View Full Version : Dipsy Do Skunkero.......

08-21-2011, 12:49 AM
Went out with M@M tonight and got smacked. Started fishing at 7pm. Full speed ahead with the flow and wind. White caps everywhere! Lost a lure every 10 casts it seemed for me. Wind died down nicely over the next few hours. Saw no signs of life or anything. No feesh, no bites, no birds, no ducks, looked pretty dead to me.

On a positive note, had a good time meeting M@M. Really nice guy! Sorry I couldn't get ya on any fish. It's tough out there. The moon never made it up the time we were out so I was pitch flippin dark. I don't think the feesh would see my lure if it smacked them in the face! Oh well, next time buddy. I know Trail Blazer...this report made your day!

08-21-2011, 07:47 AM
nice work out there, Forrest.

08-21-2011, 07:58 AM
Payin Dues!

08-21-2011, 08:31 AM
Went out with M@M tonight and got smacked. Started fishing at 7pm. Full speed ahead with the flow and wind. White caps everywhere! Lost a lure every 10 casts it seemed for me. Wind died down nicely over the next few hours. Saw no signs of life or anything. No feesh, no bites, no birds, no ducks, looked pretty dead to me.

On a positive note, had a good time meeting M@M. Really nice guy! Sorry I couldn't get ya on any fish. It's tough out there. The moon never made it up the time we were out so I was pitch flippin dark. I don't think the feesh would see my lure if it smacked them in the face! Oh well, next time buddy. I know Trail Blazer...this report made your day!

Told you there are no fish in the duct. I wouldn't worry too much about moon, sun, day, night, wind, calm, flow, temp etc. It makes it easy to give excuses by relying on them, imo. Just go out and fish whenever you can. Sometimes you find them and sometimes you don't.

Yes M@M Mike is a cool dude. He's a Hesperia duct DD magnet. If there are more DD's in there he will get them sooner or later.

trail blazer
08-21-2011, 09:32 AM
The part that makes my day is the fact that you guys GOT TOGATHER and gave it a shot,,,,,,,,,,KUDOS to the both of you!!! That stretch of the duct is no doubt the toughest of ,m ALL,,,bar none!.

The bite up here was almost non existent also last night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 bite in 2 1/2 hrs of HARD fishin between 2 of us,,,,,,and thats up here in the fish barrel,,LOL.

ABSOLUTEPIG,,,,,,,,I was a little sensitive yesterday and as a result might have been a little PERSONAL with one of my post replies:Embarrassed:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SORRY BOUGHT THAT!

O,well,,,,,,,,,,,,,THE DEVIL MADE ME SAY IT:Evil:,,LOL.


08-21-2011, 12:59 PM
Yes all our duct fishing brothers....... it was windy and the water was rippin' ....as it seems to be all the time here at the end of the Duct....We fished it hard 7pm-12am........AbsolutePig a real fisherman to the bone..., always putting on the lure to see who bites... lol ...that just ain't right...maybe a bit MISS-UNDERSTOOD by some of his his post,....... AP it was cool fishin' with ya. Let,s do it again.......anyways after I dropped AP off back at his car......I go over to the girlfriends house...which happens to be only 10mins. from the Duct ...(coincidence...maybe... lol) slept for a few hours and headed back to the Duct........ ...Fished from 4am-9am........:Embarrassed:only thing I hooked-up on was a large branch and a tire!...caught em, both!!:Smile: .....Worked real hard to get that tire...wasn't easy (was hoping maybe I would find one of AP's lures or maybe one of my own..lol)...got it to the edge,moved down and pulled it out.......Was happy I tied a strong knot..ha ha.......WOW, I really need to catch something!!!....like I always say maybe next time...anyway taking the GF to Big Bear Mon. to catch some crappie.....I hope........

Trailblazer your a cool dude...thanks....tight lines all, Mike

YOLO, got your text right after I got back from a loooong night...OUCH!! lol:LOL:...Your the striper magnet!! ha ha

08-21-2011, 07:52 PM
YOLO, got your text right after I got back from a loooong night...OUCH!! lol:LOL:...Your the striper magnet!! ha ha

Dang Mike you had one heck of a double session.

I had withdrawals from being away for a few days on vacation, lol. As tired as I was I just had to hit it in the morning and was fortunate to get a decent one. I was so pumped from the quick morning hit that I got carried away and went for an afternoon session too. Walked like 3 miles and not one hit. Lucky Lager joined me and same for him. I was on his mid west turf. Maybe we should have hit my stomping grounds closer to town where I hooked up in the morning? Hind sight is 20/20. Still fun to get out. It was surprisingly chilly this morning. Had to put a jacket on for a little while. Afternoon was nice and got some good exercise and a good dose of vitamin D. Have to make the afternoon skunk have some positives lol.

