View Full Version : 6/29/11 at pudd

07-01-2011, 03:26 PM
even though i was skunked(again!) my bro caught a 6 pounder on 1st cast on popper.he kept fishing topwater another 2 hours then landed another 3 pounder.i guess patience pays off?

07-02-2011, 10:35 AM
I believe some of the best anglers are some of the most patient ones.
Even though fishing for LMB requires having to jig, twitch, etc.
Being patient about your retrieves and not just throwing it out, fishing a certain spot, and reeling it back in quickly pays off big time for me.
I personally try to treat every cast like it's the one I've been waiting for.
A good way to better your patience, from what I've done, is only take one lure with you next time you go fishing and say to yourself "I'm only going to fish this one lure and if a fish bites it, he bites it. If he doesn't, he doesn't". And then just fish, fish and fish until you get bit or leave.
It will be boring, it might get you frustrated, but I believe it pays off in the end.
Anywho, just thought I'd give my opinion...

07-02-2011, 02:57 PM
even though i was skunked(again!) my bro caught a 6 pounder on 1st cast on popper.he kept fishing topwater another 2 hours then landed another 3 pounder.i guess patience pays off?

If you don't mind my asking, could you describe the popper?

07-04-2011, 11:12 AM
i do not mind at all....a pop n image jr. my bro swears by them...personally..i prefer zell pops cause they cast farther and pop on all water depths.but what do i know? my bro is doing all the topwater catching right now...LOL!

07-04-2011, 03:03 PM
Nabbed one on saturday night: 6-pound+ stick fish on a 10 inch curly tail worm.

I need to beat off that skunk that I've been getting there. If anyone wants to go bass hunting any day this week from 7-close, hit me up.