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View Full Version : BBL November 6 - What the heck are we doing out fishing trout on a day like this!!!!!

11-07-2011, 06:26 AM
Cold, windy, snowy, sleaty, foggy, windy, cold, and did I mention COLD!!!!

When you get three guys together with no women around, stupid things are bound to happen.

So, we sleep in a bit on Sunday - that extra hour makes you real cocky!

We knew the East Launch would still be closed, so we picked up more night crawlers and headed to the northwest corner of the dam hoping for some of the same action as Saturday - but tuned-in this time!

We knew the weather was ugly, but we were bundled up and ready for war - and the other side almost won.

Started fishing around 9:30am and didn't stop until about 4 when we just couldn't stand it any more. Luckily Jim had his diesel truck running with the heater on as a warming hut - without that we wouldn't have lasted past noon.

Nothing for the first two hours, not a tap, not a surface break, just cold, fog, wind and snow. Then Jim hit the first one while he was in the truck. The time to get to his rod gave the trout enough time to swallow all the way - First one landed goes to Jim.

Jim gets a second after a while, and totals at 4. No monsters but he wins the numbers count.

I finally get my first of 3, a little bigger, but not the biggest. My second was a beautiful big trout (big for this weekend - probably 17 to 18"). I farm a couple.

Adam farms three or four and just can't get'em to suck it down.

DFG guy comes by about 2:30 to check passed - really? I hand mine over first (pinned to my hat in a plastic protector). Jim and Adam dig theirs out. The guy can't open mine so hands it back and asks me to open it. Serious? My hands are ice cold, the plastic is frozen solid - I finally have to use pliers to open it. He says thanks and was really just looking for deer hunters - JERK!!! I know he was doing his job, but show a guy a little courtesy under the conditions.

About 4 we're dying and I'm ready to pull it in and head for the house - I give it just a few more minutes - and Bango! I get number 3 :Secret: and I only feel a little bad about bagging after I land the last one.

Horrible day, but we landed 7 - Jim's staying up for another day or two to see if it warms enough to get his boat on the water for one more run of the season.

Sorry no pix - the last thing I was going to do was take my hands out of my glove for some stupid picture :Envious:



11-07-2011, 07:45 AM
Great cold report Eric. I was out at Juniper from 6-9 landed a 16" & a 12" both on PB didnt have time to pick up the crawlers. Soon as the snow turned to sleet I was out of there & went home to watch football & snow.
Next week they are calling for 1-2ft of snow so keep that in mind folks as you run up for the holdovers. Both fish had full tails by the way.

11-07-2011, 10:02 AM
Thanks for keeping us "flat landers" up to date.

11-09-2011, 06:34 AM
Yup, I fish vicariously through your reports since i cant afford the gas to get up there anymore. Nice man the good ole boys won. How do you guys make your fish? any secret's?

11-09-2011, 10:13 AM
Even if we have the gas to get to BBL, I don't think any of us will last long in that weather conditions.

11-10-2011, 12:03 AM
Finally got my license out. Dfg "oh i cant seem to get this open..."

Me: Really man my fingers are freakin frozen

Dfg: So why dont you be a good sport and open it for me then

AHOLE :Head Bang::Head Bang::Head Bang::Head Bang: