View Full Version : Great Time For A Pay Raise ?

09-26-2011, 06:01 PM
Any FNNers getting a 17% to 83% Pay Raise ? 2010 to 2011
He only received a $25,000 pay raise http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t39/moebrown20/Smiley/loser.gif

Any thoughts ?


Note: It was on the evening news ......The Presidential First Dog HANDLER
receives an annual salary of $102,000.

http://i965.photobucket.com/albums/ae137/otow/Obama-and-Dog-Bo-Playing-Football.jpg DR

fishin fool
09-26-2011, 06:05 PM
Been watching FOX news again, eh?

Which Way Out
09-26-2011, 06:27 PM
Its for the CHILDREN

09-26-2011, 09:53 PM

Looks like a cozy place for Dock Rat to post at.

09-26-2011, 10:23 PM
Just a email a guy sent me.
Could have been been approved by the Rep Congress ?
100K dog handler was attached too, I added the pic.
Had no idea about large Gov pay raises during a recession ?
If you guys are ok with it than that is cool. Channel 5 news in the am.

09-27-2011, 12:36 AM
This National Debt has been climbing out of control since Clinton.
Do you really think this economy will be fixed in the next 3 - 5 years ?
It's a Global Problem :Shocked:

Check out this Russians view.


Big Bear Legal Eagle
09-27-2011, 12:53 PM
Truth is the vaccine against Faux News....


09-27-2011, 01:17 PM
Check out this Russians view.

Yes, let's trust the Russians viewpoint.

09-27-2011, 01:56 PM
Truth is the vaccine against Faux News....


I like Fox News:Dead Horse:!

09-27-2011, 02:27 PM
Just a email a guy sent me.

The ole, "somebody sent me an email."

Great excuse when someone calls you out on spreading misinformation; that way you don't have to take any responsibility.

City Dad
09-27-2011, 03:57 PM
The ole, "somebody sent me an email."

Great excuse when someone calls you out on spreading misinformation; that way you don't have to take any responsibility.


a guy said in an email he sent me.

09-27-2011, 04:24 PM
Always good to get a pay raise, even when the economy is in the tank. Rich bastards make themselves richer while the middle and lower income just get shafted. Wonder where the money comes from for pay increase? Fire a lowly peon, and use his/her salary for the rich guy's pay increase for the year. Repeat it every year.

09-27-2011, 04:31 PM
Dockrat I know you hate Obama and all but you have like a radical hatred for him. Not trying to start one of those arguments but is Obama any worse than bush. Only difference is Obama speaks better publicly

09-27-2011, 04:45 PM
Maybe if they got a REAL dog, he might be worth $102K. But those Ted Kennedy waterdogs aren't much good for anything more than pulling bad dates out of a bay. I guess if the kids love him, though, he's a keeper.

Just something I got in an email yesterday ;)

09-27-2011, 05:05 PM
A Nigerian king is sending me 1.2 million dollars. I just have to send him my bank account info.

Just something I got in an email yesterday.

Add yours. ;-)

09-27-2011, 05:21 PM
Truth is the vaccine against Faux News....


Thanks B B L E,

That pay raise email came from Big Bear, Lol.

The WWW info can really be spun either way. I'm learning.
A FNN guy can hold a 12" Trout straight out for a pic.
WOW that thing is huge ? Lol

Is a chart claiming to show the “top 20 raises” to White House staffers accurate?
It’s misleading. The salary increases for 19 of the 21 employees listed resulted from promotions. Average pay for White House staff actually declined.
Aug. 4, 2011

Misleading ? Promotions ? One can spend all day digging into this.
A Housekeeper could be called a Domestic Engineer and get a raise.
I worked for building engineers in the 90's at TRW that were head of maintenance.
No college degrees.

Sorry about the post, I'll do my homework now.
I vote both ways.
DR Facts.
Fact; The economy is not getting much better.
Fact; The US debt is growing at a huge rate daily.
Fact; The Russian is talking global recession.
Fact; I see FULL container ships coming in LA/LB with full containers.
Fact; I see FULL container ships leaving LA/LB with as many 1/2 EMPTY containers
to be sent back to Asia to be filled with Kmart, Home Depot ect. crap.

Example; Go to Home Depot, look at light fixtures. How many are made in the USA ? 5% ?


I saw ' Support US Troops' camo wrist bands a few years ago at 7-11, they were
Made in China ???

Can't buy Cuban Cigars or Sugar ? Why Not ? http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh157/BKNorton3/Anti-Communist.jpg

How many factories closed, jobs lost ? I thought we didn't support Communism ?
SO CONFUSED ? :Confused::Confused::Confused::Confused:

China #1 trading partner ? We buy Chinese/Asian stuff because it is cheaper.
They use this cheap recycle stuff and ship it back to our stores. Then us FFN guys buy it.
Red Wing Boots now Made in China.

We complain about LOST JOBS and buy Asian stuff ?
I have some Asian stuff in my house too. I like Asians, just talking Economy here.


I emailed back to these Obama haters.

DR (Registered Independent)
Super Confused, need input from you smart guys.

pho boy
09-27-2011, 05:51 PM
A Nigerian king is sending me 1.2 million dollars. I just have to send him my bank account info.

Just something I got in an email yesterday.

Add yours. ;-). Ha ha he sending me 20 million . I don't have a banking account so I gave them my father inlaw account

09-27-2011, 05:57 PM
Always good to get a pay raise, even when the economy is in the tank. Rich bastards make themselves richer while the middle and lower income just get shafted. Wonder where the money comes from for pay increase? Fire a lowly peon, and use his/her salary for the rich guy's pay increase for the year. Repeat it every year. :Applause:

AsianGuy always brings something good. A real thinker.
Many other guys bring weak jokes, no input or facts. Why ?

Dockrat I know you hate Obama and all but you have like a radical hatred for him. Not trying to start one of those arguments but is Obama any worse than bush. Only difference is Obama speaks better publicly

I don't Hate him just dislike the Economy in the USA. You should too. I like some of his stuff.

Didn't like Bush's BS either. Some good, some bad, same as Obama.
Seems I dislike 75% of politicians, Dems or Reps.

Please study the Debt Clock for 60 seconds. :Confused:



Both parties have been screwing the average working guy since Clinton.
Clinton had a Rep congress, Bush had a Dem congress.

Who gets the credit for a economy ? The President or Congress ?

DR, More Confused ? Any Economy Guys out there ? Need help.

09-27-2011, 06:19 PM
I might vote for this guy ?


Don't care too much about parties or race.
2 black Presidents in a row. That would be great.
I wish Martin Luther King could have seen this.

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj105/Fall02/martin.gif HERO !

Herman Cain may be the new "Hope & Change" guy. Try playing the race card against him!

Herman Cain, even though he's known as the "pizza" candidate for his years as head of Godfather's Pizza, his background is much broader than that. After he graduated from Morehouse College with a degree in mathematics and a minor in chemistry in 1968, Cain landed a job as a ballistics analyst for the Department of the Navy, where he was responsible for the calculations that ensured battleship rockets hit their targets.
Cain later completed a master's degree in computer science and entered the business world where he led several companies--most recently Godfather's--and chaired the National Restaurant Association and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. His résumé--from mathematician and rocket scientist to restaurateur and now politician--isn't exactly a typical one for a presidential candidate.

Business career (2nd Source)
After completing his master's degree from Purdue, Cain left the Department of the Navy and began working for The Coca-Cola Company as a business analyst. In 1977, he joined Pillsbury where he rose to the position of Vice President by the early 1980s. He left his executive post to work for Burger King – a Pillsbury subsidiary at the time – managing 400 stores in the Philadelphia area. Under Cain's leadership, his region went from the least profitable for Burger King to the most profitable in three years. This prompted Pillsbury to appoint him President and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, another of their then-subsidiaries. Within 14 months, Cain had returned Godfather's to profitability. In 1988, Cain and a group of investors bought Godfather's from Pillsbury. Cain continued as CEO until 1996, when he resigned to become CEO of the National Restaurant Association – a trade group and lobby organization for the restaurant industry – where he had previously been chairman concurrently with his role at Godfather's.[10]
Cain became a member of the board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992 and served as its chairman from January 1995 to August 1996, when he resigned to become active in national politics.[11] Cain was a 1996 recipient of the Horatio Alger Award.[12]
Cain was on the board of directors of Aquila, Inc. from 1992 to 2008, and also served as a board member for Nabisco, Whirlpool, Reader's Digest, and AGCO, Inc.


961 days in . . . It A'int Play'in Very Well

This week's ABC News/Washington Post Poll found that, based on their 961 days' experience with the current White House crowd, 47% say Obama's new economic program will have zero effect on the economy.

Worse politically, twice as many -- 34% vs 17% -- say Obama's plan will actually make matters worse, instead of better.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll the other day found 73% of Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track. That's 23 points more than felt that way at the beginning of summer.

DR :Confused:

09-27-2011, 06:59 PM
Jeez, Dock Rat.

The Copy-Paste key on your keyboard has a lot of miles on 'em, huh?

09-27-2011, 07:53 PM
Jeez, Dock Rat.

The Copy-Paste key on your keyboard has a lot of miles on 'em, huh?

Dude, got a broken leg/ankle. 3 -4 hours in my walking boot and it starts hurting.
Spent 3 weeks watching tv, got my kids laptop now.
Studying Economics, Iraq/Dinar, Politics, Fishing, Craislist, Ebay.
All over the place, all day, lol. TV all day rots my brain.

09-27-2011, 10:32 PM

AsianGuy always brings something good. A real thinker.
Many other guys bring week jokes, no input or facts. Why ?

I don't Hate him just dislike the Economy in the USA. You should too. I like some of his stuff.

Didn't like Bush's BS either. Some good, some bad, same as Obama.
Seems I dislike 75% of politicians, Dems or Reps.

Please study the Debt Clock for 60 seconds. :Confused:



Both parties have been screwing the average working guy since Clinton.
Clinton had a Rep congress, Bush had a Dem congress.

Who gets the credit for a economy ? The President or Congress ?

