View Full Version : Laguna Lake Poachers

07-18-2011, 01:41 PM
Went to laguna lake yesterday for a bit with my buddy larry just to waste some time. As soon as we get there i see a group of guys walking by with a huge giant shark treble hook and like a giant 5 ounce sincer underneath. Some guy said he saw them snagging bass and throwin them in a bucket. Luckily the same time we saw this bullshit 2 cool *** cops i know came down to the lake and stopped the dudes. Not sure if they can ticket them but i did see them take some of there gear and there knives. These guys seemed like they do this alot so if your in the oc be on the lookout for 5 hispanic guys who cant speak english with big surf rods and giant trebles on them. Make sure to call the cops right away or serve up some of your own justice before the cops get there :) I know those assholes will be back. bunch of punks that have no fkn respect for this earth. Karmas gonna get them good

07-18-2011, 02:07 PM
Bunch of assholes indeed. Went to Legg the other day and saw some poachers using 7" Bluegills for bait! For gods sake what the hell?!?!

07-18-2011, 02:46 PM
We have them all in different sizes, different ethnicity, and all walks of background. Serving your own brand of justice on 5 to 1 would be suicidal if you don't have the skills. Best to leave it to the local authorities, while you record their downfall, and post it on YOUTUBE! I deal with this kind of crap on a daily basis..not just fishes, but human health, legality, and environmental health. Just keep up the vigilant, monitor our resources, and deliver heavy blows! They'll probably purchase some $5.99 gears from the local swamp meets for usages the next time, but hey, it's their cash and time.

07-18-2011, 05:53 PM
Yeah and while they are at it why dont they just drain the whole damn lake?

07-18-2011, 09:04 PM
Im in agreement with asianguy, dont take it into your own hands. That never turns out well for any one, then karma may get you. Just safer to report it.going to be honest Im not gonna go looking for them but if I see them I will attempt to find someone to stop them. Personally when i see poachers I just let it go im there to fish not pretend to fish but really rat out poachers, But if a cop is in a reasonable distance ill tell him. But anyway I wana say good report but i dont know if you caught fish or not, I sure would like to give you your due credit for any fish you may have caught.

07-18-2011, 09:12 PM
I have had guys come into the store and be stupid enough to tell me what they were going to do with the treble hooks and and lead. Needless to say I keep the merchandise and tell them to kick rocks. I don't like losing a sale but not at the expense of someone doing something illegal.

07-18-2011, 09:18 PM
I dont blame you, If someone was gonna use something I sold them to do something illegal I wouldn't sell it to them either.

old pudd fisher
07-18-2011, 09:52 PM
A lot of people just think fishing is fishing and if I catch some thats good, big small or illegal no matter, I caught it and it's in the bucket going home to show everyone. But still get more pissed with people just leaving trash behind.

07-18-2011, 10:23 PM
Went to laguna lake yesterday for a bit with my buddy larry just to waste some time. As soon as we get there i see a group of guys walking by with a huge giant shark treble hook and like a giant 5 ounce sincer underneath. Some guy said he saw them snagging bass and throwin them in a bucket. Luckily the same time we saw this bullshit 2 cool *** cops i know came down to the lake and stopped the dudes. Not sure if they can ticket them but i did see them take some of there gear and there knives. These guys seemed like they do this alot so if your in the oc be on the lookout for 5 hispanic guys who cant speak english with big surf rods and giant trebles on them. Make sure to call the cops right away or serve up some of your own justice before the cops get there :) I know those assholes will be back. bunch of punks that have no fkn respect for this earth. Karmas gonna get them goodI smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

07-18-2011, 10:56 PM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

Boy calm down,, he's just saying what he saw...then say his Gf was gang raped? ...pinche mojado guey...and Go raiders...Lol ..:mad:

07-18-2011, 11:04 PM
babosos :ROFL:

07-18-2011, 11:15 PM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.
What up LA Lipripper!!! Yeah I feel what your sayin.I think when writing a post Race should be left out just cuz people will get offended... I got offended on a few post but all I say is F them I bet they won't say anything in person...

07-18-2011, 11:46 PM
This is why i dont go around ranting about any people keeping bass, and this is why i dont confront people on the lake about it. Call me chicken scared, pansy whatever i dont care, but confrontation is something i avoid while fishing. if people are keeping bass then let em whatever happens, happens. Ive had my share of whites, blacks, mexicans, and asains alike bother me while fishing, thats why i just move on to another spot or sit there and be quiet. Though me being black myself I do tend to get a little more irritated when black people bother me while fishing. But i think we can all agree no matter what race people disturbing you while fishing is annoying. I beleve a universal fishermans pet peeve is people setting up right next to you and fishing.

07-19-2011, 01:15 AM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

Being Hispanic myself I took no offense to what he was saying. He described who he saw and what happened and although his wording might have been taken by some as offensive I don't like to just jump the gun right away and start throwing the racial card around. I would like to believe that more then anything he was mad that they were fishing illegally and not that they were fishing illegally and Hispanic. Only he knows that but you getting upset on the internet isn't going to do any good either. Take it easy LA LipRipr it's gonna be alright. Life is too short to get pissed off over everything you read on the internet, otherwise I would be pissed all the time:Envious:

07-19-2011, 09:50 AM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

As i've learned, a lot of times, cops can give 'warnings.' Thus, they don't "have to" do anything, really.

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

Wow, because the dude happens to describe the poachers using a basic trait, suddenly his GF got gang banged and the dude is inciting racist behavior?! Órale! I think the only one that thinks he's inciting racist behavior is you.

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

Yes, vigilante justice is always the best method of dealing with poachers. :Rolls Eyes:

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

While I do agree with you there, and do find it amusing when people who talk smack about others who can't speak English can't speak it themselves, at this point in your post, you're 'cherry picking,' and digging deep to find something to attack the original poster for calling well, hispanic poachers, hispanic.

