View Full Version : S. El Monte and the Legg Lake Monster

08-30-2011, 10:07 AM
Fished yesterday with Vortec_Cruiser at a beautiful place he knew on the San Gabriel River in South El Monte. The area was very wild and was a great place for fishing. Too bad it wasn't such a good place for catching as well.

Not wanted to be skunked I drove over to Legg Lakes and found a nice shady spot to lounge around. I was really more interested in keeping cool in the shade that going after the fish. I put out a line for the carp that never came and caught several blue gill and redear on maggots with my second line. Only one was a keeper, so I let her go. No skunkz!

While I was there I saw something new to me. A guy was driving a boat around the lake that looked like a cross between a farm combine and a paddle boat. I guess he was cleaning out vegetation, but I didn't see him come up with any. Here's a picture of the Legg Lake Monster.


08-30-2011, 10:38 AM
Yup,thats exactly what he was doing,glad to hear it.

white belt
08-30-2011, 01:23 PM
Good job! I think I'm going to try Legg Lake this Fri.

08-30-2011, 02:30 PM
so thats wat that was it was on one of the islands. i hope they clear ALL OF THE WEEDS.

08-30-2011, 03:12 PM
It was great fishing with you, Jon. It's too bad the fish weren't biting. I'm glad to see the rest of the day wasn't a bust for you. If I'd had known you were going there, I would have joined you. Next time...

08-31-2011, 02:45 AM
Awesome i saw it there also early in the morn. Then went back later
with wife and kids and it was parked at an island? Ima go hit the legg later this a.m.
Just before the heat picks up!!! You see all kinds of people there early in the morn.
Gettn outta work at seven ill be there by 7:45:Big Grin: