View Full Version : Toads at Lake Perris!

Greg Springman
08-17-2011, 09:06 PM
I have been fishing my entire life for all different types of fish, Salmon, Sturgeon, Tuna, and other ocean fish. But this January, I bought a bass boat and caught a 6.5 lb LMB the first weekend. Every weekend since, I have been hunting for LMB, I’m addicted! I fish almost every weekend, and other days when time allows. I have learned a lot on my own, but the learning curve has been steep, to say the least! If anyone has ever considered fishing with an experienced professional Bass Angler, do so! If you really want to learn about all aspects of LMB fishing, I highly recommend hiring Professional Tournament Bass Angler and Guide, Pete Marino. The cost is extremely reasonable compared to what you learn and can use the rest of your life. The techniques I learned can be applied to pretty much most lakes throughout Southern California.

Now I have to tell you, my home lake is Diamond Valley, and let’s face it, that lake can spoil you if you know how to fish it. After a couple of phone calls with Pete, listening to his experience, we decided to fish Lake Perris. I would have never thought to fish Lake Perris. Needless to say, great choice! Even with the full moon upon us, the bite was awesome. Once on his boat, Pete took the time to understand what our experience level was, and made sure we were comfortable using the rods, reels, and lures/rigs before we began fishing. A great example was that he taught my son-n-law how to use bait casting rod and reel. Before, he would blow them up, serious backlash! Aafter a couple of casts, and by the end of the day, he was a pro! Pete instructed us what to look for and where to cast. By 6 am, Pete had us throwing topwater baits where we caught several LMB right away. Needless to say, he put me on a 5 lb LMB with the first 30 minutes (fish porn attached). Bass were boiling everywhere. I have fished topwater before, but now, I think differently about how to fish topwater and the presentation.

From there, Pete taught us about true deep water fishing, utilizing professional techniques for using a Carolina rig. He put on bass and we hooked bass after bass for 2-3 hours. All the bass were 2.5 to 3.5 lbs, one after other (fish porn attached)! I thought my arms were going to fall off. To round out the day, Pete decided to take us to an area where, as a Professional Bass Angler, he knew that larger bass congregated. Again, with some minor instruction, the first cast, BAM! I hooked 5.5 lb toad first thing. While I was regaining my composure by trying to keep my heart in my chest, Pete re-rigged my rod. I made my second cast, BAM! Right away, I hooked another large toad. But this time, this bass started spooling my reel and snapped 6# high quality fluorocarbon line. I have caught many bass, so you know when a freight train hits and runs. After a couple more casts, my son-n-law hooked another nice size bass. Several minutes later, Pete was fishing along with us, and he hooked another toad weighing 5 lbs. 3 ounces.

To round out this great day, I need to say that Pete not only took the time to teach us his own proven techniques which he has personally perfected over the years, he provided us with a LMB fishing trip we will never forget! In the future, I now have the confidences in topwater and Carolina rig techniques, types of baits, and presentation, knowing bass can be caught in any lake throughout Southern California. If anyone has ever thought about planning a guided bass trip, I would highly recommend contacting Pete Marino Guide Service. You can find him online and on this FNN site, that’s where I found him. He is very approachable, extremely patient, and most of all, is a well known Professional Bass Angler with bass tournament success and can take your skills to the next level.

08-17-2011, 09:43 PM
Way to get on some good fish out there. Looks to be a perfect day for topwater....and yeah the first 20 times I went to DVL I was like WOAH!!! this lake is awesome, but Perris can just as good. Congrats on the TOADS

08-17-2011, 10:02 PM
Yessir!!! you nailed it again, good seein you out there pete

Pete Marino
08-18-2011, 01:19 AM
Thanks for the kind words Greg!! It was fun getting you guys out there and helping you catch some quality Perris Largemouth..

I wish we could have seen that giant that snapped you.... Maybe next time!!!!

You guys both did really well ...GOOD JOB!!!

And thanks again!!


08-18-2011, 06:24 AM
Nice write up and thanks for the excitement.