I think he misused a comma in his post too. You should get on him for that as well. :Wink:

Nipple Twister
07-19-2011, 10:00 AM

Hooked Up
07-19-2011, 10:13 AM
Good job on calling the authorities and getting results! And of giving a description of the poachers! That is what you do when you give a report of illegal activity of any kind to the authorities!? By the way, I am hispanic and I am not offended at all! Thanks for the report!

07-19-2011, 04:47 PM
Being Hispanic myself I took no offense to what he was saying. He described who he saw and what happened and although his wording might have been taken by some as offensive I don't like to just jump the gun right away and start throwing the racial card around. I would like to believe that more then anything he was mad that they were fishing illegally and not that they were fishing illegally and Hispanic. Only he knows that but you getting upset on the internet isn't going to do any good either. Take it easy LA LipRipr it's gonna be alright. Life is too short to get pissed off over everything you read on the internet, otherwise I would be pissed all the time:Envious:

Thanks for understanding man in no way were my words racist. Although i knew someone would take it that way just because a white person mentioned a hispanic person hes RACIST! I think thats frkn BULLCRAP. I misewell be racist if people are gonna judge me just because im a white kid. I think YOU guys are the fkn racist switching everything up and trying to make it sound like im racist. I have plenty of mexican friends and they would laugh at some of the guys on here saying im racist. And as for not saying anything i did and i would have fought all 5 of those lo lives if i had too i aint no punk and anyone who calls me a racist in my face is gonna see that. Ive heard white people being called racist TOOOOOOOOOOOOO fkn much when there just proving points. If i said it was a bunch of americans poaching its not racist but if its ANY other race and i mention it people take it as being racist. I dont give a crap what some of you think i know what i am and its bull to try and flip stuff around.You guys r the damn racist accusing me just cuz im posting what i saw. I didnt see any americans, african americans, asians or any other race poaching it was hispanics and if it was my race or a different one i would of pointed it out just the same.

07-19-2011, 04:50 PM
As i've learned, a lot of times, cops can give 'warnings.' Thus, they don't "have to" do anything, really.

Wow, because the dude happens to describe the poachers using a basic trait, suddenly his GF got gang banged and the dude is inciting racist behavior?! Órale! I think the only one that thinks he's inciting racist behavior is you.

Yes, vigilante justice is always the best method of dealing with poachers. :Rolls Eyes:

While I do agree with you there, and do find it amusing when people who talk smack about others who can't speak English can't speak it themselves, at this point in your post, you're 'cherry picking,' and digging deep to find something to attack the original poster for calling well, hispanic poachers, hispanic.

I think he misused a comma in his post too. You should get on him for that as well. :Wink:


lol Thanks for the reply man glad some people understand where im coming from. Seems now and days if a white person uses the word " Hispanic" hes racist!lol

07-19-2011, 04:52 PM
Good job on calling the authorities and getting results! And of giving a description of the poachers! That is what you do when you give a report of illegal activity of any kind to the authorities!? By the way, I am hispanic and I am not offended at all! Thanks for the report!

Thanks for the kind words man i appreciate it!

07-19-2011, 04:53 PM
What up LA Lipripper!!! Yeah I feel what your sayin.I think when writing a post Race should be left out just cuz people will get offended... I got offended on a few post but all I say is F them I bet they won't say anything in person...Oh, i dont get offended, I just cant stand how some of these lames use a fishing website to spread their hateful views against Latinos. (Especially with bullsh*t stories.)

These dudes act like none of their redneck white trash friends do the same things they only happen to see Latinos doing...

07-19-2011, 04:56 PM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

Who the hell are you to call me racist homie? You have no idea what or who i am. You need to take a fkn chill pill and go back and read that over there aint nothing racist about that post except the fact that a white man mentiond a hispanic man. Your the fkn RACIST homie. You just hate crackers dont you! its cool im not fond of racist a holes either

07-19-2011, 04:59 PM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

Wow is THIS guy a clown....

I can assure you....Im the other 10%. And yes...if its 5 hispanic guys, its 5 hispanic guys. Im glad he posted. If I was there I would have some nice gear to sell on Ebay... Dont make yourself look a fool and play the race card. It is what it is...Talk about lame wack jobs bro you take the cake. I bet you believe the guy who took the cheap shot beat Brian Stowe in the Dodger parking lot is innocent as well. All tattoo, no brain, no muscle.


07-19-2011, 05:02 PM
Who the hell are you to call me racist homie? You have no idea what or who i am. You need to take a fkn chill pill and go back and read that over there aint nothing racist about that post except the fact that a white man mentiond a hispanic man. Your the fkn RACIST homie. You just hate crackers dont you! its cool im not fond of racist a holes eitherHAHAHA!!! My wife is white, you dumb schmuck... In no way am I racist toward any race, nor do I harbor any internal resentment toward any race, like many of you do on this website... You think just because you type a good one for everyone to see makes you a good guy? HAHAHA!!!

And please, dont call me homie...

07-19-2011, 05:02 PM
Redneck. White trash? Thats fkn racist as hell right there homie and ur callin me racist! What the hell is your problem ? u can get away with calling someone a white trash redneck without being racist but i cant call anyone hispanic? You callin me white trash redneck is like me calling u a damn beaner. no im not calling you one im letting you know what it feels like. Doesnt feel so good does it fkn racist a hole

07-19-2011, 05:03 PM
HAHAHA!!! My wife is white, you dumb schmuck... In no way am I racist toward any race, nor do I harbor any internal resentment toward any race, like many of you do on this website... You think just because you type a good one for everyone to see makes you a good guy? HAHAHA!!!

And please, dont call me homie...


07-19-2011, 05:05 PM
Wow is THIS guy a clown....

I can assure you....Im the other 10%. And yes...if its 5 hispanic guys, its 5 hispanic guys. Im glad he posted. If I was there I would have some nice gear to sell on Ebay... Dont make yourself look a fool and play the race card. It is what it is...Talk about lame wack jobs bro you take the cake. I bet you believe the guy who took the cheap shot beat Brian Stowe in the Dodger parking lot is innocent as well. All tattoo, no brain, no muscle.

