View Full Version : anyone going to LP 7/7 AM?

07-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Ill be at lake perris tomorrow morning in a grey pt175, holler if you see me!!! Lets hope the monsoonal system didnt turn off the BG bite.

Can anyone local from perris tell me if the weather today was bad enough to affect the fishing for tomorrow?

07-06-2011, 09:49 PM
For me in Riverside it was hot, overcast, and a little humid. you should be fine

07-06-2011, 10:59 PM
Find the large groups of BGs, and you'll do fine. The larger fish are fairly deep.

07-07-2011, 07:05 AM
Last Saturday, most of thwe bigger catches were in deeper water (east end) then they were the previous week. I have to remember that this Saturday as I plan to fish a few hours on the 9th. Let us know how you did and and how the fishing paterns are. Good luck. Small super dupers were working last week.

07-07-2011, 07:47 AM
Will do, I ended up waking up a bit late so im barely heading out there now. How deep is deep?

07-07-2011, 10:03 AM
15 to 20 feet. Also, if you fish much shallower than 10 feet, you will end up snagging green water weeds.

07-07-2011, 10:31 AM
Last Saturday, most of thwe bigger catches were in deeper water (east end) then they were the previous week. I have to remember that this Saturday as I plan to fish a few hours on the 9th. Let us know how you did and and how the fishing paterns are. Good luck. Small super dupers were working last week.

See you on the water 7/9. My boy and I will be near the east end making our way to the tire and concrete reefs. We both want to hunt in the deeper water during hot days, avoiding the weeds.

07-07-2011, 08:49 PM
I was having a hard time finding them in the deep 13'+ so i fished the tulies and got a few ok sized BG, and a nice sized crappie. When i got home and fillet the crappie it smelled horrible so i trashed him. Dont get me wrong I like crappie but this is 1 of 3 crappie that ive gotten that smelled just horrible, like a strong potent rotting fishy smell, the meat was a weird pasty white and the texture was very mushy.

Yes that is striper meat :Secret:

07-08-2011, 12:17 AM
You know, if you fillet the fish and cut through the stomach cavity, it's going to small bad, especially if you slice open the stomach. I've had fish caught out of clean, cold water smell bad (Smallmouth Bass), but after washing the meat in clean water, it tasted great. As for the mushy texture of the crappie, not sure about that, unless it has something to do with the water being warm in the shallows where it was caught. How long were the fish dead before cleaning them? Also you need to ice them down for a while before filleting them. Firms up the meat and makes for easier filleting (thanks d1LedHed).

07-08-2011, 08:48 AM
You know, if you fillet the fish and cut through the stomach cavity, it's going to small bad, especially if you slice open the stomach. I've had fish caught out of clean, cold water smell bad (Smallmouth Bass), but after washing the meat in clean water, it tasted great. As for the mushy texture of the crappie, not sure about that, unless it has something to do with the water being warm in the shallows where it was caught. How long were the fish dead before cleaning them? Also you need to ice them down for a while before filleting them. Firms up the meat and makes for easier filleting (thanks d1LedHed).

The way i filet them i dont cut thru the stomach at all i just peel off the meet from the rib cage area.

The fish were dead for maybe an hour. the fish were transported in a cooler with a bunch of ice. This isnt the first time ive experienced this with crappie, this would be 1 of 3 fish in the past year that have been like that. All from three different lakes. To think about it that has happen 4 times...weird...

07-08-2011, 10:26 AM
Huh?...Weird. Well all I can say is, don't take any more crappie. Catch and release them.