View Full Version : Short WSB from the surf part 2

10-30-2011, 01:02 PM

We caught some Halibut too but forgot to press the record button :(
I'm off to the beach again this afternoon.


10-30-2011, 01:09 PM
Very cool video! :Cool::Cool:

SP Dan
10-30-2011, 03:46 PM
Hey Sharkbait!

Man I really enjoy your fishing videos! Fantastic WSB shots! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

10-30-2011, 04:34 PM
thank for the video Anthony, very cool!

10-31-2011, 01:31 AM
Another sweet video Anthony. :Thumbs Up:
Hope you can join us on the 19th bro. :Wink:

10-31-2011, 08:48 AM
sick vids, all of them!

10-31-2011, 07:20 PM
Rock and Roll Anthony......Awesome job as always! Please try to make it to HG III !!
If JerryG and I start talking NOTHING will get done that day.
Your job will be to keeps us away from each other:ROFL:

On a serious note....

I've begun with a little video work myself. Is that a GoPro setup or a different video setup. I have a good waterproof video camera and have mounted it to a chest harness but the vids are real large when I shoot them.Maybe it's the MP4 vid format that makes it so big. Do you convert the vids to another format?
The next time I go out I'm going to down size the quality of the vids because it took forever to upload the file. Are you using windows movie maker for the editing or some other software.
Hope you don't mind me asking!

Here is my first trial vid......Boring compared to yours but hey....it's a start ....LOL


murrieta angler
10-31-2011, 08:52 PM
Hey I know that area!?
Another cool video again...:Smile:
I'm hoping someone makes a waterproof one.
Thanks for the report,

Nipple Twister
11-01-2011, 12:08 PM
YEAHHHHH...freakin love these videos! Makes me wanna jump out my chair grab a rod and hit the surf.....very well done Sir......thx for sharing and keep 'em comin.....!

Nipple Twister
11-01-2011, 12:14 PM
Mike, looks like the right track.....first cast too, your killin me....very cool...thx for sharing.......

11-02-2011, 07:24 PM
Rock and Roll Anthony......Awesome job as always! Please try to make it to HG III !!
If JerryG and I start talking NOTHING will get done that day.
Your job will be to keeps us away from each other:ROFL:

On a serious note....

I've begun with a little video work myself. Is that a GoPro setup or a different video setup. I have a good waterproof video camera and have mounted it to a chest harness but the vids are real large when I shoot them.Maybe it's the MP4 vid format that makes it so big. Do you convert the vids to another format?
The next time I go out I'm going to down size the quality of the vids because it took forever to upload the file. Are you using windows movie maker for the editing or some other software.
Hope you don't mind me asking!

Here is my first trial vid......Boring compared to yours but hey....it's a start ....LOL


I do use a GoProHD. Uploading a video does take a long time but thats normal. It can take up to a few hours depending on how much footage I shot. When they are downloaded the files are in windows media format. Once that is done I import all the media files such as video, photos, and music to a program called CyberLink Power Director 9. It's OK for video editing. I plan on upgrading really soon. When I'm all done creating my video the program gives me a option to automaticly upload the video to my YouTube channel for me. I wouldn't downgrade the video quality because you loose so much detail. These days if your not in HD then your behind.....kinda like if your still using VHS.
When your shooting video always remember where your camera is facing because where your looking at may not be the same place the camera is facing or sometimes you forget it's even there. Even I tend to forget, for example while im reeling in the WSB I was telling my buddy to cast because there could be a school. Thats why you see my hand wave twice. I did not realize I got that on video and I was a bit dissapointed. Other then that it's using your imagination and being creative and for me different. Hope this helps.

I'll try to make it out on the 19th. I need to earn some brownie points at home first.

I have some great shots of a LC Flashminnow swimming uderwater. I plan on using it in my next video. One thing I learned is that I didn't realize how loud the LC is underwater.

11-03-2011, 12:31 AM
Great video Anthony and Mike. Thnx.

11-03-2011, 11:13 PM
Great action footage guys !
Thanks for posting .

11-06-2011, 09:59 AM
Wow! im pretty sure that was a queenfish. Cant wait till I can fish, work/rain is really killing me.