08-18-2011, 08:15 AM
WTG you guys !!!! Pete said you guys did well out there. Great talking with ya Pete.

08-18-2011, 11:23 AM
Nicely done.........congrats on the fish. Maybe I'll call up Mr. Marino. I need to compare him to Art Berry....lol. Been with Art too many times........might try something different. Is Perris a nightmare with all the skiers and jet skiers and all that crap? That's what keeps me away from that place in the summer time.

08-18-2011, 12:09 PM
Nicely done.........congrats on the fish. Maybe I'll call up Mr. Marino. I need to compare him to Art Berry....lol. Been with Art too many times........might try something different. Is Perris a nightmare with all the skiers and jet skiers and all that crap? That's what keeps me away from that place in the summer time. in some spots during the summer is hectic but in lots 11 and 12 the power cove its perty nice its a 5mph area and only a few people willl take ther jet skis over ther to dock on the shore but other then that its peaceful on the east side of the lake

08-18-2011, 12:14 PM
I was out there yesterday and it was nice and empty...a few skiers but nothing like the last 2 months have been.

08-18-2011, 12:40 PM
Few know lake Perris like Pete Marino. A great guide and nice guy.

08-18-2011, 12:41 PM
Congratulations Greg on a great day on the water. You are very correct with what you have said about Pete, and his guide service. Pete has proven that he is a skilled guide on various bodies of water, which is not what a lot of guides can claim. I only know a few who can claim that, and Pete is one of them.

In the guide business it is common for guides to fish with each others customers from time to time, and I have fished with many who have used Pete's services, and they all came away saying the same thing as you. They all became better bass fisherman, and they all had a great time. Congratulations once again. :Thumbs Up:

08-18-2011, 02:09 PM
Awesome report, very good read with action keeping you into it. I agree Pete, has a lot of knowledge on So Cal Lakes. I always look forward to his post. Keep up the good work Pete.

Pete Marino
08-18-2011, 03:13 PM
Wow...thanks for all the nice words guys.. I really appreciate it!! I came on here and before I clicked on this thread I saw that it had over 400 veiws and 11 replies and I thought..Ohhh noooo whats going on?? But nothing but love here hahahaha i like it!! lol I just got off Perris and WE KILLED THEM TODAY!!! About 40 bass total to 4 lbs... Solid Solid day.. Ill post later on it because Im BEAT...I got in late last night because It was poker tournament night and I was out of the house this morning at 5:15.. IM NEVER LATE TO FISHING!!!!
But now its night night time!!!
Ill make a report later..

Thanks again everyone!!


08-18-2011, 04:05 PM
hey pete i kno im probably supposed to pay for ur advise but just wondering if im shore fishing for bass at lake perris were is the best spots i wanna go on a guided tour soooooo bad but a lil on the broke side at the moment but still not broke enough to fish :) if u can maybe giv out one secret of perris for free id realy apreciate it thanks

08-18-2011, 04:44 PM
Wow! Something to dream about every night until you hit back out in the water again. Great catches! Too bad we can't string our tubes, yaks, and toons all around his boat, and have him coach all of us at the same time.

08-18-2011, 05:38 PM
hey pete i kno im probably supposed to pay for ur advise but just wondering if im shore fishing for bass at lake perris were is the best spots i wanna go on a guided tour soooooo bad but a lil on the broke side at the moment but still not broke enough to fish :) if u can maybe giv out one secret of perris for free id realy apreciate it thanks

go where the people arnt thats where i have my luck

Pete Marino
08-18-2011, 05:40 PM
jpod..... When I used to fish from shore many years ago at Perris, Id hit lots 11 and 12 and the marina area... Id split shot and dropshot with a 4" Aarons Magic robo.. You will surely catch bass using that bait and technique.. I know that Fnn'er "Sublime Steve" fishes from shore quite a bit and absolutely puts a hurt on them so maybe he can give you some pointers as far as shore spots.. All of the stuff Im fishing now is offshore and far out of reach of shore access..
Id also try throwing a topwater bait as well from shore...

good luck!!