Lucky Lager
08-22-2011, 07:36 PM
damn skunks! i really had a good feeling about that last spot we hit...can't believe there were no fish there. or maybe i just suck @ fishing, lol.
after you left, i worked that bridge, then made a last minute dicision to head west & work a couple bends...sill nada.
i may bring my gear out with me & hit your area after work sometime this week, cuz i won't have a chance to fish this weekend. i'll let you know if i do

08-22-2011, 08:38 PM
damn skunks! i really had a good feeling about that last spot we hit...can't believe there were no fish there. or maybe i just suck @ fishing, lol.
after you left, i worked that bridge, then made a last minute dicision to head west & work a couple bends...sill nada.
i may bring my gear out with me & hit your area after work sometime this week, cuz i won't have a chance to fish this weekend. i'll let you know if i do

We both sucked at fishing yesterday, lol. We should have checked the sun, moon, pressure, flow, wind gauge, thermometer. Do that and you'll never go out fishing.

I'm available tomorrow afternoon after work. Wed and Thurs my son has basketball practice so those days are out. Don't know what Friday holds yet and I too am busy this weekend.

08-23-2011, 09:56 AM
only thing I hooked-up on was a large branch and a tire!...caught em, both!!:Smile: .....Worked real hard to get that tire...wasn't easy (was hoping maybe I would find one of AP's lures or maybe one of my own..lol)

What lb test line were you using to fish that tire out? the DFG guy we met said he used a 40lbs test line and a thin metal wire spool on a HUGE deep ocean setup in attempting to fish anything out of the duct. He snagged a full size tire with the rim. Took him a good 40 minutes to pull it out. People said just to use a medium rod and 10lbs is adequate. Errr..I'm listening to the DFG guy that fished that duct 25+ years. I'm getting myself a bigger ocean setup to fish that duct..I'm not about to have my rod do a bendo and *SNAP* because some monster decides to grab my balls while I'm not fully prepared.

08-23-2011, 01:38 PM
I use MH with 10lb to 15lb. I have hooked and battled a 25+ and it never stressed my set up. Yeah I have seen bait guys use huge ocean tackle with 40lb line but what fun is that on the average catfish in the duct or even striper. I know you would not want to be tossing lures with that for several hours. I agree medium is kind of light and would recommend a MH or heavy instead. Line also depends on brand. I use 10lb Pline Cxx which they say is under rated and it will handle double that 10lb no problem. When I use 15lb, it's always flouro. All these are on low profile baitcasters. Some people use braided line but I hate that stuff. If you hook a big one you can walk or run with it along the bank. You can also go to a ladder to land it so it makes it quite easy. Can you get spooled? Yes. I have gotten spooled. Would a giant reel with twice the capacity be good for that? Yes, but the odds are slim to hook huge fish on a regular basis. Would I want to be throwing lures with that for countless hours? Heck no.

08-23-2011, 02:15 PM
I use MH with 10lb to 15lb. I have hooked and battled a 25+ and it never stressed my set up. Yeah I have seen bait guys use huge ocean tackle with 40lb line but what fun is that on the average catfish in the duct or even striper. I know you would not want to be tossing lures with that for several hours. I agree medium is kind of light and would recommend a MH or heavy instead. Line also depends on brand. I use 10lb Pline Cxx which they say is under rated and it will handle double that 10lb no problem. When I use 15lb, it's always flouro. All these are on low profile baitcasters. Some people use braided line but I hate that stuff. If you hook a big one you can walk or run with it along the bank. You can also go to a ladder to land it so it makes it quite easy. Can you get spooled? Yes. I have gotten spooled. Would a giant reel with twice the capacity be good for that? Yes, but the odds are slim to hook huge fish on a regular basis. Would I want to be throwing lures with that for countless hours? Heck no.

I have two set-ups.......Curado 301 with 7'11 Heavy 20# Seaguar Abrasx and Curado 201 7'8" med/Heavy with 15# PlineXX.....depends on what I'm tossing to determine which rod I'm using. If you're bait and waiting it, I would go with like 20# on a heavy spinning rod, that's all you need. There aren't any sharks in there...lol.

08-23-2011, 02:31 PM
What lb test line were you using to fish that tire out? the DFG guy we met said he used a 40lbs test line and a thin metal wire spool on a HUGE deep ocean setup in attempting to fish anything out of the duct. He snagged a full size tire with the rim. Took him a good 40 minutes to pull it out. People said just to use a medium rod and 10lbs is adequate. Errr..I'm listening to the DFG guy that fished that duct 25+ years. I'm getting myself a bigger ocean setup to fish that duct..I'm not about to have my rod do a bendo and *SNAP* because some monster decides to grab my balls while I'm not fully prepared.

