View Full Version : silverwood and crestline 7-6-11

07-06-2011, 06:50 PM
the girl friend had the day off and wanted to go fishing, so i guess i had to go fishing today... o darn haha. but she wanted to sleep in so we didnt get to silverwood till after 10 went to the dam so we didnt have to pay the ten bucks. almost lost ten bucks worth of gear on the rocks though, kinda a pain in the butt. we were fishing anchovies trying to pick up a few schoolies for nada we got one good run but no hook up. we started throwing some bait for carp for nada also. by around 11 wind started to pick up and made it hard to toss swim baits out on my crappy baitcasting setup. left around 2 and went up the back way to crestline for nada also no bites on pb, jigs, lures and no love on bread balls and carp bait. got the big old skunk today but it was fun still to get out. any advice on fishing the dam at silverwood???? advice for set ups and ways to to get snagged up so much or maybe a better spot further down that i wont get hung up as much??? i dont mind getting skunked but losing tacke is thre worst for me haha. also picked up a crap load of trash down there some people are just pigs!!!! also does any one know id you can overnight fish if you pay for a camp site or do they kick you off the lake???? also saw a lot of dead cat fish decent size ones around 3-4 pounds. also talked to one guy saying yesterday he caught three cats using a rooster tail!!!! crazy!!!! later guys next week ill be doing a few overnight trip!!

here are some pics we randomly took.








07-06-2011, 10:32 PM
I was there in that same spot today. Tons of trash, I did see one dead 3-4 lb cat washed up on shore. I didn't lose any of my tackle. I used a japanese style jig w kevlar thread, and a rattletrap. Neither got me anything but I did hit stuff on the bottom and it skipped off of everything. It wasnt my first spot but I was there at about 4pm.

Got on the lake at 2 in the sawpit area. Before I knew it a huge family comes down a ridge across where i was fishing. They begin to swim, throw rocks, just general annoying stuff. I turned my rods the opposite direction. Got a few bites but no hits. The teenagers began splashing. I then moved over, away from the dad and his kids playing in the water. I moved about 20 feet to the right.

After about 3 minutes, another family comes up along the same side of the lake i was on. I look over and they are standing right next to my stuff. I head over and sit in the chair. At this point I'm thinking about packing it in. Its about 3:30. I start leaving once the new family started swimming back and forth across the area I was fishing. I wasnt going to stand there for nothing, so I left. Headed to "the dam" which I had never been to before. I ended up right down on the rocks directly below the parking lot. Threw a gold rattletrap and a shad jig but got nothing. I hooked my light pole up with something that might catch a catfish but the wind was too much for the puny thing.

I left empty handed, but well before the time I had planned to leave so I felt like I didnt waste my whole day. I spoke with a gentleman who had been attempting to fly fish from the rocks, the wind was not kind to him. He told me the dam was much further down. I plan to check that out sometime soon.

My brother and I are planning a fishing trip for saturday. Fishing shorelines. We have 3 kids who have never caught a fish. Should we go to perris instead? I wouldnt mind finding some blueglll as long as the kids can catch something. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also if you need advice and silverwood i can point you in the direction i would go. Just pm me.

07-06-2011, 10:41 PM
ya man there was a lot of lake lice out there today also a holes came right up to us looking at us making the biggest wake they could seemed like every 2 minutes. cant stand people like that. sorry about the skunk i know that lake can be great but i need to learn to ways more. i need to pay my dues lol

07-06-2011, 11:18 PM
I know some people will actually throw lures at such people. I did a few weeks ago but felt crappy afterward. Decided its not worth it to get so frustrated. But it still amazes me how people who could swim at the beach choose to encroach on a person who is fishing. It would be like me fishing in the beach area.

But like I said, I just moved on and tried someplace else.

07-07-2011, 01:27 AM
Good for you just letting it go. It would have been hard for me. I at the very least would have said politely if they could move over just a bit because i was fishing.

mister c
07-07-2011, 03:43 PM
Cool lookin dog..............

07-07-2011, 03:45 PM
Cool lookin dog..............

thanks, we rescued her. we think she is pitt and basinji mix.

07-08-2011, 08:16 AM
I had a crazy uncle that when people would come close to where he was fishing he would say "I'm going to fly fish" he had this lure that was at least a foot long with treble hooks I think you could of used as anchore. When he would whip this thing through the air it was loud!!!!! Nobody ever stayed to fish or swim by him!

07-08-2011, 08:37 AM
Yeah...you can't fish silverwood from shore when it's hot in the middle of the day. That place is strickly a morning or ate evening place to fish. Unless you want to go for a hike in some remote areas. Better luck next time.!

07-08-2011, 11:40 AM
I've only been to Silverwood recently. I see a lot of awesome reports about Lake Perris but all are from boats. Are bluegill and bass accessible from the shorelines at that lake?

07-12-2011, 12:41 AM
Just wanted to follow up for you Silverwood anglers. My brother, my dad and I; as well as my bro's 2 kids and my kid. We hit the lake on Saturday at 2 which is a horrible time to go on a Saturday btw. Once we were allowed to move freely through thr park we set up next to a ton of campers/swimmers. They were playing good music and giving off good vibes so we weren't at all frustrated. They ended up leaving about an hour before we were ready to go.

Our goal was to have each kid catch one fish at least. We succeeded in doing that. My nephew catching the biggest one (trout) and reeling it in by himself as people cheered. I will post pics of fish only in awhile.

I started getting bites on a worm and called my daughter over. Let her hold the pole and feel the bites and then I struck perfectly. Hooked a trout right throught the lip.

My niece was the last one to hook up. She caught a decent sized bluegill which was definitely stronger than the trout.

A very nice day all in all. The kids were all very happy to have caught a fish. My pops got skunked which we were sure to bring up to him. Lol
