting blown quickly into shore trying to get it straightened out, I get onto land, fix the mess, and decided to pack it in since it was getting a little crazy.

Back at the house, about 1pm the sun comes out and the wife suggests I go back out (now you know why I love her!). I look outside and pass since all around are dark gray clouds. Bad choice - it was windy, but they held off until sunset. I probably could have worked it for some more fish. Oh well.

Woke Saturday morning at 6am to heavy snow falling, so I go back under the sheets.

JMyTuna emailed may have gone out Saturday morning to tube or shore fish. We'll see if he's tougher than I am :Embarrassed:.




11-12-2011, 07:47 AM
Beautiful catch! In a float tube? You are very brave!! Two weeks ago I was in Bishop and it was sooooo cold! The windshield wiper fluid was freezing as it was coming out of the squirters! Nice fish : )

11-12-2011, 10:24 AM
I ventured out this morning in the snow it wasnt to bad. then the rain came in & I only lasted til 9am at juniper & only managed one 12" holdover. I head back out in the morning to see what I can hook up with. Oh i got it on a crawler on a slip bobber about 10 ft down. Farmed a couple & missed 1 on the same set up.
Great looking fish Eric wish I would of hooked up with something with a bit more size like yours. thanks for sharing as always.

11-12-2011, 09:01 PM
Looked out the window at 630. Snow and rain. Back to bed. Went to B's for breakfast and make your own bloody Mary's. Water didn't look to bad. Will take a looksee in the am with the tube.

Mojave River Angler
11-14-2011, 01:58 PM
Ya, that wind was making it a little like work in the kayak Friday, but we hung in there and were rewarded with limits even if they were small fish. I suspect the big dogs are hanging a little deeper and waiting for the water above to cool a little. I have yet to catch a trout from BB over 2lbs but I know there are a few larger ones in there. Did you notice what the stomachs were full of?...looked like green/gray apple sauce. Some kind of tiny bug, I assume, and lots of them.