DR, More Confused ? Any Economy Guys out there ? Need help.

Congress. A president can only veto if he has a majority in congress. Congress votes to make the laws and regulations, to raise or lower taxes, or to create new "fees" (spin for taxes). The president can sign it or veto it. And congress can over ride the veto, with enough votes.

As for the economy. Keynesian economics, mixed with some Cloward/Piven strategies, is where we are now. It's not pretty is it. For those who want to Google the Cloward/Piven strategy, ignore the wiki link, as of a week ago it gave a spun definition (a user input entity). Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven were 60's radicals, and American communists.


I pasted this link to give a little perspective and to provoke some thought. Read the "Cloward-Piven Strategy", then look around and tell me it ain't so.

As for China? Wasn't it the USSR that said America would fall from within? In China, the injection of capitalism WILL cause the authoritarian communist regime to fall from within. Just as the injection of socialism into capitalism in America, is causing it to fall. Tienanmen square was a prelude, only next time, it won't end with the slaughter of thousands. Thousands may or may not be slaughtered again, but it will be the end of communist China as it is...

09-27-2011, 10:48 PM
Been watching FOX news again, eh?

As opposed to the totally unbiased, never hypocritical, always politically fair, never slanted, ignorant buffoons pretending to be journalists at MSNBC?

09-28-2011, 07:27 AM
As opposed to the totally unbiased, never hypocritical, always politically fair, never slanted, ignorant buffoons pretending to be journalists at MSNBC?

And FactCheck.Org is a bastion of truth and un-biased....

09-28-2011, 07:50 AM
As opposed to the totally unbiased, never hypocritical, always politically fair, never slanted, ignorant buffoons pretending to be journalists at MSNBC?

Lol, you left out CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNBC, Huffpo, media matters, move on dot org, newsweek, Time ragazine, New York Times, LA Times, Boston Times, etc. etc...

09-28-2011, 03:17 PM
DockRat, always good to see you do your researches and keep that noggin spinning. I can vouch that your brain won't suffer the Alzheimer's disease as you get older if you keep those neuron firing like you have now.

You guys can be so freaking hilarious with your comments when it comes to detecting BS-es and subtle hints of oddities. Definitely need more people like you guys in societies, rather than brain-dead idiots that just flow with the zombies mainstream.

Now, communistic countries, I used to live in one of them; Vietnam is a good one. China is one of the larger one. US will become one itself if things in this country keeps up. An example how history repeats itself over and over again, no matter what country you're in. Give the country enough time and history, and you'll see the patterns emerge. Let's take China for example. My history lessons are a bit rustic since college 15 years ago, so help me out here if I'm wrong somewhere:

3210 BC, oldest recorded history known to man in the country, the land was ruled by the people, for the people, from different parts of Asia Major due to trading of goods. from 2800 to 1775 BC, struggles between trading lands, which then forms empires, and seized control by greedy bastards known as emperors. Uprising between 1820 down to 1122 BC from small militia groups all over the country, including the groups of Mongols, to free the oppressed people, which then sustained a freedom of the people, and ruled by the people for a good 15 years before the Han, Ming, and Shu dynasties kick the people in the groins with the iron fists reigns. One greedy emperor after another attempted to take over the entire country all the way until 1115, before the invasions of the Byzantines, Asia Minor countries, the Mongols, the Japanese, USSR, British, French (think Napoleon), even Indonesians took a stab at invading China for its fertile lands and abundant riches. When one country takes over the good portion of China, there were times of unified government of the people, for the people, and by the people established for a short period of time before some jerks decided to take it over again. Well, communism kicked in royally when you have some idealists believe that they have weapons of mass annoyance, combined with a small little army of fascists and zombies that can't think for themselves, plus a bit of inside moles, you get dictatorship with a twist of communism that pretty much decimated the people in all perspectives. Now, China is gearing towards the unified government composed by the people, for the people, with free markets by rebelling the current communistic dictatorship.

Iraq is a good scenario of the past 500 years. North and South Korea are reflective mirrors of such China-like history, until the British, French, Japanese, and US stepped in and cracked the bottom mirror. You got dictatorship and communism at the top, while the bottom is free markets and ruled by the governing parties of the people. US is stepping into its cycles all over again. Controlled by some king in England. Rebellions broke the people free. Radical parties and fascists formed alliance to fight over the land, segregating north and south. Took the acts of people to once again unified the country. Greedy bastards in politics try to rule the people again using mind-washing tactics in every state, while changing the laws to suit their needs, using internal military might to suppress the uprising. People then felt oppressed and risen into rebellion again. Continually endless freaking cycle throughout the world. Now, someone's idea of creating one government for the entire planet was tossed into the mix, and everyone is buying off on it. Euro-Asian countries are pretty much under one currency. North, Central, and South America will soon be one currency. Another 20 years, all nations will be under one currency. 50 years or so, governing bodies will merge into one body of government, represented by 5 different bodies (3 to 2 votes process). 100 years from now, there may be one supreme ruler over the world.

So, which one of the FNNers will live long enough to be that supreme ruler? :LOL: