View Full Version : U.S. Dead Presidents Dollar Coins

09-03-2011, 08:00 PM
We are making these now and until 2016.
Almost all going into storage, over 2 Billion.
Storage costs could reach over 1/2 million dollars.
Nobody uses them, but we make them. WTF :Shocked:
Check this video, you will be shocked !
Your taxes at work.



City Dad
09-06-2011, 11:19 AM
HEre's what you do.

Get a credit card that allows you to accumulate miles.

Buy as many presidential coins as you can. Deposit coins in bank.

Fly happy.

09-06-2011, 04:06 PM
HEre's what you do.

Get a credit card that allows you to accumulate miles.

Buy as many presidential coins as you can. Deposit coins in bank.

Fly happy.
I just saw a whole story on people that do this. Legal but frowned on LOL! They said the the credit card company's are working on closing the loophole that allows this to happen.

09-06-2011, 08:22 PM
Maybe it's time to go into the storage business and get the U.S. government contract?

09-07-2011, 08:47 AM
Maybe it's time to go into the storage business and get the U.S. government contract?


This guy could stop it, but he won't.
How about the Solar Co he funded with over $500,000,000
They have gone bankrupt.

September 7, 2011
Bankrupt solar company with fed backing has cozy ties to Obama admin
Published: 1:33 PM 09/01/2011 | Updated: 3:51 PM 09/01/2011

A solar energy company that intends to file for bankruptcy received $535 million in backing from the federal government and has a cozy history with Democrats and the Obama administration, campaign finance records show.

Shareholders and executives of Solyndra, a green energy company producing solar panels, fundraised for and donated to the Obama administration to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser, a key Obama backer who raised between $50,000 and $100,000 for the president’s election campaign, is one of Solyndra’s primary investors. Kaiser himself donated $53,500 to Obama’s 2008 election campaign, split between the DSCC and Obama For America. Kaiser also made several visits to the White House and appeared at some White House events next to Obama officials.

Campaign finance records show Kaiser and Solyndra executives and board members donated $87,050 total to Obama’s election campaign. :Shocked:

And now, just two years after securing a half-billion-dollar federal loan, Solyndra has said that it will declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy. :Shocked::Shocked::Shocked:

In a statement, Solyndra wrote “global economic and solar industry market conditions” forced it to close its Fremont, Calif., factory and lay off 1,100 employees. :Shocked:

“Regulatory and policy uncertainties in recent months created significant near-term excess supply and price erosion,” Solyndra president and CEO Brian Harrison said. “Raising incremental capital in this environment was not possible. This was an unexpected outcome and is most unfortunate.”

Obama cited the company as a model of success for his highly touted green-energy industry initiative. In fact, the Obama administration fast-tracked the solar startup’s $535 million loan application to the Department of Energy — a move later criticized by the Government Accountability Office.

Solyndra and the administration originally projected the loan would help Solyndra create 4,000 jobs.

During a visit to the Solyndra facility in 2010, Obama said the factory is “a testament to American ingenuity and dynamism and the fact that we continue to have the best universities in the world, the best technology in the world, and most importantly the best workers in the world.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/01/bankrupt-solar-company-with-fed-backing-has-cozy-ties-to-obama-admin/#ixzz1XHVBjYxO


City Dad
09-07-2011, 09:03 AM
I just saw a whole story on people that do this. Legal but frowned on LOL! They said the the credit card company's are working on closing the loophole that allows this to happen.

Dang, always a day late and a dollar short!

09-08-2011, 04:47 PM
Heard on the news today that FBI went in to Solyndra with search warrants today to seize all the documents ???