LAUGH!Excuse me? Did I strike a nerve, or what??? I bet I did... I believe its you who is the clown, bro...

And if you really must know, I dont think that dude is innocent, but I sure am glad Brian Stowe got put in a coma...

07-19-2011, 05:14 PM
Excuse me? Did I strike a nerve, or what??? I bet I did... I believe its you who is the clown, bro...

And if you really must know, I dont think that dude is innocent, but I sure am glad Brian Stowe got put in a coma...

I just find this laughable....

I enjoy stirring the pot...you can go back to bashing the other guy as a racist for mentioning the word: "hispanic"

07-19-2011, 05:17 PM
Wow is THIS guy a clown....

I can assure you....Im the other 10%. And yes...if its 5 hispanic guys, its 5 hispanic guys. Im glad he posted. If I was there I would have some nice gear to sell on Ebay... Dont make yourself look a fool and play the race card. It is what it is...Talk about lame wack jobs bro you take the cake. I bet you believe the guy who took the cheap shot beat Brian Stowe in the Dodger parking lot is innocent as well. All tattoo, no brain, no muscle.


lol thanks man :)

07-19-2011, 05:19 PM
Im not bashing him because he used the word hispanic, im talkin sh*t because he chose to use "hispanics" in some make believe story tryin to make it seem like Latinos are the only ones poaching...

07-19-2011, 05:21 PM
lol thanks man :)

No problem...Gotta call out the obvious B.S.

Next thing you know, we will be stoned as racists for not letting them cut in line in the drive through.

Enough is Enough of this crap.

07-19-2011, 05:26 PM
lol make beleive story. You really think i have nothing better to do then to come home and just pull a bull crap story out of my ***?Thats exactly how it happened. there was tons of other people who saw it too. And if i see "whitey" poaching it ill be sure to post a report so u can see im not trying to go out of my way just to pick on some hispanics. , btw if i was gonna make up a story on here id do a hell of alot better then a few guys poaching.

07-19-2011, 05:29 PM
No problem...Gotta call out the obvious B.S.

Next thing you know, we will be stoned as racists for not letting them cut in line in the drive through.

Enough is Enough of this crap.

Lol seriously man! Im so fkn fed up with it its not even funny.

07-19-2011, 05:41 PM
Easy guys. Enough with the bashing and flame warfare. Description of the poachers is more than good, with the initial and ending results listed. I used similar description of the 3 guys that raided my empty house during a short sale and the neighbor's active house, which they attempted to rob in the middle of the day (11am). Luckily for them that I didn't have the neighbor's prior permission to enter onto the premisses to slash their freaking throats. I would have been imprisoned with manslaughter because the neighbor didn't consent the protective of property writ of prior agreement. I had to stand outside with my hunting knife drawn, while waiting for the cops to arrive and monitored those jerks activities indoor.

Which Way Out
07-19-2011, 05:43 PM
You know I couldn't read all the post that was being thrown down. To much Good Bad and Ugly.

The fact of the matter is, someone was not playing by the rules. So be it.
What I have done is when I see the local DFG in my area we have a short talk now and then. Never wanted to tell him his job or where he should be to catch someone. But now that we can say hi to each other on a first name basics and he trust me with his cell number. I can snap a quick photo with my cell of anything interesting (poachers) and send it off to him. I just keep it to normal working hours, brief and to the point. What he does with it is his business. Its best to be part of the solution and not the problem.
Enjoy your fishing and always know that Karma will get em sooner or later.

07-19-2011, 06:24 PM
All "Laguna Regulars" should take this as a warning. Go fish Laguna and keep your eyes open for A-holes trying to destroy your Bass fishery. Some of us have put a lot of work into making that place what it is today, and 5 guys snagging Bass can ruin a small fishery if they are not stopped!

07-19-2011, 06:37 PM
im talkin sh*t because he chose to use "hispanics" in some make believe story tryin to make it seem like Latinos are the only ones poaching...

Trying to make it seem like Latinos are the only ones poaching? Really? Can you show me where in his post he says that Latinos are the only ones that poach?

In fact, your ENTIRE argument is based on you believing that the story he told was 'make believe.'

As if the poster had told a story about how 5 Bigfoots stepped out a flying car and landed in the middle of the lake, walked on the water, and then caught fifty 25 pound bass, and then disappeared into thin air.

Are you kidding? Are you trying to say that 5 güeyes walking around with treble hooks, attempting to snag bass, is an unheard of scenario at a city park lake in SoCal?

07-19-2011, 06:42 PM
trying to make it seem like latinos are the only ones poaching? Really? Can you show me where in his post he says that latinos are the only ones that poach?

In fact, your entire argument is based on you believing that the story he told was 'make believe.'

as if the poster had told a story about how 5 bigfoots stepped out a flying car and landed in the middle of the lake, walked on the water, and then caught fifty 25 pound bass, and then disappeared into thin air.

Are you kidding? Are you trying to say that 5 güeyes walking around with treble hooks, attempting to snag bass, is an unheard of scenario at a city park lake in socal?

hey!!! Do not bring big foot into this ****!!!! God! So racist!

07-19-2011, 06:46 PM
Iam not a bigfoot, but I have friends who are.

07-19-2011, 06:49 PM
Iam not a bigfoot, but I have friends who are.

It's not racist, because my wife is a Bigfoot.

07-19-2011, 06:59 PM
It's not racist, because my wife is a Bigfoot.
Oh! Don't I feel stupid!
Sorry. Feel free to talk big foot all you want.

Which Way Out
07-19-2011, 07:10 PM
It's not racist, because my wife is a Bigfoot.

Now thats more like it and FUNNY

07-19-2011, 07:30 PM
Are you kidding? Are you trying to say that 5 güeyes walking around with treble hooks, attempting to snag bass, is an unheard of scenario at a city park lake in SoCal?How many groups of 5 hispanic men have you seen in a city park attempting to snag Bass?