AsianGuy, I just have a 7ft medium Ugly Stick, Penn 550 spinning reel and 14lb Vanish flouro I get at Walmart..... just tire no rim, a bit of mud and a few fresh water clams and some tiny shrimp... ...didn't know what I was snagged on, but it was giving a bit,once I got it moving the current helped ...lol...same set up worked fine on the only 2 striper I've caught

08-23-2011, 02:44 PM
Yes, but the odds are slim to hook huge fish on a regular basis.

:LOL: Okay..okay..stories from gurus scare the hibby jibby out of me. Brought a medium heavy rod with me, and that thing was bending in the water using just 1oz sinker as if it was hooked on a 10lbs cat in the current. Same goes with my two heavy setups. After that DFG Jeff guy said the pole would have done the 180° bendo on a snag, I worried for my partner's and my setup. But hey..they're just rods right? :Rolls Eyes: However, DFG and his boys gave us good insights to protect our setups with life line just in case the rods get yanked right out of their holders.

I have two set-ups.......Curado 301 with 7'11 Heavy 20# Seaguar Abrasx and Curado 201 7'8" med/Heavy with 15# PlineXX.....depends on what I'm tossing to determine which rod I'm using. If you're bait and waiting it, I would go with like 20# on a heavy spinning rod, that's all you need. There aren't any sharks in there...lol.

Don't know..I think you're fishing for sharks with those setups :LOL: You guys are a fountain of info! Thanks.

08-23-2011, 02:49 PM
AsianGuy, I just have a 7ft medium Ugly Stick, Penn 550 spinning reel and 14lb Vanish flouro I get at Walmart..... just tire no rim, a bit of mud and a few fresh water clams and some tiny shrimp... ...didn't know what I was snagged on, but it was giving a bit,once I got it moving the current helped ...lol...same set up worked fine on the only 2 striper I've caught

That's great to hear. What concerns me is the I-15 that the aqueduct crosses under, and the water run-off from the ice melt and rain actually get dumped into the duct, carrying all the craps with it. This includes truck tires (with rims), whole autos, huge branches, and even dead bodies (just recapping what I was briefed with). I'll definitely try with my heavy setup, get a replacement reel for my dead baitcaster under the heavy rig, and try again. I want to taste the meat of the fighters in the duct. Let me know if someone in the area is willing to help us rookies out. I will probably go there this Friday after hours again around 9pm to try my luck. Who knows, I might snag something, even if it's just a tire.

08-23-2011, 03:05 PM
That's great to hear. What concerns me is the I-15 that the aqueduct crosses under, and the water run-off from the ice melt and rain actually get dumped into the duct, carrying all the craps with it. This includes truck tires (with rims), whole autos, huge branches, and even dead bodies (just recapping what I was briefed with). I'll definitely try with my heavy setup, get a replacement reel for my dead baitcaster under the heavy rig, and try again. I want to taste the meat of the fighters in the duct. Let me know if someone in the area is willing to help us rookies out. I will probably go there this Friday after hours again around 9pm to try my luck. Who knows, I might snag something, even if it's just a tire.

Bait and wait would be different with the weights you guys are using and current....my pole wouldn't work well. Definately I would use heavier set up for that. I've had to break my line many times.

08-23-2011, 03:19 PM
:LOL: Okay..okay..stories from gurus scare the hibby jibby out of me. Brought a medium heavy rod with me, and that thing was bending in the water using just 1oz sinker as if it was hooked on a 10lbs cat in the current. Same goes with my two heavy setups. After that DFG Jeff guy said the pole would have done the 180° bendo on a snag, I worried for my partner's and my setup. But hey..they're just rods right? :Rolls Eyes: However, DFG and his boys gave us good insights to protect our setups with life line just in case the rods get yanked right out of their holders.

Don't know..I think you're fishing for sharks with those setups :LOL: You guys are a fountain of info! Thanks.

lol my 1 rod was so light the current bent it down ha ha

08-23-2011, 03:31 PM
lol my 1 rod was so light the current bent it down ha ha

Hahahah..no kidding, we looked at it, and always thinking that something is chewing on his bait the way the tip kept bending..then snapped..bending then snapped. He figured out that the current pulled the weights, and the rod snapped it back under pressure. Man..that was a freaking long night.

Lucky Lager
08-24-2011, 10:49 PM
We both sucked at fishing yesterday, lol. We should have checked the sun, moon, pressure, flow, wind gauge, thermometer. Do that and you'll never go out fishing.

I'm available tomorrow afternoon after work. Wed and Thurs my son has basketball practice so those days are out. Don't know what Friday holds yet and I too am busy this weekend.

i had too much to do after work today. i think i should be able to get out tomorrow, of firday though. friday is tight too, it'll have to be around 6:00 at the earliest. i'll bring my gear just in case. my weekend is pretty booked as well...adicfor might come up saturday, and if so, we'll probably try to get out at some point if i can.

08-25-2011, 09:41 AM
My son has basketball practice I will be taking him to today so I can't make it today. Tomorrow after 6 is probably OK?