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View Full Version : Another Epic day at Perris last week...

Pete Marino
09-06-2011, 11:37 AM
In between guide trips last week... I was able to get out to Perris for a little "fun fishing/recon' trip to Perris with a couple friends, Levi and Rex..
Both of them have been wanting to get out there with me to hammer some bass but its just been hard to find time so when i asked them both if they wanted to get out there on Weds the answer was a resounding YES!!!!
So Rex and Levi both met me at the lake and off we went...
The plan for the day was to throw topwater to start then head to deep water and abuse as many bass as possible...

We pulled up to within 75 yards of my "sweet spot' and we all begin to fire topwater baits... Im throwing a Super spook, so is rex and Levi opts for a Luckycraft Gunfish...
It literally takes only a couple casts and Levi sweeps and sets the hook on a good Perris bass.. The i stick a good fish and then we miss a couple BIG BLOWUPS.....and we arent even on my sweetspot yet!!!!:Shocked::Shocked: Then Rex catches one, then Levi again... Then me again... This could get ugly!!! lol:Envious::Envious:

The warm grass and water and cool air temp is causing fog/steam on the water and it is keeping these bass active on top..
These bass we're catching are good ones...between 3lbs-5 lbs..
Then Rex gets a GIANT swirl behind his topwater... an 8-10 lb bass misses his bait... he keeps it moving, it misses again :Shocked: then right next to the boat it comes up and MISSES THE BAIT AGAIN!!!:Shocked: Good god that was a TRUE GIANT..
There are HUGE bass in this school on my spot and they are coming up and trying to kill the bait first before eating it... they are swiping at it with their tails.
Then we have a few more BIG BLOWUP Misses...(Like someone doing a cannonball in the water next to our baits) The Giants are hunting...
So Rex decides to make a change and start throwing a lipless crankbait.... Me and Levi continue with the topwater...
Within a few casts...a solid 3 lb Perris bass inhales Rex's lipless crankbait...He swings it into the boat.. And then He catches another... in the mean time Me and Levi are catching topwater fish still.
As the sun comes over the hill the steam/fog disapates and the topwater bite goes with it... so we decide to head to deeper water.... Idling out of the area Levi has the edge with 8 bass on his gunfish Im next with 6 bass and Rex has 5.
I arrogantly tell Levi that, "his lead isnt big enough because im about to put a hurt on them" lol We have to have some smack talk to spice things up..lol

We pull onto the spot and I drop my marker... We all pick up a rod.. Rex is armed with his favorite Carolina Rig.. Levi is Firing a dropshot and I opt for the dropshot as well..
With in 2 casts "IM ON!!" I lip a solid 3 lb bass... Then I catch another and another....oh and...another...IM ROLLING!! hahahaha And Of coarse my trash talk is in FULL AFFECT!! :LOL::LOL:
Thats all Levi need to see before he finally made a few adjustments and started to catch fish...
In the mean time Rex is confidently working his Crig and picking away at the fish...
In the last hour and a half or so Levi decided to switch to a jig and caught 4 more bass on it, rex continued to pick away at them with the carolina rig and I continued to hammer away with the dropshot..
We ended the day shortly after 12:30 with easily over 35 bass caught...

Here are a few pics..

Rex with a solid Carolina rig bass..

Me and Rex with a double hookup!! Mine was about 4 3/4lbs and Rex's was 2 1/2 lbs

And Levi with a solid Perris Bass...

All in all a great day out fishing with friends...

Our topwater fish came in 2-5 ft of water..walking baits.. 4 lipless crankbait bass...
The deep bass came from 40-52 ft of water... carolina rig ,jig and dropshot...

If this sounds like fun to you give me a call and Ill get you out there for what could quite possibly be an EPIC day like this!!! Call me !!! I have some openings for this week and next..


Office (909) 510-5679
Cell (909) 241-8283

09-06-2011, 12:00 PM
WOW!!!! What an awesome report... You truly are the man Pete!!!

Pete Marino
09-07-2011, 09:30 AM
Thanks HawgStalker!!


09-07-2011, 11:01 AM
Excellent! Keep it up! Perris will be the hot spot for the Inland Empire soon.

09-07-2011, 11:14 AM
Nice job man.

Pete definitely has this lake dialed in. I saw him on Sunday and he was whacking them about 100 feet way from me. I couldn't get a bite. lol... I watched him and the people on his boat catch about 15 before I left the spot empty handed.

Nice report. You are always willing to share good info and I appreciate it.

Pete Marino
09-08-2011, 09:04 AM
Thanks Pigdestroyer!!!