By the way, you need to use that third eye in your avatar a little bit harder, because you havent the slightest clue what my arguement is based on... Nice try, though...

07-19-2011, 08:07 PM
How many groups of 5 hispanic men have you seen in a city park attempting to snag Bass?

Like, during the last spawn? Or throughout my life?

...you havent the slightest clue what my arguement is based on...

well, a big clue is you telling everyone what your argument is based on:

im talkin sh*t because he chose to use "hispanics" in some make believe story tryin to make it seem like Latinos are the only ones poaching...

so, the general consensus is with the fact there was nothing wrong with using a DESCRIPTOR of the individuals doing the poaching, as described by TheAsianGuy:

Description of the poachers is more than good, with the initial and ending results listed. I used similar description of the 3 guys that raided my empty house during a short sale

It seems you're the only one arguing that he used the descriptor to 'make it seem like Latinos are the only ones poaching."

In fact, let's take it one step further.

Using YOUR logic as shown in the quotes in BLUE above, because TheAsianGuy used similar "descriptions" when identifying the perpetrators, you would say his story of the 3 guys that raided his house is:

1. A make believe one, because how many times do 3 guys raid an empty house.


2. The only reason he posted his experience was to make it seem like Latinos are the only ones that raid empty houses.

Shame on you, TheAsianGuy. You're a racist.

Of course, this is simply based on everything you've said so far. No Third Eye needed for that, just simple reading comprehension.

Oh, and the comment about the gangbang of the girlfriend was a nice touch.

07-19-2011, 08:31 PM
Those damned mexicans! Raiding our empty houses, gang-banging our wives and what-have-you!!


07-19-2011, 08:36 PM


Oh...that last part was a bit too far. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

07-19-2011, 08:40 PM
So , they were spanish speaking sasquatches then ?

07-19-2011, 09:22 PM
I just got back from Laguna and I didn't see any men who appear to be from the Southern Hemispehere snagging any fish. I did however see the Police patrolling....... maybe they are looking for Bigfoot?

07-19-2011, 09:35 PM
I fished with both ZBA and FD420 and I can assure you that they are both not racist! They might be a bit on the bass nazi side but I can assure you most bass fisherman are in some form or another! Calling out what race the perpetrators were was just a description. I think we all need to chillax and just feesh! Life is too short to argue about racism! This is America, love it or leave it! The melting pot of all nations and race! Let's just feesh and enjoy the sport we love! Btw I am an Asian american who has love for the stars and stripes and also love for my Asian heritage. I think I have the best of both cultures! That's the beauty of being an American we are free to have our own viewpoints and culture. Just my 2 cents! Damn I wanna feesh!! I've been a corporate slave for too long!!!!!

07-19-2011, 09:43 PM
I fished with both ZBA and FD420 and I can assure you that they are both not racist! They might be a bit on the bass nazi side but I can assure you most bass fisherman are in some form or another! Calling out what race the perpetrators were was just a description. I think we all need to chillax and just feesh! Life is too short to argue about racism! This is America, love it or leave it! The melting pot of all nations and race! Let's just feesh and enjoy the sport we love! Btw I am an Asian american who has love for the stars and stripes and also love for my Asian heritage. I think I have the best of both cultures! That's the beauty of being an American we are free to have our own viewpoints and culture. Just my 2 cents! Damn I wanna feesh!! I've been a corporate slave for too long!!!!!

I admit to being a bit of a bass nazi! hahaha. You gotta go hit up the bay with us soon man!

07-19-2011, 09:44 PM
several groups of hispanics ruined a day trip at silverwood for me, fishing right next to me, blasting the stereo, and even going through my ice chest, payasos

07-19-2011, 10:17 PM
FD420 I wanna feesh! But I got a new day time gig working in a new and different industry. Previously, I worked in the real estate related industry. But now, I am working for a technology based company and I have a whole lot of learning to do. I have been working and studying like crazy. It's been 10 hour days for me and after work I just want to relax, study, and pass out early! It's a bit grueling but I gotta do what I gotta do! That's why, I am unable to fish as much as I used too but as soon as I learn my companies system and protocols. I will be out there as much as I can! You know me....fishing is my stress reliever!

07-19-2011, 10:42 PM
lookout for 5 hispanic guys who cant speak english with big surf rods and giant trebles on them.

this narrows it down.

THey snag mullet of santa ana river bridge.

07-19-2011, 10:56 PM

07-19-2011, 11:18 PM
Dam those 5 mexicans just took 5 mins of my life reading all these post !...lol

07-19-2011, 11:32 PM
Hey why stop at talking about mexicans. I have some blacks i wana talk about too. You guys are so racist just talking about mexicans and not blacks or asains. you guys are racist, start talking about black people now. Why do mexicans get all the attention, us black people are outnumbered on this site. time to bring in some gang members. Hold on guys i got some gang members down the street from me and there black ill go see if theyll do something for you guys to talk about. Be back in a few.

07-19-2011, 11:58 PM
i just have to say wtf are you talking about.
i'm not racist but i hate those mexicans,those asians,those black guys,i'm so white that i hate everybody.
they were hispanics but they can speak english.really?
i'm 100% mexican and i love this country were my son was born,were i live,were i work,and belive me if you call me beaner you will end up w/your teeth in your hand.
please guys peace and love.
if you see something just report to the authorities and do not interfere because you can get your *** kick.

07-20-2011, 12:02 AM
wait bro was that to me, cuz i was just joking around. I can add a lol or something at the end if i need to. I just didnt want to destroy the saracastic element.

07-20-2011, 12:53 AM
Hey it's all good you did the right thing by not getting involved & keeping your cool. Good thing authorities were there otherwise they prob would have gotten away with it by the time you made a call & waited to see if anyone showed up. Good looking out & thanks for posting this.

Lady Quagga
07-20-2011, 07:27 AM
Everyone got caught up in the self-righteous b.s. on this thread, that you forgot about the main issue here.




(One more time, for effect.)


