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View Full Version : Another Perris TOAD!!!!! 15lbs 10oz!!!!!!

10-30-2011, 09:24 PM
Today Tree came aboard the Bassgrabber1 so that we could search for some Perris TOADs and well we found one. I was throwing swimbaits and check outthe pig that hit it. I was throwing at a point and when he hit ......it felt like a train!!! I told Tree to grab the net because I was sure that it was over 10lbs. Well this is what it was....a monster cat!!!! hahahahhaha:EyePop: Enjoy the pics.

I was a little upset that it wasnt a bass but still a great fish to be landed. Fought very hard. I caught it using 15lbs test mono and a heavy action rod that was bent in half.336613366233663336643366533666

10-30-2011, 10:32 PM
Nicely done! A fish is a fish! No tourney....you'll take it!

10-30-2011, 10:48 PM
what's the lake record channel cat @ perris?

Pete Marino
10-30-2011, 10:51 PM
nice job...wrong species but fun anyway!!!

The record is over 30lbs though I think.


10-31-2011, 07:10 AM
It really was a lot of fun to catch that beast.......I wish bass would fight that hard.....lol.

10-31-2011, 09:01 AM
WOOOO! That thing was soooo heavy! That catfish was like a freight train. Start throwing swimbaits for catfish, forget the anchovies lol.

10-31-2011, 10:22 AM
Hugh fish James! Nice going... on a swimbait, who knew. Went yesterday for a few hours late. just a couple of dinks. Still good to just get the boat on the lake.

10-31-2011, 10:55 AM
Beating the skunk is always good Jeff but wetting the boat is just great.

10-31-2011, 12:51 PM
nice catch!

i was out there on friday with a friend and the bite was tough.
They stocked perris with trout on friday and i was watching the bass hit the trout like crazy.
The trout were literally jumping out of the water trying to get away from the bass lol

skunked again
10-31-2011, 04:14 PM
Congrats Bassgrabber1! That was me watching you land him at 80 yds away. What a nice monster of a cat!

I took a friend to LP today. We were throwing plastic worms and got this little monster of a cat (bluecat?). It weighed in at 12.3 lbs....right, plastic worm, lol lol.

He was about 6-8 ft deep. How deep was yours caught?


10-31-2011, 04:41 PM
I let my swimmie sink in 11' of water and and on the 8th turn of the handle he hit.....If I had to guess I would say 8'. You should have stopped by and said whats up.

10-31-2011, 11:14 PM
Several fishermen are catching large Channel Cats while fishing for other species. On Sunday, a friend's buddy caught a 20 lb class CC while fishing for Bluegill with 2 lb test line! A serious cat fisherman would clean up with the right bait. The big cats must like the change in water temp, or possibly the trout stocking got them moving around more.

10-31-2011, 11:35 PM
Nothing like landing a large monster of the lake. Great job James. Jeff, be sure to watch out for the big ones on the ultra light gears. I thought my ultra light going to bite the dirt when the carp attached the crank bait on a 2lbs test. Now, we know that hunting for gills may involve fighting with cats and carps, on top of basses. Don't you just love this crazy lake?

10-31-2011, 11:44 PM
that is some nice fish did you let it go.

Socal Bassman
11-01-2011, 01:11 AM
It's more common than you think. I've caught just about everything fishing for bass and vise versa. Not only in that lake, but at other lakes as well. I once fished a night tourney at Irvine and caught everything but bass using plastics and spinnerbaits.

As to the original poster, that is a nice fish no matter what the species is bassgrabber. Good job and keep pluggin' away!

11-01-2011, 06:01 AM
It's more common than you think. I've caught just about everything fishing for bass and vise versa. Not only in that lake, but at other lakes as well. I once fished a night tourney at Irvine and caught everything but bass using plastics and spinnerbaits.

As to the original poster, that is a nice fish no matter what the species is bassgrabber. Good job and keep pluggin' away!

Thanx man.....I will always keep pluggin away!

11-01-2011, 06:02 AM
that is some nice fish did you let it go.

Yup....CPR most all my fish at the lake.

skunked again
11-01-2011, 09:10 PM
Yup....CPR most all my fish at the lake.

Ditto, the 12 lb cat, all bass and bluegill CPR'd.

11-01-2011, 09:35 PM
that is some nice fish did you let it go.

yup....lived to see another day.

11-01-2011, 09:37 PM
Congrats Bassgrabber1! That was me watching you land him at 80 yds away. What a nice monster of a cat!

I took a friend to LP today. We were throwing plastic worms and got this little monster of a cat (bluecat?). It weighed in at 12.3 lbs....right, plastic worm, lol lol.

He was about 6-8 ft deep. How deep was yours caught?


thats a blue cat, channels have the forked tails, like really forked.

11-01-2011, 09:38 PM
But yea cats biting on lures is actually pretty common. Catfish are oppertunists they take what they can get. Even live fish.

skunked again
11-02-2011, 07:00 AM
Originally I thought it was a blue. I've seen several big ones in the past. I have not seen any big channels over 5 lbs though. They seem to be lighter when smaller. This one was much darker and had no spots. Do they lose their spots when they are big? I tend to agree with you but still not sure.

11-02-2011, 07:07 AM
thanks for the post.love those pic keep up the good work

11-02-2011, 07:17 AM
Originally I thought it was a blue. I've seen several big ones in the past. I have not seen any big channels over 5 lbs though. They seem to be lighter when smaller. This one was much darker and had no spots. Do they lose their spots when they are big? I tend to agree with you but still not sure.
I believe that it is a Channel Cat that I caught...I am not to knowledgable of cats tho.

thanks for the post.love those pic keep up the good work

Thanx brutha!

11-02-2011, 07:29 AM
I just can't believe you caught a monster cat on swimbait.

11-02-2011, 07:40 AM
I just can't believe you caught a monster cat on swimbait.

Me neither....I never thought cats would chase down a bait.

11-02-2011, 08:57 AM
Congrats Bassgrabber1! That was me watching you land him at 80 yds away. What a nice monster of a cat!

I took a friend to LP today. We were throwing plastic worms and got this little monster of a cat (bluecat?). It weighed in at 12.3 lbs....right, plastic worm, lol lol.

He was about 6-8 ft deep. How deep was yours caught?

33697This is not a blue catfish. Channel catfish have a rounded ventral fin, blue catfish have a straight ventral fin.


11-02-2011, 09:57 AM
This is not a blue catfish. Channel catfish have a rounded ventral fin, blue catfish have a straight ventral fin.


ahhhh....this is good to know....Thanx SMOKEHOUND.

11-02-2011, 11:49 AM
I thought we have another cat species in the lake :LOL: Oh well. A fighter is a fighter, and more fun for us.

11-02-2011, 12:44 PM
ahhhh....this is good to know....Thanx SMOKEHOUND.You're welcome.