View Full Version : Early Snow Report.

10-11-2011, 09:19 AM

I just got off the phone with one of my friends in Eastern North Dakota.
He said that since early this morning, the snow is nearly waist
high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping below zero and the
north wind is increasing.
His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window.

He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in.


Which Way Out
10-11-2011, 09:34 AM
DR I could say sooooooo many things but I better not. :Wink:

10-11-2011, 09:36 AM
For one if it below freezing that cat should be inside in the first place what person could look at that cat and not no its cold the window is radiating the heat from inside thats why the cats against the window

10-11-2011, 10:43 AM
For one if it below freezing that cat should be inside in the first place what person could look at that cat and not no its cold the window is radiating the heat from inside thats why the cats against the window

Just a old photobucket pic I pulled to go with the human 'joke'.

Feel better pics. :Big Grin:


http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l31/pupster67/chinese.jpg DR :LOL:

10-11-2011, 02:11 PM
Eh, the kitty will be fine.

That's why he has fur.

Ask Sasquatch.

Nessie Hunter
10-11-2011, 02:30 PM
I did notice NO ONE asked about the Wife??? LMAO....

Which Way Out
10-11-2011, 02:32 PM
Your sick DR :Twisted: :ROFL:

10-11-2011, 02:39 PM
Who wants a cold Pussey ?

10-11-2011, 04:52 PM
Who wants a cold Pussey ?

We talking the cat or the wife here. LOL

10-11-2011, 08:08 PM
Your sick DR :Twisted: :ROFL:http://i862.photobucket.com/albums/ab186/dawiesner/AngryBaby.jpg

Joke; From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A joke (or gag]) is a phrase or a paragraph with a humorous twist. It can be in many different forms, such as a question or short story. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous.

A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl

We talking the cat or the wife here. LOL

F O H, You have some great come back lines. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/djf101803/Smilies/clapping.gif

DR http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae71/donselmo/Smiley/sick.gif

old pudd fisher
10-11-2011, 08:52 PM
Jokes are fun, that was funny DR.

10-12-2011, 10:15 PM
What's in the box ?

A little old lady went to the grocery store to buy cat food. She
picked up four cans and took them to the check out counter.

The girl at the cash register said, "I'm sorry, but we cannot sell
you cat food without proof that you have a cat. A lot of old people
buy cat food to eat, and the management wants proof that you are
buying the cat food for your cat."

The little old lady went home, picked up her cat and brought it back
to the store. They sold her the cat food. The next day, she tried to
buy two cans of dog food. Again the cashier said "I'm sorry, but we
cannot sell you dog food without proof that you have a dog. A lot of
old people buy dog food to eat, but the management wants proof that
you are buying the dog food for your dog."

So she went home and brought in her dog. She then
was able to buy the dog food.

The next day she brought in a box with a hole in the lid. The little
old lady asked the cashier to stick her finger in the hole. The
cashier said, "No, you might have a snake in there."

The little old lady assured her that there was nothing in the box
that would harm her. So the cashier put her finger into the box and
quickly pulled it out. She said to the little old lady, "That smells like shiit."
The little old lady said, "It is. I want to buy three rolls of toilet paper."

Don't mess with old people !