I don't give a flying rip if it was Baby Fark McGee-zax (http://southparkstudios.mtvnimages.com/images/shows/southpark/vertical_video/season_13/sp_1306_07.jpg?width=200). The issue here is poaching, and the uninformed, uncaring, or just plain selfish mentality that goes along with it.

City Dad
07-20-2011, 08:47 AM

but since I don't, FishingDude420, I am officially reporting you to the CZADL (Crypto-Zoological Anti-Defamation League.) Your obviously racist rant about five bigfoots raping your sisters cat with a surf rod is clearly a fabrication aimed at... wait a minute... is your sister's cat cute?

L.A.LipRipr... I know exactly what you're talking about, man. It makes perfect sense to someone like me... who dances with robots every day... winking at the inner circle of thought... some times I can hide in the ground like a little red potato with all of my eyes that see everything in the earth and sky... I'm wearing buttons. keep preaching the word... I too know that trail of tears... go in peace, Long Rifle. Ten minutes to Wapner.

Lady Quagga
07-20-2011, 09:05 AM
wait a minute... is your sister's cat cute?

Obviously she was leading them on. Open and shut case.

Ten minutes to Wapner.

Yeah, it was definitely a Bigfoot, yeah. Very hairy, yeah. B-I-G-F-O-O-T, my main man.

reservoir dog
07-20-2011, 09:18 AM
Poachers come in all shapes and colors so it's not just one race that's doing it. I've seen them all. It all comes down to whether you're fishing for the sport or fishing for food?


07-20-2011, 11:56 AM
I hate jet skeerers !!!!!!!!!!!!

07-20-2011, 02:14 PM
What up LA Lipripper!!! Yeah I feel what your sayin.I think when writing a post Race should be left out just cuz people will get offended... I got offended on a few post but all I say is F them "I BET THEY WONT SAY ANYTHING IN PERSON"...

i will :)................

07-20-2011, 02:39 PM
They should rename this forum " City Ghetto Lakes "

07-20-2011, 03:15 PM
Guys, truly, we need to all cool off the flames. We should all act like true men: get into a ring, or an area, beat each other senseless, hug, and make up with a smile and a beer/juice bottle/aspirin. Whatever. Time to lock this debate up.

07-20-2011, 03:22 PM
I ain't gettin in no ring with some Sasquatch. Have you smelled them?

Lady Quagga
07-20-2011, 03:37 PM
Guys, truly, we need to all cool off the flames. We should all act like true men: get into a ring, or an area, beat each other senseless, hug, and make up with a smile and a beer/juice bottle/aspirin. Whatever. Time to lock this debate up.

There is no silencing Bigfoot hysteria.

EDIT: However, if we study this phenomenon closer, we might get a clearer understanding:


07-20-2011, 03:42 PM
What if i told you I'm bigfoot. HAHA bigfoot is no more real than the lockness monster or north dakota.

07-20-2011, 03:46 PM
There is no silencing Bigfoot hysteria.

I blame CityDad for becoming all political.


Bassmaster Bob
07-20-2011, 09:02 PM
I will confirm that this story is 100% true I saw the same group of guys doing the same thing last week check my post history I posted about what they were doing in the ghetto set up post. I go out to Laguna often so anybody know the number to call if I see them again send me a pm and i will call as soon as I see them.

07-20-2011, 11:05 PM
i didnt want to mention this...

were did you get my picture.f.... paparazzis lol

07-20-2011, 11:33 PM
That's odd.. I spotted 5 guys wearing funny hats, and they all had beards. But they kept tossing the fish back, saying "unclean".

reservoir dog
07-21-2011, 08:48 AM
I think we've gone way off track here because the subject isn't even about poachers. It's gettin' racist up in here!!!

07-21-2011, 09:13 AM
That's odd.. I spotted 5 guys wearing funny hats, and they all had beards. But they kept tossing the fish back, saying "unclean".

:ROFL: Oh..such biblical humor.

07-21-2011, 10:00 AM
Hey why stop at talking about mexicans. I have some blacks i wana talk about too. You guys are so racist just talking about mexicans and not blacks or asains. you guys are racist, start talking about black people now. Why do mexicans get all the attention, us black people are outnumbered on this site. time to bring in some gang members. Hold on guys i got some gang members down the street from me and there black ill go see if theyll do something for you guys to talk about. Be back in a few.

This guy is REALLY racist!

07-21-2011, 12:41 PM

This fool heee-yahhh aint hatin',nawww....

07-21-2011, 07:44 PM
I think we've gone way off track here because the subject isn't even about poachers. It's gettin' racist up in here!!!Jewish isn't a race =P

07-22-2011, 01:43 AM
Excuse me? Did I strike a nerve, or what??? I bet I did... I believe its you who is the clown, bro...

And if you really must know, I dont think that dude is innocent, but I sure am glad Brian Stowe got put in a coma...

How in da hell can you say somthing like that? You don't even know Brian Stowe, nobody deserves to be put in a coma when all they did is go and see a baseball game, HOMIE THE CLOWN! Brian is a paramedic and saves lives, maybe one of his colleages may save ur life one day if you're in a coma think about that.

reservoir dog
07-22-2011, 09:07 AM
How in da hell can you say somthing like that? You don't even know Brian Stowe, nobody deserves to be put in a coma when all they did is go and see a baseball game, HOMIE THE CLOWN! Brian is a paramedic and saves lives, maybe one of his colleages may save ur life one day if you're in a coma think about that.

I agree that ain't right. At any sporting event people will always talk trash but regardless NO ONE deserves to be beat into a coma over a team. It's a game, it's a sport, it's entertainment...not a gang fight. That's just ridiculous.

07-23-2011, 04:59 PM
Wtf did Brian Stowe have to do with any of this?

P.S. the guy the media spent a million years blaming turned out to be innocent.

07-28-2011, 03:11 AM
I can say that the op is 100% telling the truth i was there and they snagged a bass rite in front of me. My homie called the dfg aswell as we were standing rite next to them. yes they looked hispanic but were speaking portaguese. appearently fullerton pd gave them a warning and cut their hooks and took some gear and sent them home for the day, including their families. i know this thread is a couple weeks old but i only come on here to find other peoples honey holes and poach them ;-). i have no idea why the op got flamed for posting what he observed.

07-28-2011, 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by L.A.LipRipr
Excuse me? Did I strike a nerve, or what??? I bet I did... I believe its you who is the clown, bro...

And if you really must know, I dont think that dude is innocent, but I sure am glad Brian Stowe got put in a coma...

you're glad he got beaten into a coma?are you serious? a paramedic whose job is to save lives ,has kids and a family and just wanted to watch a game?getting beat up by a couple of a**clowns is ok in your mind?tell you what , i hope the next time you're out fishing or at a game , you get curb stomped , but live to tell about it.no coma.just jaw unhinged.you obviously don't know the garbage that comes out of your trash mouth so therefor should not have a reason to use it anymore.
i see poachers that try to snag fish ALL the time.and i can assure you they're almost always latinos. (or nacos , as i like to call them)no sense of ethics, conservation , sportsmanship , or even a sense of what's right or wrong. they bring their idiotic homeland's mentality and think they can do whatever they want here. they disgust me and i even tell them in spanish , "lo que estan haciendo , es ilegal , quisas como ustedes". i don't give a damn.poaching is poaching. and before i get tagged as a racist , i'm a spic myself.:Cool:

07-28-2011, 08:02 PM
hey rican, bean here you forgot that 10-12 year old armenian kid using the bill gill yelling at his grandfather at hansen dam.

By the way fellas before you all start on this one snake and I are friends, I'd like to say pretty good ones at that! I'm sure he'd agree Hey R semper gumby!

07-28-2011, 08:22 PM
that little snot nosed kid keeps everything he catches.over limit of trout , juvenile bass , he just doesn't care. hopefully they get caught one day. or maybe we should just punish poachers vigilante style.:Guns::Guns::Guns::Guns:

07-28-2011, 09:56 PM
White men caught poaching= Criminals.

Non White-men caught poaching= Victims of Racial profiling.


07-29-2011, 03:03 PM
White men caught poaching= Criminals.

Non White-men caught poaching= Victims of Racial profiling.


What about when Bigfoot is caught poaching?

Hey CityDad, since he's half man, half beast, does he need a fishing license?

Or will it depend on what percentage 'man' he is? If he's 49% man, and 51% beast, he's in the clear? If that is the case, can he use 2 rods?

07-30-2011, 12:06 PM
What about when Bigfoot is caught poaching?

Hey CityDad, since he's half man, half beast, does he need a fishing license?

Or will it depend on what percentage 'man' he is? If he's 49% man, and 51% beast, he's in the clear? If that is the case, can he use 2 rods?I dunno if bigfoot cares much about fish.. For some reason, he seems more like a species of pedobear to me..

07-30-2011, 12:35 PM
The Patriots got Ohco cinco !

07-30-2011, 01:46 PM

but since I don't, FishingDude420, I am officially reporting you to the CZADL (Crypto-Zoological Anti-Defamation League.) Your obviously racist rant about five bigfoots raping your sisters cat with a surf rod is clearly a fabrication aimed at... wait a minute... is your sister's cat cute?

L.A.LipRipr... I know exactly what you're talking about, man. It makes perfect sense to someone like me... who dances with robots every day... winking at the inner circle of thought... some times I can hide in the ground like a little red potato with all of my eyes that see everything in the earth and sky... I'm wearing buttons. keep preaching the word... I too know that trail of tears... go in peace, Long Rifle. Ten minutes to Wapner.

OKOKOK right about there I absolutely lost my physical composure. :ROFL:

08-01-2011, 09:24 PM
lol, "official goodbye" thread.

08-02-2011, 01:42 PM
lol. This was a great popcorn thread :)

08-02-2011, 01:45 PM
I love how certain posters got the hell outta Dodge once the heat got too hot in the kitchen.


That was MY favorite part.

08-02-2011, 01:49 PM
Hahahahahha i know right! I noticed that too. They shut right up when they knew they were in the wrong! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

reservoir dog
08-02-2011, 03:53 PM

The drama on here is far more entertaining than daytime television. City Dad...please don't go...=(


08-03-2011, 01:09 PM
cops i know came down to the lake and stopped the dudes. Not sure if they can ticket them but i did see them take some of there gear and there knives.
They can even arrest them if they see fit. I'm pretty sure any peace officer can write a ticket for breaking a DFG regulation. Saw a guy get ticketed on Lake Shasta for a bass that was too small. Those poachers are why our fisheries get screwed up and we get dumb regs from Sacto.

Jeremy Wade Jr
08-05-2011, 04:33 AM
Just CalTipped a couple of poachers at Puddingstone yesterday, heard what I thought were carp splashing around, to my dismay, my friend spots a cast net being thrown around which I know is illegal off the bat, but the fact that they were doing it in what they probably thought was an isolated area is what forced me to call CallTips.

I didn't get to see what they were catching, if they went over their limit or took undersized fish, I didn't even get to see what they looked like, my friend did, but the important part was that 5-0 rolled up as soon as I left, hopefully this will teach them, along with everybody else to not poach.

part of the reason why the Pudd has become such a "tough" lake to fish sometimes.. I feel your guys pain.

08-05-2011, 07:27 AM
I love how certain posters got the hell outta Dodge once the heat got too hot in the kitchen.


That was MY favorite part.

I'm looking forward to any attempt "one whose name shall not be mentioned" future reports or posts!..

I can't wait to see some sort of post or report.. true comedy will ensue

08-05-2011, 09:03 AM
I wonder if this post can get to 10,000 more views.

Just CalTipped a couple of poachers at Puddingstone yesterday, heard what I thought were carp splashing around, to my dismay, my friend spots a cast net being thrown around which I know is illegal off the bat, but the fact that they were doing it in what they probably thought was an isolated area is what forced me to call CallTips.

