View Full Version : Echo Park, UPDATE

07-19-2011, 10:46 AM
Just so nobody makes the long trek to fish Echo, only to be turned back, the lake is now completely fenced off for the 'renovations' that were supposed to start 4 months ago. Glad to see they're right on time.

Does anybody know if the DFG came up with a plan to relocate fish?

Or is it gonna be one of those, "We'll burn that bridge once we get there?" type of scenarios when two government agencies are involved in a joint effort?

:Rolls Eyes:

In any case, I thought that while the renovations were being made, the lake wouldn't be fenced off, so that perhaps access could be made to the lake for volunteers who wish to transplant fish to other nearby waters. But apparently that won't be the case.

07-19-2011, 12:46 PM
Nice Darkbro , but will they relocate the dead bodies as well ? just wondering.

07-19-2011, 01:21 PM
Nice Darkbro , but will they relocate the dead bodies as well ? just wondering.

The dead bodies will be relocated to the Legg, to make them feel more at home.

I see from the EIR (Environmental Impact Report) that they're making concessions for the uh, "migratory" birds that make the lake home.

I guess the seagulls, pigeons and cormorants that 'migrate' from the local McDonalds to the lake after getting fed French fries, have protection in place.

The fish? Considering the EIR says that the lake contains 'smallmouth bass, and spotted bass," you can already tell that there was ZERO effort done to even research the impact to the fishery. That, or the individuals who drafted the EIR have been listening to stories that are told by a certain Echo Park regular who swears the lake has smallmouth and crappie, and what not.

We should enlist an army of ninja fisherman who can invade the lake at the cover of darkness with coolers and aerators and save as many fish as possible.

Dr. MindBendo
07-19-2011, 02:38 PM
We should enlist an army of ninja fisherman who can invade the lake at the cover of darkness with coolers and aerators and save as many fish as possible.

I really wanted to do that but was just to damn lazy to get out there and bring the fish to .... well you get the idea. I really think the dead bodies are meant for Peck Rd. Those cannibal bums luv em.

reservoir dog
07-19-2011, 03:25 PM
Hopefully once the renovations are completed the DFG will stock with some decent fish. And I hope they maintain all the crap on the ground. When I say crap I mean bird, duck, goose, dog, cat, rat and probably human feces. Never seen and walked over so much sh*t in my life...LOL!

07-19-2011, 03:31 PM
And I hope they maintain all the crap on the ground.

yep, i'm sure the Echo Park/Silverlake hipsters aren't going anywhere.


When I say crap I mean bird, duck, goose, dog, cat, rat and probably human feces. Never seen and walked over so much sh*t in my life...LOL!

Oh, you meant THAT crap. Yeah, don't hold your breath on that one.

reservoir dog
07-19-2011, 03:39 PM
Hipsters or not, I've seen some eye candy jogging around the lake with their dogs. Nothing like a little distraction when you're try to land a LMB. It's all good in the hood...LOL!!!

07-19-2011, 03:41 PM
.... I've seen some eye candy jogging around the lake with their dogs. Nothing like a little distraction when you're try to land a LMB. It's all good in the hood...LOL!!!



Naked Hipster Girls, FTW!

OH, that link is uh, NSFW. Don't blame me if your IT manager has a little talk with you.

07-19-2011, 05:38 PM
Hopefully once the renovations are completed the DFG will stock with some decent fish. And I hope they maintain all the crap on the ground. When I say crap I mean bird, duck, goose, dog, cat, rat and probably human feces. Never seen and walked over so much sh*t in my life...LOL!

I concur. The amount of sheet around the echo shoreline makes good ol' Legg a sterile environment.

07-19-2011, 05:40 PM


Naked Hipster Girls, FTW!

OH, that link is uh, NSFW. Don't blame me if your IT manager has a little talk with you.

Man! I never saw this when I was at Echo. lol

07-19-2011, 07:06 PM
Man! I never saw this when I was at Echo. lol

You never heard of people getting shot or chicken heads being found at the lake?

Well, "chicken heads," not "chickenheads" because there were plenty of chola chickenheads during the 25 years I spent growing up in Echo.

reservoir dog
07-19-2011, 07:58 PM


Naked Hipster Girls, FTW!

OH, that link is uh, NSFW. Don't blame me if your IT manager has a little talk with you.

Naked hipster girl...nothing wrong with that...=)

07-19-2011, 09:33 PM
The dead bodies will be relocated to the Legg, to make them feel more at home.

I see from the EIR (Environmental Impact Report) that they're making concessions for the uh, "migratory" birds that make the lake home.

I guess the seagulls, pigeons and cormorants that 'migrate' from the local McDonalds to the lake after getting fed French fries, have protection in place.

The fish? Considering the EIR says that the lake contains 'smallmouth bass, and spotted bass," you can already tell that there was ZERO effort done to even research the impact to the fishery. That, or the individuals who drafted the EIR have been listening to stories that are told by a certain Echo Park regular who swears the lake has smallmouth and crappie, and what not.

We should enlist an army of ninja fisherman who can invade the lake at the cover of darkness with coolers and aerators and save as many fish as possible.

I don't know about smallmouths and crappies but I think the lake holds spotted or some sort of spotted hybrids.

I posted this pictured a few weeks back thinking it was a spotted. Few agreed that it might be possible and some just dismissed the idea.


Whatever the case the lake does hold some nice bass. I started fishing this lake fall of last year and my pb was about 4lbs but i've heard stories of bass up to 10lbs plus being caught. And this wasn't years back during the good old days but this year during the spawn. The whole damn lake is filled with bass fry. It's a freaking shame.

