View Full Version : H.B. Pier-10 year old needs info on how to catch the biggest / heaviest fish

08-09-2011, 08:59 AM
I was asked by a 10 year old (future FNNer)"What fish should he target for the biggest fish/heaviest weight at the Huntington Beach pier and how does he catch them " Sounds easy but you cannot catch rays, sharks and you are restricted to the middle of the pier.

I had an embarrassingly long delay. I had to think about this since I would usually answer a ray or shark....questions started dancing in my head like does croaker grow big enough? Can you catch halibut in the middle of the pier? Is a guitar fish a ray? ???....etc etc
Then the 10 year old said "why don't you put it out on FNN for the experts to give us a clue?" Duhhh ouchhh schooled by a 10 year old?

Here we go FNNers....What fish should he target for the biggest fish/heaviest weight at the middle of H.B. pier (no sharks or rays) and how does he catch them (rigg, bait, technique)?

Thanks for the assistance.

08-09-2011, 10:57 AM
I think a guitarfish is considered a Shark. I would target halibut with a dropper loop and live smelt.


08-09-2011, 10:38 PM
What fish should he target for the biggest fish/heaviest weight at the middle of H.B. pier (no sharks or rays) and how does he catch them (rigg, bait, technique)?

Thanks Oakboy!

Any others that want to chime in?

08-10-2011, 01:14 AM
If I were posed this question I would say....

"Young man I admire your "go big or go home" attitude. Sharks and rays will still give you the best big game feel, but I see you have your sights set on better things. Well the stark reality is we were born too late, back in the 50's and 60's big halibut, yellowtail and white seabass were commonplace. Unfortunately we've really screwed up the water in a short period of time and your generation needs to help us all get back on track if you want YOUR kids to catch a fish from the pier. That said it doesn't mean you can't have yourself a great time enjoying what we were put on this great earth to do....catch fish!!! My suggestion would be to catch yourself some small mackerel to punk the skunk,a strip of squid on a #2 hook or sibiki rig will do. After getting bored of that pin a mack through the nose with a 2/0-3/0 hook coupled with a 3oz sinker...set that puppy in freespool and let it set till she screams! Now I know you are probably full of energy and want to keep busy so be sure your box has a 3/8 Krocodile or two, I have done well with the chrome n orange stripe as well as the chrome and silver prism pattern. That lure can be fished along the bottom or along the surface and give you a chance at a halibut, bonito, mackerel,barracuda and any other hungry adversary that might be swimming by. You may want to bring a few plastic swimbaits and 3/4oz lead head to switch it up if ya like. If you REALLY want to increase your odds at landing the fish of your dreams tell our buddy "PersonalBest" to take you out on an overnight trip to one of the local islands....you will be hooked for life, then again it sounds like you already are!" :Wink:

Good luck kid,


08-10-2011, 12:44 PM
Is this for the Huck Fin Fishing Derby at the HB Pier this Sunday?


08-10-2011, 08:20 PM
Personally I haven't been out there in years but when I was there Halibut was a possibility and so were big Corbina! I have seen them from that pier in the water at about the 7lb plus range! There was a time where idiots would go out there and try snagging them and NO I ain't gonna say how. I remember when I was young there used to be big Bonita everywhere and you could see Yellowtail in the water off of Redondo beach pier back when it was just a straight pier! Yes gone are the old days when White Croaker, or Tomcod which is what we used to call them, were common in the 3lb plus range and Bass and Barracuda were everywhere! It makes me sad when I think that I cannot take my nephews out for the same experience I had as a kid but with enough conservation and pollution control I'm sure that we can make great strides towards a greater inshore fishery than we have now! So as far as the question goes I would still have to give my vote to the Halibut!

08-10-2011, 11:00 PM
a 3/8 Krocodile or two, I have done well with the chrome n orange stripe as well as the chrome and silver prism pattern.

tell our buddy "PersonalBest" to take you out on an overnight trip to one of the local islands


- Thanks Trout Dog! Great info as usual, I appreciate it. I will buy a few krocodiles and plastics as a fishing gift for him. I remember tossing a few out when I was young and feeling like a king when I landed anything.

