View Full Version : Do u prefer red or green Pautzke eggs?

billy b
10-21-2011, 08:34 AM
The red are supposed to be the better, bigger, more expensive egg. But I've heard some fishermen prefer the green ... especially in moving waters.

2HR2BLL passed this on to me

What's your opinion?

How else to you use them other that a small split shot in moving waters?



10-21-2011, 04:51 PM
I prefer the green label in moving water because they are a bit smaller and I can jam 4 onto a treble hook and get a small cluster out of them. Same for shoreline casting.
I used to use the red label when fishing a single egg but found that it just caught smaller fish. More of them, but smaller.

billy b
10-22-2011, 07:10 AM
How do you put 4 onto a treble?

10-23-2011, 06:35 AM
If I have the choice.. when I buy salmon eggs, I get the gold label. ( Try Sport Chalet, Redlands/San Bernardino at 10/330 intersection)
I have to make sure I'm polluting my environment with glitter, of course.
But they sure work real nice.

I Stopped buying salmon eggs when I realized flies work just as good and I get to see the fish flip out of the surface of the water to get them. Also, salmon eggs are messy and flies catch just as many fish, even so, more active fish.

When I fish salmon eggs, I use one egg on a Salmon Egg hook made for fishing salmon eggs.
I use a very short 4' whippy creek rod too and I try and set the hook right away so they don't swallow it.

I always use a small split shot approach in the stream or flyline with no weight at all. Unless I'm in a lake, then I'd use a slip bobber. You might also tip your mini jig with a salmon egg.

I only use salmon eggs when I intend to keep the fish. They tend to eat them fast and swallow them.
I use flies when I'm not gonna keep any. Liphook every single time.. You can unhook without touching the fish and they swim away unharmed. Try not to touch the fishes you are gonna release! Use wet hands if you must!

I only use one egg because often times wild trout can be pretty small. The big ones will hit it just as easy, but you catch more fish. Trout are dumbo heads. The DD's eat minijigs. They know nothing about saving their energy for a bigger meal. They feed opportunistically. When the opportunity arrives they take it. If they aren't spooked or drugged..

I've caught trout on bare hooks before in the stream. If they aren't spooked..

My favorite salmon egg imitation is a carolina rig bead pressed over the middle of a treble hook. lol. No joke! I Catch fish on it too.

For example...
C-rig bead on a treble hook. Imitation salmon egg.
No more nasty baitfinger! Cheaper than a $5 can of Pautzky's Gold.
You may have to squish the eye of the hook a bit to get the bead to fit on. Gotta use a somewhat small treble.
This one works well flyline because of the weight of the bead.

You guys will quickly notice this is a great way to spice up your Panther Martins and kastmasters and give the fish a "Target" to hit on your lure. They have been doing so for many years in fact with the little red flap on your Krocodiles. Try it, it works!

Noticing the fish always hit the blade on your Panther MArtin trout spinners and hardly get hooked?
That's because they aren't hitting the hook... sometimes they hit it from the side. They are smart!
Fish like to attack things from the side to get them "head first" rather than get a tail shot and let them get away.
Put a C-rig bead on the hook and watch what happens!

If you need to, cut the old hook off with some dikes and use a tiny split ring to get the new hooks with C-rig beads on the lure. Do this with a Panther Martin Holographic trout spinner in the smaller sizes and you have some "trout money" waiting to be spent.

10-23-2011, 08:51 AM
One last thought.
If I Was careful enough, I may be able to yank a good size bass with some salmon eggs by making a threaded bassworm.

If I Was really really crafty, I could con a striper into eating a fish made from salmon eggs.
That said having been presented the red or blue pill I would have went home undecided.

Which Way Out
10-23-2011, 08:59 AM
At South Lake last week the stocker fish were going after my split shot sinker. Saw em hit it many times. I guess it looked like the pellet food that was fed to them.
So I slide the sinker down to the mosquito hook with no bait and hooked a few. Kinda strange in a fun way.

10-23-2011, 09:10 AM
Very interesting!You gave me some new ideas to try out Thanks!

10-23-2011, 06:35 PM
Here's another tip: Superglue a small rattle onto your jigs and spoons!

10-23-2011, 07:04 PM
Now if they could just convince the fish t0 make rattling rainbow salmon eggs..
You might catch some gay catfish doing the Samba.
Or a squaw who poops fruity pebble jumping beans.

10-23-2011, 08:36 PM
How do you put 4 onto a treble?

Put one on each of the three hooks, then carefully put one more onto one of the hooks thus pushing the one already there out onto the bend and the middle of the treble. You end up with a cluster of "grapes" that looks much more ike a skein of eggs than do three eggs. An added bonus to fishing four eggs is that the cluster tends not to spin as much. Downside is that you don't often get two drifts out of a bait, even more seldom three drifts.

billy b
10-24-2011, 07:28 AM
Put one on each of the three hooks, then carefully put one more onto one of the hooks thus pushing the one already there out onto the bend and the middle of the treble. You end up with a cluster of "grapes" that looks much more ike a skein of eggs than do three eggs. An added bonus to fishing four eggs is that the cluster tends not to spin as much. Downside is that you don't often get two drifts out of a bait, even more seldom three drifts.

Very interesting ... thanks MUCH for the help. I'll have to learn a new word, also ("skein")