Now Jeremy Wade Jr, when you called CalTips, what kind of 'description' did you use when they asked for the details of the perpetrators?


08-05-2011, 09:24 AM
I wonder if this post can get to 10,000 more views.

Now Jeremy Wade Jr, when you called CalTips, what kind of 'description' did you use when they asked for the details of the perpetrators?


Los chicos hablan español ?

08-05-2011, 10:45 AM
Los chicos hablan español ?

What are you implying??!

08-05-2011, 01:06 PM
hahahahahaha! We got another racist up in this mofo! lol

Jeremy Wade Jr
08-05-2011, 01:37 PM
I wonder if this post can get to 10,000 more views.

Now Jeremy Wade Jr, when you called CalTips, what kind of 'description' did you use when they asked for the details of the perpetrators?


Funny because when I was on the phone with the dispatcher, she immediately asked for the descriptions.. "were they hispanic, asian?" I guess that makes her racist for not including caucasian in the mix.. lol.

I just gave her the description of the car with the license plate #.. yellow car with a spoiler and a body kit.. I would have guessed they were ______ but turns out they were _______

I'll leave race out of it haha

Lady Quagga
08-05-2011, 02:06 PM
Funny because when I was on the phone with the dispatcher, she immediately asked for the descriptions.. "were they hispanic, asian?" I guess that makes her racist for not including caucasian in the mix.. lol.

I just gave her the description of the car with the license plate #.. yellow car with a spoiler and a body kit.. I would have guessed they were ______ but turns out they were _______

I'll leave race out of it haha

I imagine the 9-1-1 phone conversation may have unfold like so:

Dispatcher: "Did they appear schizophrenic?"

Jeremy: "Well, you've got to be crazy to use a cast net at the Pudd!"

Dispatcher: "Very well sir, we will send a Taser and Baton team out as soon as possible."

Oh I'm sorry - too soon?

08-05-2011, 02:27 PM
What are you implying??!

A question cannot be an implication

08-05-2011, 08:50 PM
Or will it depend on what percentage 'man' he is? If he's 49% man, and 51% beast, he's in the clear? If that is the case, can he use 2 rods?

No remember he's over 16. Therefore all rules and regs apply to Bigfoot! He needs a damn license !

08-05-2011, 09:04 PM

Since this is getting random.

08-07-2011, 01:53 AM
It's not racist, because my wife is a Bigfoot.

I dunno if bigfoot cares much about fish.. For some reason, he seems more like a species of pedobear to me..

Just when I thought we were out of the woods with this thread... I hate to throw more fuel on this fire but some one had to had say something...

Pedobear! Now that's no way to be talking about Dark Shadow's Lady... Respect guys..



08-07-2011, 03:53 AM
why dont you see white people with 13 foot surf rods with 4 ounce sinkers while fishing a treble???? i can tell you why......

08-07-2011, 10:37 PM
why dont you see white people with 13 foot surf rods with 4 ounce sinkers while fishing a treble???? i can tell you why......


08-08-2011, 07:23 AM
So..........Why?Because white people set out 19-hook trot-lines. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Zombie Bass ATTACK
08-18-2011, 01:10 AM
Im not bashing him because he used the word hispanic, im talkin sh*t because he chose to use "hispanics" in some make believe story tryin to make it seem like Latinos are the only ones poaching...

Your WACK HOMIE! Haha I never use the word homie but its nice on you ..meet me in person ;) we would have a nice talk I'm half hispanic and my boy is calling it of what we saw HOMIE! LOL ..damn I haven't been on here in forever now I get to vent on your dumbass story was real bro there were some illegals poaching is that better?

Zombie Bass ATTACK
08-18-2011, 01:17 AM
And if your not a long timer on this site ...you most likely will get butthurt and take are sarcastic fun the wrong way and get bent ...you live and learn on this site till we rip you a new one gangsters! Tim your a damn cracka you wonder bread mo lova

09-05-2011, 11:24 PM
Haha finally I finished reading this thread! Any how I to have seen these 5 dudes at Laguna also and I can tell you they are NOT Hispanic.

09-05-2011, 11:28 PM
Awww man did I revive an old thread again lol?

reservoir dog
09-05-2011, 11:37 PM
I smell bullsh*t... Cops have to cite anyone who is poaching, as well as confiscate their gear...

What REALLY happened? Did those 5 hispanic guys gangbang your broad, or what? Is that why youre on here tryin to incite some more racist behavior? "Be on the look out for 5 hispanic guys"... What a joke... Some of you lames crack me up...

By the way, if youre so brave, why didnt you serve up some of YOUR justice? I guess getting online and ranting about it instead of doing something about it is more up your alley... Just like 90% of the members on this site...

And if youre gonna talk about people who cant speak English, at least spell correctly.

Down boy...you're taking this way too personal. He's not even talking about you...unless you "no habla ingles?" It's just a report on what he experienced and has nothing to do with racial profiling. Poachers come in every ethnicity...chill out!!!

Zombie Bass ATTACK
09-06-2011, 03:15 PM
Down boy...you're taking this way too personal. He's not even talking about you...unless you "no habla ingles?" It's just a report on what he experienced and has nothing to do with racial profiling. Poachers come in every ethnicity...chill out!!!

haha right on..im half spanish and other half german.. i hate every race equally baha i think every race has a ****** side and there is a ok side of a race also.

09-06-2011, 03:32 PM
Looks like everyone got skunked over the weekend :)

09-07-2011, 10:53 AM
Looks like everyone got skunked over the weekend :)Not me. =]

09-13-2012, 01:38 PM
The Raider were praying and the clouds opened and God said, "Dont get me involved"..ha ha


Boy calm down,, he's just saying what he saw...then say his Gf was gang raped? ...pinche mojado guey...and Go raiders...Lol ..:mad:

09-13-2012, 02:34 PM
I've seen them. They usually come by in the late afternoon. During the spawn.

You can cry racist all you want but answer me this:

What race are the people on Newport pier snagging fish and selling them illegally?

