View Full Version : Mackeral prospects for Legends @Newport Pier

08-16-2007, 02:11 AM
With the Legends event right around the corner I have been entertaining the thought of catching my own fresh mackeral for catfish bait. The frozen bonita I used at Sarl Monday night kinda sucked, so I am 100% sold on the fresh stuff. Yeah I could go ahead and buy a few from the market down the street, but catching them on your own is certainly a great excuse to get out and enjoy the outdoors. So with that in mind I picked up my daughter from summer camp a little early and drove down Newport Blvd to the beach.

First thing is first....plug in a buck of quarters into those things and say cheese, oh and nice Cabelas hat all the way from the Glendale Az store!

After an hour of tackling the surf with my little wave dodger, the fingers started to wrinkle and it was time for some dry clothes. A quick walk over to Perry's Pizza for a slice and off we went to check out the pier action. I had a feeling good things were happening, because we saw pelicans diving into the water adjacent to the pier and I thought I could make out a bent rod at one point while body surfing. Most of the buckets we saw were empty as we first got on the pier with the exception of a few fat YFC....about half way down we looked over the side and into the water to see a HUGE school of sardines darting between the pilings. Water clarity was excellent as it seems to have been all summer along the California coast. We walked up further and this bucket was full of what I will be looking for next week :D

As we got towards the end of the pier double hookups on sabiki rigs like this were becoming quite commonplace

There was an open spot at the very busy end of the pier for Lauren to check out the sites below. It was quite a show actually...there was another huge school of sardines all around the pier and of course that meant the seals had to get in on the act. I think we only saw two though, one was definitely a juvenile. I think we were both in awe with the all the sealife below us...how cool!

So yeah the macks are in full force at Newport and I am coming out next week to make bait for the Legends event, feel free to PM me if you want to join me or you want to buy some at a low FNN member price at the event...all proceeds will go towards my daughter's college fund we started a few years ago!

How long do you think I can keep mackeral fresh? 1-2 days? What is the best way to keep it fresh? Is there a secret curing ingredient I should use or is that not a good idea? Is there a limit on mackeral DFG officer O_L? Thanks for your help and suggestions.

I think JoMama started a thread "what makes you happy" in the GenSec...I think this picture would about answer that question for me

So there is your "Johnny on the spot" Troutdog and LilT mackeral report for the upcoming Legends event folks.

2 hours worth of parking: $2.00
2 slices of Perry's Pizza: $5.35
1 ice cream cone: $2.25
Being able to share this with my daughter and seeing that look on her face:...well you know how it goes


08-16-2007, 03:09 AM
great report! if you want a good pier for mack shoot me a PM.

08-16-2007, 04:23 AM
maybe going out there. i am going to show u some way pre--cure mackerel u see me at balboa or newport neither two pier. PM me before heading out there again. its fun man!

08-16-2007, 04:55 AM
Great Post :!: :thumb:

Your daughter looks like she is having a blast.

Way to go Dad!


08-16-2007, 10:08 AM
Way to go superdad!

Granny Fish
08-16-2007, 11:29 AM
Great report Troutdad! :wink:

08-16-2007, 12:42 PM
(d) There is no limit on the following species: Albacore, anchovy, bluefin tuna, grunion, jacksmelt,
topsmelt, Pacific butterfish (pompano), queenfish, sanddabs, skipjack, jack mackerel, Pacific
mackerel, Pacific staghorn sculpin, round herring, Pacific herring and Pacific sardine. There is
no limit on the following species of federal groundfish: petrale sole, Pacific sanddab, and starry
(e) Boat limit. Whe*******

08-17-2007, 04:01 PM
Thanks for the feedback and info O_L....special thanks to boxl0bster for the PM. You guys rock! Have a great weekend and go catch some fish!


08-17-2007, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the feedback and info O_L....special thanks to boxl0bster for the PM. You guys rock! Have a great weekend and go catch some fish!


PM sent, Troutdog.


08-17-2007, 06:53 PM
awsome report, it's always good to get the little ones involved.

08-19-2007, 03:37 PM
Nice way to spend the day with your daughter. Her smile says it all. Thanks for sharing. :thumb: