View Full Version : Anyone ever fish "silver lakes" in helendale?

08-02-2011, 01:20 PM
Hooking up with a buddy to do a few days of fishing in helendale which is between the 15 and 395 just north of victorville. If you type in helendale on google maps it all man mad and each lake has about 8 "fingers" or piers that they have houses on. I read they have trout and bass, but not sure were the good spots are or if the north or south lake is best. I believe it's a private lake and they do stock it so hopefully the fishing is good. If anyone has tips and has fished this lake before please let me know what you think. I'm still fairly new to fishing and never fished freshwater docks before.

08-02-2011, 01:51 PM
I used to fish there every year till about a year ago cuz my grandparents had a timeshare there. Dude my grandparents ran into a lot of problems with staff. in order to fish there you have to go the main office and get a fishing pass but because the rangers and the staff dont like each other the staff will tell you places to fish that your not allowed to fish at. theres one good part too fish at where I catch something everytime lmb and trout in the early morning and bluegill and catfish at night. they say smallmouth are in the south lake but ive never fished it. This place has good fishing but there is only really one good spot on the north lake to fish its not really ever crowded and all the fisherman are nice. one guy from oregon told me all his secrets to fishing that lake succesfully for cats and even gave me basically half the contents of his tackle box. the rangers are nice people but like i said the staff are jerks, and told us the wrong places to fish, and we ended up having to get visited by park rangers. It is a nice community though and several stores there are grocery slash bait and tackle shops. I loved staying there with my grandparents for weeks at a time because most people were nice and the lake was a short walk from our resort room. Best place to fish is on the lakeview drive where its kinda open area and you and on one side of it there building(at least last time i was there they were building) one house and on the other side there was a bunch of houses. look up on google maps and youll see what im talking about its the southside of the north lake. its right by the street. Remeber good somewhat good lmb bite and good trout bite in the early morning during this time of year. and good bluegill catfish bite at night. The spot that i just told you about is pretty much the only good fishing spot on the north lake. have fun

08-02-2011, 02:02 PM
Last thing the trout bite is amazing in the early morning this time of year, because theres thousands of baby trout that hang out literally withing just 2inches from shore, and all the 1-3 lb trout hang out like 3-5 feet from shore and they hang out in groups this place is an easy limit for trout during this time of year, but throw things like kastmaster or powerworms. when there this close to shore they dont bite well on bait, though one time we saw a huge lmb close to 5or6 lbs sitting like rite behind this 1lb trout, that largemouth would just sit there behind that trout and wouldnt budge. They were both there for hours then my grandpa threw some cheese right in front of that trout and the trout inhaled that thing and as my grandpa was bringing it in the largemouth was just goin crazy too, the best part was since they were like 5feet from shore you got to see how trout reacts when you hook it and how a largemouth reacts when you hook its bait.

08-02-2011, 04:04 PM
Wow thanks for the tips! Yeah my buddy has a timeshare there also, but he normally doesn't fish a lot. He likes to golf so that's mainly what he does, but this is all about fishing so hopefully I can get some good bites. We will be there from Friday - Sun.

I checked it out on Google Maps is this the right place? Also do I enter on the lakeview or do I enter on Galleon street?


I think I'm gonna pack a few swim bates to use as well since I don't think your allowed to use the baby trout. That would be nice to catch and baby and get a 5lb LMB trying to eat it!!

Looking forward to the trip!!

08-02-2011, 06:28 PM
yep thats the spot

old pudd fisher
08-02-2011, 10:22 PM
Thanks fish-o-haulic for the info on that lake, I have passed by it many times in my desert 4x4 adventures and even took a cool dip in the far end of it years ago. I always wondered if it had fish in it.

08-03-2011, 08:55 PM
I fished there a couple times a few years back, and there are some good fish in there...my friend got a huge 8 or 9lb bass on bobber and 1/2 crawler fishing at the end of one of the fingers , also some nice redears. We did get into a pretty good trout bite trolling kastmasters in the a.m. Also , if ur lakefront the night time catfishing is way fun , we used hot dogs and crawlers.

08-03-2011, 10:26 PM
my grandpa caught a 3lb bluegill outta there while we were nightfishin for cats

old pudd fisher
08-03-2011, 10:41 PM
Maybe fish-o-halulic can answer this question. Is it stocked with trout or cats at anytime of the year ?

08-03-2011, 10:48 PM
I dont know theres huge fish in there i know that much. In the middle of july there were loads of trout, the trout had just spawned cuz there were loads of trout all over the shore of the lake, just throw some bait in there and they come feed off of it. ive heard of people catching catfish outta of there like on every cast but have only caught like 1 cat out of there myself, but have seen loads of them in there.

08-31-2011, 02:01 PM
How was your trip out there?

09-03-2011, 01:29 PM
My buddy use to live there and I tried fishing the lake on a drunk night, didn't catch anything but had a great time.