- TD, I also think we owe ourselves a cool trip. Freshwater/Saltwater I'm in.

08-12-2011, 09:03 AM
Thanks Psycho_fish'r and CastMan!

I will have to get some extra info but It looks like the Larger halibut, Croaker and Corbina may do the trick. The Bonita, Yellowtail etc requires the variables to be just perfect and I personally have not seen any for a long time from the pier.

08-12-2011, 10:17 AM
He needs mussels. especially if he's gonna be stuck around the mid-section.

08-12-2011, 01:20 PM
I'll be there with my pregnant wife and two boys. Should be fun!


08-12-2011, 02:54 PM
Bring fresh shrimp, live sandcrabs (thumb-sized), and fresh mussels (obtainable at low tide).

Since he's not targeting sharks, it would be wise to shy away from mackerel, sardines, or anchovies.

However, everything's biting on sandcrabs right now, so a few sharks will still strike, especially leopards and guitars...

08-12-2011, 08:57 PM
For those who are going attend this event, here's a current link for this years event that is tomorrow and not Sunday.

The Link posted in this thread is for last years event.

08-12-2011, 11:45 PM
FNNers step up to the plate to show what is great about this site/group again!

Thanks everyone for the assistance!

08-13-2011, 12:52 PM
Hope you did well PB! We only caught one spine backed skate. But it was still a fun event.


08-14-2011, 08:52 AM
Morning Gents,

I picked up some swimbaits, mussels, ans squid for my 5 y/o girl. We got there @ about 7:30 not really the croud i expected. well about a minute into it she get bit on the mussels. She brought up a perch. Mom took it in to get it weighed, i didnt get the weight myself anyways it was good enogh for 2nd place. She got a trophy, rod & reel,and goodie bag. She wants to go back today to try the new stuff they gave her. Very proud Dad.

08-14-2011, 04:09 PM
Morning Gents,

I picked up some swimbaits, mussels, ans squid for my 5 y/o girl. We got there @ about 7:30 not really the croud i expected. well about a minute into it she get bit on the mussels. She brought up a perch. Mom took it in to get it weighed, i didnt get the weight myself anyways it was good enogh for 2nd place. She got a trophy, rod & reel,and goodie bag. She wants to go back today to try the new stuff they gave her. Very proud Dad.Frozen mussels, or fresh?

either way, WTG!

08-18-2011, 10:35 PM
[QUOTE]smokehound;570458]Frozen mussels, or fresh?

either way, WTG!

They were frozen, i saw some people using fresh ones they brought up from under the pier.
Any one going to the Seal beach Derby? I will be scouting it this weekend.

08-18-2011, 10:59 PM
OK her we go. Two type of fish you should target at middle pier. First is Corbina. They are Big and fun but hard to catch. I have seen people have pretty consistent luck using Mussel off of the pier pilings. I think it important to use fresh local mussel. I think the fish know the difference and all but the junk fish will keep their distance. Try fishing it with a dropper loop with the weight on the bottom. Not too heavy just enough to get your bait on the bottom. Second would be Halibut. Get a 5 Gal. bucket and a #3 sabiki rig. Bring bread and try to get an airator. Start dropping bread and then the sabiki rig and get some smelt. This could be fun in itself but the real goal is to get bait to catch halibut. Once you have even a few pieces cast one out on a sliding egg and keep making bait. You should get something with this setup. Hopefully a legal halibut. The next problem is landing your catch from a pier. There are four real options. Number one is drag the fish down the pier to the sand. Number two is haul it up and hope your line does not break. Number three get a Lobster Hoop Net and use it as a landing net by lowering to the water and pulling fish over net and hauling up. Or lastly would be a pier gaff. What this is is a giant treble hook looking thing at the end of a long rope that can be lowered to the water and pulled up hard snagging fish that have been hooked. This is also useful for ripping fresh mussel off of the pilings.

Good Luck!