View Full Version : Late report for 08/09 and 08/10 NPH

08-13-2007, 09:48 AM
Haven't posted for a while yet because I've been working...Well my buddy and I hit up a dock in NPH after a bodyboarding session. Got there around 2pm 08/09 with some frozen chovies and frozen mack that we caught the day before at Balboa Pier. BTW, a friend caught a shorty at the end of the pier while I went to the bathroom of course so I missed out on it. But yea I finally landed my 1st legal butt (28-29in)ever on a frozen chovie within 15 mins. No net or digital camera. I thought If I left it at home I would finally land my 1st legal and of course it happened. After 10 mins my buddy finally brought it up by its gills. He's never done it before or ever seen a hali that big. I have to give props to him for helping me. You just had to see the look on his face after I told him uhh you're going to have to gill it :shock:
I was holding it up the whole time while my friend took 2 pics from my cell phone. I didn't get to lay it down and take some more pics as I was so excited and wasn't really thinking right. I had a little crowd behind me as well and was nervous the whole time. So after a lady took a pic of me with it I let the beauty go. Stayed at the dock until about 7pm and between my friend and I we got 1 yfc, 3 undersized bass, 1 small batray, 1 skate, spooled 3 times on frozen mack which we think of course is a monster batray and I got my main line snapped by a unknown.

Next day 08/10. I come back with 3 of my buddies and I land a 18 inch butt on frozen chovies within 15 mins again. Also caught a dink bass and small batray. 1 friend landed a 15 inch butt and his 1st ever wsb taped out at I think 13-14 inches. The teeth on the wsb are crazy sharp. He also got his 1st ever angel/butterly ray and a big batray that snapped his line after it jumped out of the water. Overall it's been great and a lot of fun at NPH. Will prob try again this week at nph jetty, dock or balboa pier. Thanks for reading.

08-13-2007, 05:55 PM
congrat on the fish. which dock was it m street?

08-13-2007, 07:10 PM
nice!thanks for the report

08-13-2007, 07:37 PM
congrat on the fish. which dock was it m street?

Thanks....I've been been to M st twice and that was a long time ago. Don't really like going there. Rather go past it and fish the jetty :)

I usually only fish 2 docks in NPH which is Coral and 15th st.

08-13-2007, 09:06 PM
oh be gentle with those flattys! i love those weird fish. delicious! only lucky enough to catch a few legals over the years, but they are great! gj

08-14-2007, 10:09 AM
oh be gentle with those flattys! i love those weird fish. delicious! only lucky enough to catch a few legals over the years, but they are great! gj

Oh yes we are always gentle with every fish....My goal this year was to finally catch a legal so that's done. WSB is next...Has anyone ever eaten a halibut out of NPH? I've never eaten any fish I've caught. I swam off the dock and the taste of the water was disgusting so I doubt I'll eat anything in there.... :lol:

08-14-2007, 11:31 AM
Great job, some nice fish you got there! :wink: