View Full Version : late bbl report 10/25

10-27-2011, 12:00 PM
man bbl was crazy the other day we went float tubing by the dam wen we launched it beautiful and sunny then the wind and clouds came out of no were i couldnt even see my friend 3 feet away from me in the clouds hahaha and oh did i metioned i did more kicking then fishing lol. caught a couple trout on the tubes around the island with the litte asain style house on it but the crappie were crazy alll day. the dam was producing crappie every cast i was using the super duper and my buddy was using lip ripperz jigs were slaying the crappie we wanted the trout but we still had alot of fun besides the tubing lol good day tho the clouds were weird all day but got some beautiful pics from them 3357533576335773357833579

white belt
10-27-2011, 12:52 PM
Nice job on those crappies!

10-29-2011, 07:22 AM
Nice! Haven't been over to that part of the lake in a while - good to see my crappie are all still there ;)