View Full Version : The PINK Test and Fishing with Yoda off the Santa Barbara Coast....

07-24-2011, 10:34 PM
Hi all,

I was blessed with an invitation out to go fish flatties with X-Factor aka FishingYoda today!

He asked me what I wanted to target and how....


Bounce or drift?

BounceBall I quickly replied....

And so began our day this morning at ZeroDarkThirty... well, 600hrs....

A quick stop for ice and off we went out of the harbor to go make bait....

Fishing with Yoda, one must always realize that lessons are being taught, whether you are present and learning, or if you are not paying attention, you miss the lesson....

Lots was learned today, even thought I have had many boats in the past 20 years, I think that we calculated that the last time we went halibut fishing was about 12 years ago!

A couple dozen beautiful sardines and we were off to the first of many honeyholes we would bounce through over the day.....
We tried up and down, left and right. Lots of oil on the water early in the morning, but thankfully, not too many floating weeds or grass....


we worked a 5 mile area pretty hard until about 11 when we decided to pull the gear and run down a few miles to try a different stretch of water....

Then Yoda decides to put a 3rd rod out with a very special rig..... (Note - lesson missed... I should have been watching and following.....)

We were working in 50-60 foot of water, up and down when all of a sudden, the long rod out back behind the boat starts pumping and singin....


A few tense minutes later, a very nice fish comes up and I sink a gaff and land a very nice one!!!

The whole time we had large beautiful sardines with the classic 7 inch hoochie behind the standard dodger..... no biters....

He got it on a special color, small hoochie with a smaller dodger (NOT FLASHER!)

After the fish was landed we switched to match what triggered this fish to eat, and after a while, I did get a hit, but no hook stuck...


We stuck it out and trolled almost all the way home, through areas of lots of bait, life, birds and porpoise crashing..... and then areas devoid, areas with lots of small kelp on the bottom, and other very clean areas for nothing but a few lizardfish and one mac....


We started the day at 630 on the water and returned to the harbor at 1600hr with one very nice fish, but more importantly, we had a great day talking story, talking about fishing on the Hornet and Sea Hawk, in the early 90's and then all the other boats in the area..... We talked surf fishing to lake fishing to albacore to bluefin to long range, etc....

Yoda, thank you for taking me out, for always being ready to share a story or a lesson or tip....


Marco Farrell
Santa Barbara...

07-25-2011, 05:38 AM
Nice write up and pics. THNX

murrieta angler
07-25-2011, 06:39 AM
Howdy Marco,
Very cool of Mikey to ask you out...:Cool:
A long day on the water is better than a long day in front of the computer.
That halibut was a beauty and I bet will taste great...:Big Grin:
Thanks for the report and pics,

07-25-2011, 06:58 AM
YOUGURT!!!!!!!!!!!!KILL THE FLATOPS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t/o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

07-25-2011, 09:17 AM
Looks like PINK has been the IN color, lol
The Fishing Yoda comes through again, nice job Mikey & Marco. :Big Grin:

Which Way Out
07-25-2011, 09:30 AM
Hey Mikey where do I make a reservation, CATCH BIG FISH . COM ?:LOL:

Nice fish Marco and welcome to FNN and your right about Yoda. I never knew anyone could know so much about catching fish. Lesson's each time.

07-25-2011, 06:46 PM
Real men fish PINK! :Envious:
Thanks for the call while on the water guys, brought a smile to my face. :Big Grin:
Great job on getting another quality Hali Mikey. :Big Grin:
Marco, you're fishing with the absolute Mastermind of the Ocean. :Wink:

I don't have to fly out until tomorrow night... thinking about a "One for the Road" session tomorrow morning. :Secret:

07-25-2011, 06:54 PM
Apparently Pink is PIMP in the surf these days.......LOL
Great Job out there Marco and Mikey. That big old flattie sure is pretty. The knowledge the both of you guys have in that area not to mention on the water had to have scared all of the fish for sure.
Welcome to the FNN Marco. Your underwater knowledge as a primary spear fisherman is definately an asset whether you are on the sand or on a boat. Looking forward to many more fish filled reports from you two up north.

07-25-2011, 10:19 PM
If you're only gonna catch one, that's the ONE. :Shocked: Very nice!

07-28-2011, 11:08 PM
Wow nice Butt! :EyePop:Hey this report was well written & the pics are sweet. Thanks for sharing & welcome to the boards. I'm new to the site as well.

07-29-2011, 11:34 PM
Nice way to spend the day.. I will take quality over quantity any day and that certainly is a quality fish right there. Chalk up another one for pink. Wow who knew.. Well done guys.