Sorry buddy but you can only play the race card so far.

"I'm not racist, I only keep white slaves!"

Lmfao. Piss-poor argument.

09-14-2012, 10:30 AM
L.A.LipRipr is a Coconut! He is white in the inside and brown on the outside.

09-14-2012, 01:48 PM
L.A.LipRipr is a Coconut! He is white in the inside and brown on the outside.lol

that reminded me of King of The Hill.. when Ted wassonasong tried to get kahn to join their militia and called him a Banana..

09-14-2012, 02:23 PM
Ya! I love racism...they call me a coconut, apple and a oreo...Im a real mixican

09-14-2012, 03:14 PM
Thanks for understanding man in no way were my words racist. Although i knew someone would take it that way just because a white person mentioned a hispanic person hes RACIST! I think thats frkn BULLCRAP. I misewell be racist if people are gonna judge me just because im a white kid. I think YOU guys are the fkn racist switching everything up and trying to make it sound like im racist. I have plenty of mexican friends and they would laugh at some of the guys on here saying im racist. And as for not saying anything i did and i would have fought all 5 of those lo lives if i had too i aint no punk and anyone who calls me a racist in my face is gonna see that. Ive heard white people being called racist TOOOOOOOOOOOOO fkn much when there just proving points. If i said it was a bunch of americans poaching its not racist but if its ANY other race and i mention it people take it as being racist. I dont give a crap what some of you think i know what i am and its bull to try and flip stuff around.You guys r the damn racist accusing me just cuz im posting what i saw. I didnt see any americans, african americans, asians or any other race poaching it was hispanics and if it was my race or a different one i would of pointed it out just the same.

i'm not affended by what you said at all, my question is did u know they weren't hispanic americans?

09-14-2012, 03:17 PM
I think this thread is degrading the quality of this site and should be closed...

09-14-2012, 03:17 PM
good job on calling the authorities

09-14-2012, 03:28 PM
lol make beleive story. You really think i have nothing better to do then to come home and just pull a bull crap story out of my ***?Thats exactly how it happened. there was tons of other people who saw it too. And if i see "whitey" poaching it ill be sure to post a report so u can see im not trying to go out of my way just to pick on some hispanics. , btw if i was gonna make up a story on here id do a hell of alot better then a few guys poaching.

i agree, i do believe you would have said whitey was poaching if u saw them, but why whitey? you didn't call the other guy a brownie. how do u know he wasn't american?

09-14-2012, 07:54 PM
Let me tell you a little something about "gettin justice" .You will go to jail and the other guy might be hurtin a bit but not what you will go through.It's a felony in California.Yeah they might bust it down to a misdemeanor but are you feeling lucky? I thought I was helping to keep a woman from being raped.All I got was 10 years for assault with intent to do grave bodily
injury.I had 2 prior non violent misdemeanors.The courts work for the CRIMINALS,not people trying to do the right thing.Think twice brothers,or they may give you the time to think about it.

09-14-2012, 07:59 PM
The bigfoots sent in a "World Record" form to the IGFA. Results are pending.

09-16-2012, 11:39 AM
i agree, i do believe you would have said whitey was poaching if u saw them, but why whitey? you didn't call the other guy a brownie. how do u know he wasn't american?

because i have a 6th sense when it comes to illegal immigrants!!dont trip!!lol

09-17-2012, 02:13 PM
Ha ha good one. Those who act they not racist are through my experience. Ya! In actually we are all illegal immigrant...raped and killed to get were weee are at..I said..weee..ha ha my opinion..ya 6th sense...good on..LOL..now back to politics...I vote for the one who lies for me...OBAAAAMAAAA!
because i have a 6th sense when it comes to illegal immigrants!!dont trip!!lol

09-17-2012, 02:49 PM
Ha ha good one. Those who act they not racist are through my experience. Ya! In actually we are all illegal immigrant...raped and killed to get were weee are at..I said..weee..ha ha my opinion..ya 6th sense...good on..LOL..now back to politics...I vote for the one who lies for me...OBAAAAMAAAA!

LOL.glad to see some people can take a joke without flippin out!lol. o yes im defenitely voting for obaama!!!!!when hell freezes over!!!:)lol

09-19-2012, 11:27 PM
squirrel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-25-2012, 10:10 AM
The Raider were praying and the clouds opened and God said, "Dont get me involved"..ha ha

Why the hell did you bump this God-forsaken thread?


09-25-2012, 11:48 AM
Sorry mr death.:Twisted:
Why the hell did you bump this God-forsaken thread?


10-28-2012, 09:13 AM
Fishinelectrition is a dumdass I think he was 1 of the Mexicans down there its people like that the destroy our local lakes

10-28-2012, 09:17 AM
Fishinelectrition sounds like 1 of the guys who would do that I bet you that was his buddies guys like destroy our local lakes

10-28-2012, 03:46 PM
There is a crazy guy that always rides his bike and hangs out on the benches at Laguna. He shouts random obscenities, some of which are pretty humorous. Since he is always there, perhaps he should be given a badge, flashlight, and the "responsibility" of intimidating the poachers.

10-29-2012, 09:08 AM
There is a crazy guy that always rides his bike and hangs out on the benches at Laguna. He shouts random obscenities, some of which are pretty humorous. Since he is always there, perhaps he should be given a badge, flashlight, and the "responsibility" of intimidating the poachers.haha yeah that guy's crazy.

11-03-2012, 02:54 PM
Fishinelectrition is a dumdass I think he was 1 of the Mexicans down there its people like that the destroy our local lakes

Fishinelectrition sounds like 1 of the guys who would do that I bet you that was his buddies guys like destroy our local lakesWhat the hell are you babbling about moron? You created a new account just to type those stupidities??? Shows what kind of coward you are... Oh, and if youre gonna try and insult someone, try and use proper grammar and spelling you brainless trash... If someone hadnt deleted the posts, youd see that I smoothed things over with the person I was talking to, so stop stickin your nose where it doesnt belong...