View Full Version : Blue Gill at Lake Perris 8.13.11

08-13-2011, 05:21 PM
All fish were CPR. Used the basket because I always loose track of how many I caught.
Hit the water at 6:30 and decided to change it up and look for new fishing grounds. Water temp was 78 as I headed out straight from the launch ramp across to the other side of the lake.. No bites until 8:00 and then it was steady. Fished the ol' Super Duper and a white crappie jig tipped w/ a meal worm. I finally ended up on the leeward side of the Island and caught the majority of my fish in 7'-8' of water. This was the only place that I saw any shad and bass were busting through them. Pelicans were having a fun time dive bombing around me. No one ever fishes BG here so there are still some there, only other fishermen were bass boats. Final score was 13 BG and 1 Red Ear.
Only one dink, the rest were 7"-8" and a couple were 9"+
Also caught another 9"+ that had very prominent(sp) vertical stripes. Didn't get the pic though.
There were a couple of pleasure boats and sea doos that came buzzing through there. One guy on a bass boat kept yelling "5 MPH zone", but they kept up the speed. ***-hats.:Angry:
This one had a big blue tag and a funny looking head.

08-13-2011, 06:47 PM
Nice job out there. You seem to do well with the Super Duper.

08-13-2011, 07:28 PM
Was that you in the tiny black kayak?? I was fishing bye the boat ramp think I saw you launch

08-13-2011, 07:50 PM
@vortec, yea, I've caught everything but a trout on it this year, BG, red ear, bass, crappie, and the small catfish.
@kotton909, I launched my tube at 6:30, parking lots 11 & 12, and came back in around 1:00. Blue fishcat with PVC pole holders.

08-13-2011, 08:11 PM
Nice going Kelley! What side of the island where you out of the wind? You've got a very nice male coppernose Bluegill there. With Bluegill, the male's operculum (ear tag), is usually way larger than the female's.
I gotta get back out there soon!

08-13-2011, 08:30 PM
Kelster, I sent you a PM-

08-14-2011, 12:50 AM

08-14-2011, 10:41 AM
@FM The side where the rock buoy and picnic area is at, eastern side. I figure 230 degrees SW of the launch at lots 11 and 12. The Island was blocking most of the wind when it started coming up later in the morning. the "Bucket Brigade" can't get there and I only saw bass boats working that side. Lots of reeds and shad were breaking the surface. The other spots I used to work are accessible by walking, a far walk and not easy to find but some Pacific Islanders, that I got know, put some food on the table and it's time to find new fishing grounds.
I was wondering about that fish especially the way he had that bump, sorta like a Bull Dorado thing going on.

08-14-2011, 12:57 PM
Oh yea I forgot the best part, a double hook up. The SD gets hit and as I get the fish half way in the crappie jig goes bendo.:EyePop: I make sure the jig is set reel in the SD until the I see color then reel in the jig, unhook him then get in the SD. Pretty cool :Big Grin:

08-15-2011, 09:14 AM
WTG on the new grounds. Nice to be the only one fishing an area and have it produce. Nice pics and report.