View Full Version : Jackson lake info needed

07-23-2011, 11:35 AM
Anyone know anything about this lake?

The wife mentioned about taking the kids there tomorrow. All info on the internet is vague.
I think I need a wilderness pass, do they sell it near or close by, in a ranger station or something?
They haven't stocked in a while, I assume trout and panfish, maybe some bass.
Hours? or sunup to sundown?

Any info would be great!!

07-23-2011, 12:13 PM
Awesome lake for the kids and in a beautiful setting.

You can buy the adventure pass from almost anywhere in wrightwood, I usually get mine at the gas station in town. They even sell them at the mcdonalds off the 15 freeway.

The trout there really respond well to nightcrawlers and anything with a spinning blade.

Dont use powerbait, fish the side of the lake next to the road. Its deeper there and theres some shade for the wife and kids.

2lb test, split shot 1.5 - 2ft up from the hook, small panfish hook and pinch off the nightcrawler at the vein, use the fatty smaller vein area. so about 1/3 of the worm.

Let the worm sink to the bottom, and then slowly retrieve it, bumping it off the bottom with the split shot. The trout there are pretty slimy, a net is recommended.

07-23-2011, 07:48 PM
Thanks for the info, I will try it all and will report!!!

07-23-2011, 09:40 PM
It's a little lake! I wish I would have know about it when my boys were growing up; it's small enough where boys can go and explore and moms can still see them : ) take photos... they grow up too quickly! Mine just got married a week ago...

07-23-2011, 10:16 PM
been there twice now... look at my very recent reports in the "All Other Freshwater Reports" section!

yes you need that adventure pass...

I didn't have much luck at the left hand side of the lake along the road... so we moved across to the other side and parked in the small parking lot, and did really well from there (this was 2 weeks ago, and then just this past Thurs).

the other side has bathrooms (no flush though)... and a few picnic tables... plenty of shade under the trees there, but not right along the bank (the bank can be a bit muddy though)...

hopefully your kids will land some trout tomorrow! hope y'all have a great time!

07-24-2011, 07:08 AM
Thanks everyone, even bluegill would be a plus to land.

07-25-2011, 10:24 PM
so how'd it go? hope your kids got to pull on some feesh! :Big Grin:

07-27-2011, 09:00 AM
Sunday was delayed, I'm taking them today, wednesday, and friday. Will post back.