07-19-2011, 09:46 PM
Just hope it doesn't go the way of angler's little lake.
From this..
To this!
O)&$(P&#)(&()#&()%&$%)(*)$%(*90578'76'4#$*^#%*#(^%*($^%(*326982649857 and some cusswords too..

old pudd fisher
07-19-2011, 10:04 PM
What happened to all the fish in it ' tacklejunkie ' ?? That was a nice one in the photo.

07-19-2011, 10:52 PM
RIP echo park lake! I haven't fished that lake as long as you darkshadow, but I do have fond memories of catching some decent size bass in that lake. I used to go there alot during the late 90's when I lived in Glendale. My pb was a 6.5# bass caught out of the lilypads on a jig. I used to also fish the lake at night for my quick fix sessions! It wasn't too bad in the day time, but I have to admit I was very cautious of the gang related locals at night. But I never had an incident so maybe I was just lucky. I was there about 6 months ago fishing in between meetings with some of my L.A. based clients. I caught a few bass on some shallow running cranks, ds worms, and ika. Orale viva echo park lake! I will miss you!!!

07-20-2011, 09:16 AM
If anybody has question, you can submit to the project team at bpw.pao@lacity.org.

I have...haven't gotten a response, yet.

07-20-2011, 01:58 PM

I got a response.

Thank you for your email. In anticipation of the start of the project, the California Department of Fish and Game(CDFG) halted stocking the lake earlier this year to minimize the amount of fish in the lake. We will work with CDFG to capture and relocate the remaining fishes according to their direction. Some fishes will likely be relocated to a nearby lake, such as MacArthur Park. After completion of the project, CDFG will resume their stocking of the lake with game fish.

So, they're 'working' with the DFG to capture and relocate the fish according to their direction? So, if they swim east, they're screwed, but if they swim west, they'll be in ok shape?

And I love the "some" fishes will "likely" be relocated. So, in other words, if one carp is relocated to MacArthur, they have kept their word.

Why do I get the feeling that if I call the DFG, they'll have NO IDEA that they're involved in any relocation plans?


07-20-2011, 03:43 PM
You never heard of people getting shot or chicken heads being found at the lake?

Well, "chicken heads," not "chickenheads" because there were plenty of chola chickenheads during the 25 years I spent growing up in Echo.

I live under a rock, so this is news to me. No, but seriously I'm not a Echo regular so I've never heard about this stuff. I always figured this kind of crap happened mostly at MacArthur Park.

07-20-2011, 03:44 PM

I got a response.

So, they're 'working' with the DFG to capture and relocate the fish according to their direction? So, if they swim east, they're screwed, but if they swim west, they'll be in ok shape?

And I love the "some" fishes will "likely" be relocated. So, in other words, if one carp is relocated to MacArthur, they have kept their word.

Why do I get the feeling that if I call the DFG, they'll have NO IDEA that they're involved in any relocation plans?


Let's just hope those feesh don't go east.

07-20-2011, 03:49 PM
I live under a rock, so this is news to me. No, but seriously I'm not a Echo regular so I've never heard about this stuff. I always figured this kind of crap happened mostly at MacArthur Park.

You mean you've never seen this gem of a movie?


07-20-2011, 04:01 PM
Nah man I'm not even from that generation.

07-20-2011, 04:36 PM
Nah man I'm not even from that generation.

Ahh, that makes sense then.

So all you've seen at Echo Park are hipsters wearing black tshirts with ironic sayings on the front.

Gentrification rocks!

07-20-2011, 05:10 PM
So what your saying is dont expect any extra fish in any of the surrounding lakes?

07-20-2011, 05:21 PM
Ahh, that makes sense then.

So all you've seen at Echo Park are hipsters wearing black tshirts with ironic sayings on the front.

Gentrification rocks!

Yeah. In someways that's a little crappy for me because I've never seen the old Echo, but then again I'm not sure I'd like to lol.

07-20-2011, 06:53 PM
So what your saying is dont expect any extra fish in any of the surrounding lakes?

pretty much.

i've talked to people who are familiar with what the DFG considers a 'relocation plan.'

basically, they 'make an effort.' and that is all that is needed. now, what 'effort' exactly is, I don't know.

i kinda am curious to see if i can call the local DFG office and ask what the schedule is for the actual draining. i'm sure the DFG, who is pretty much is the jurisdiction responsible for the survival of the fish, should know this, right?

something tells me i'll get a, 'uh, we'll get back to you.'

i'll call the DFG tomorrow. let's see what they have to say.

07-20-2011, 06:57 PM
We all know what ug we'll get back to you means. I got that from them once before a few years ago. LOL. If they give you that answer just know someones gonna be in trouble. Cuz no one likes to be volunteered.

07-20-2011, 07:20 PM
Cuz no one likes to be volunteered.

Which is sad, because as an angler that grew up fishing this place, I'd have ZERO problem volunteering my time to help the DFG relocate the fish. Maybe it'll count towards some of the community service hours I still have to do. Who knows.

07-20-2011, 08:56 PM
I could use some community service hours, Doing that can't be bad really. It'll help with getting jobs and stuff.

07-21-2011, 09:55 AM
Which is sad, because as an angler that grew up fishing this place, I'd have ZERO problem volunteering my time to help the DFG relocate the fish. Maybe it'll count towards some of the community service hours I still have to do. Who knows.

Hm...too much ninja sessions? :LOL:

07-21-2011, 01:11 PM
Hm...too much ninja sessions? :LOL:

Grand larceny. But that's neither here nor there.

In any case, I just found a huge addendum to the original EIR that was published, so it looks like I'll be sifting through 400 pages worth of documentation to find the details on the fish relocation. It *looks* like there is a half *** plan in place, but I'll have more details soon, as this seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack.