View Full Version : Looking for reviews of the NRX Fly Rods

06-27-2011, 02:21 PM
Hey gents. Has anyone personally fished with the new NRX Fly Rods? Know anyone who has? I have been having a hard time finding reviews on them. I am thinking about pulling the trigger on the 5 weight but I am still trying to gather info on them. I don't know anyone who has personally fished with them and I have already pulled on them but fly rods are a different breed. Any info would be greatly appreciated including links but preferably personal experience.


06-28-2011, 11:11 AM
I don't own their fly rods, but have a couple of bass series. They are a lil lighter than the glx and a lil more sensitive. Glx feels a bit more faster. I'm not too sure about the fly rods but hope this can help. They are awesome blanks.

06-28-2011, 09:45 PM
I don't own their fly rods, but have a couple of bass series. They are a lil lighter than the glx and a lil more sensitive. Glx feels a bit more faster. I'm not too sure about the fly rods but hope this can help. They are awesome blanks.

Yeah I have fished a little bit with the NRX bass rods but fly fishing is a whole different world. I talked to a guy at a well known fly shop and he gave me his opinion but I was hoping for a bit more feedback. Seems not too many people have put these rods through their paces and I will be buying blindly if I pull the trigger.

I will probably hold out and get the new Sage rod that is replacing the Z-Axis. Supposed to be out at the end of July or beginning of August.

06-28-2011, 10:13 PM
All you have to do is goggle "NRX fly rod reviews" and you'll see tons of personal reviews on fly fishing forums and mutiple PRO reviews as well. The reviews I've seen are nothing but positive. Steve Rajeff himself designed these rods and a lot of folks label them the best fly rod on the market. The NRX did get best new rod as ICAST last year so that should tell you something.

06-28-2011, 11:05 PM
I picked up the NRX in 3-8wt during a demo late last year at a shop event at the California FS. I lined the 5wt to the backing with very little effort. Sweet sticks, very powerful, but not powerful like the TRC style actions from Sage. The tip is relatively soft on the 9-5, but it throws line like a rocket when you need it too. The 4wts and under felt like line light rods ought to, the 5-6 weights felt like the perfect all around trout tool with lots of butt to throw in good stiff winds. Amazing rods, if you can swallow the price tag. Throwing a whole line in limited in trout fishing too tho, so thats also a factor IMO

06-29-2011, 04:05 AM
The one thing I've learned over the years, try one out see if it fits your casting style. Will the rod do what you need it to do?
I own Winston/Scott Rods for Dry Fly fishing, I custom wrapped a Sage 490-3 Sp for all around (dry fly, nymph, windy conditions) and a X-Axis for strickly nymph fishing. I own Z-Axis again for my bass/Shad/Striper/Steelhead fishing. I own a couple of Sage RPLXi's and a couple of custom wrapped Scott Heli-ply rods for my Saltwater fishing.
Before pulling the trigger on each of these rods, I did a test cast session for at least a 30 minute period with at least 3 other manufacturers to compare the different actions (again to see if the action applies to what you want to use it for).
Since I don't know what you're looking/fishing for (line weight, dry/nymph/streamer fishing), it would be difficult for me to contribute anything meaningful to you.
I don't know where you live, however if you're anywhere in the Fullerton area I'd go to Marriots' (Magnolia/Orangethorpe) these guys are as hard core as they come. They should be able to lead you in the right direction.

07-01-2011, 05:14 PM
All you have to do is goggle "NRX fly rod reviews" and you'll see tons of personal reviews on fly fishing forums and mutiple PRO reviews as well. The reviews I've seen are nothing but positive. Steve Rajeff himself designed these rods and a lot of folks label them the best fly rod on the market. The NRX did get best new rod as ICAST last year so that should tell you something.

I did use google, thanks for the advice:Rolls Eyes:

The one thing I've learned over the years, try one out see if it fits your casting style. Will the rod do what you need it to do?
I own Winston/Scott Rods for Dry Fly fishing, I custom wrapped a Sage 490-3 Sp for all around (dry fly, nymph, windy conditions) and a X-Axis for strickly nymph fishing. I own Z-Axis again for my bass/Shad/Striper/Steelhead fishing. I own a couple of Sage RPLXi's and a couple of custom wrapped Scott Heli-ply rods for my Saltwater fishing.
Before pulling the trigger on each of these rods, I did a test cast session for at least a 30 minute period with at least 3 other manufacturers to compare the different actions (again to see if the action applies to what you want to use it for).
Since I don't know what you're looking/fishing for (line weight, dry/nymph/streamer fishing), it would be difficult for me to contribute anything meaningful to you.
I don't know where you live, however if you're anywhere in the Fullerton area I'd go to Marriots' (Magnolia/Orangethorpe) these guys are as hard core as they come. They should be able to lead you in the right direction.

A friend of mine works at Marriots and I also talked to another one of their salesman and both told me that these rods were not as good as advertised and not close to the level of the top rods like Sage, Winston and Orvis etc etc..What I was told is that the NRX rods have a dead spot. I as told if I wanted a Loomis rod I should just get a GLX I will be a lot happier.

Basically this will be a first for me. I haven't fly fished before and it's mainly because I didn't want to open this can of worms. I have tons of money invested in Salt and Fresh without even thinking about fly fishing.

I am looking for a 5 weight that will fish the big boys. I have some opportunities to fish some big fish spots and have been guided to buy a 5 weight. I need a rod that will handle streamers but will also allow me to properly present a dry fly when I need to.

I got the reel already and I went with the Galvin Torque. I also got an extra spool so I can have a floating line and a sinking tip line. I haven't purchased the line yet though because depending on the rod I get I might go with like a 5.5 weight line so it will help a faster rod load up better. I know a softer tip will present dry flys better and cast easier but a faster rod will be better for streamers and cutting the wind so I am looking for the best everything rod for now until I find out if I like it. My friend at Marriots has also invited me to cast a bunch of 5 weights at a lake to see what feels best to me. With that Invite I feel confident that I will find the right set-up but I have a hook-up with Loomis is the reason for my posting this thread at all in the 1st place.

Anyone have any info regarding the GLX Fly Rods!

07-01-2011, 08:10 PM
I did use google, thanks for the advice:Rolls Eyes:

A friend of mine works at Marriots and I also talked to another one of their salesman and both told me that these rods were not as good as advertised and not close to the level of the top rods like Sage, Winston and Orvis etc etc..What I was told is that the NRX rods have a dead spot. I as told if I wanted a Loomis rod I should just get a GLX I will be a lot happier.

Basically this will be a first for me. I haven't fly fished before and it's mainly because I didn't want to open this can of worms. I have tons of money invested in Salt and Fresh without even thinking about fly fishing.

I am looking for a 5 weight that will fish the big boys. I have some opportunities to fish some big fish spots and have been guided to buy a 5 weight. I need a rod that will handle streamers but will also allow me to properly present a dry fly when I need to.

I got the reel already and I went with the Galvin Torque. I also got an extra spool so I can have a floating line and a sinking tip line. I haven't purchased the line yet though because depending on the rod I get I might go with like a 5.5 weight line so it will help a faster rod load up better. I know a softer tip will present dry flys better and cast easier but a faster rod will be better for streamers and cutting the wind so I am looking for the best everything rod for now until I find out if I like it. My friend at Marriots has also invited me to cast a bunch of 5 weights at a lake to see what feels best to me. With that Invite I feel confident that I will find the right set-up but I have a hook-up with Loomis is the reason for my posting this thread at all in the 1st place.

Anyone have any info regarding the GLX Fly Rods!

Hope you have a large yard 'cause the can of worms your going to open would fill the lower 40. I'm already at that place where you dread you might end up. Over 10K vested in Freshwater/Bass stuff, over 50K in Saltwater and I can't even bring myself to start counting my fly stuff :!!!: :EyePop:
A 5 wt. would be a good starter weight for a novice. It has enough weight to cast with in most any condition and heavy enough to throw nymphs w/shot and streamers in the faster actions.
You're lucky you have a friend @ Marriots. I'm sure he'll steer you in the right directon and there's nothing like actual use "on the water" it is a different feel, as opposed to casting on a driveway.
I don't know how your friend will let you test the rods, but a suggestion is to get to a piece of water close your eyes and have your friend hand you any of the rods (DON'T LOOK @ THE ROD!!! or put some masking tape over the name).
Cast them all then pick from the two or three you liked best and do the same with them and switch them around. This way you won't be influenced by a name on the rod. People sometimes will chose a rod just because of the name (been there, done that/seen it, watched it).
Finally, remember as with anything else keep in mind you might not care for fly fishing, (it's not for everyone) so you might want to be mindful of a budget cause these rods can be so very expensive (and Loomis are among the MOST EXPENSIVE). Thsi way if you don't care for it, you won't be out a ridiculous amount of money.
Best of luck on your decision. Post up on what you decide on.
btw: the GLX series of rods are supposed to be excellent. Personally I don't care for Loomis rods as they are too fast (almost require "overlining") and not very delicate when throwing #24-28 midges on Hat Creek or Hot Creek(IMO). Great Saltwater/Streamer Rods however.

07-06-2011, 12:00 AM
Hey Liteweight, I haven't been able to test any of the rods yet but that isn't even a factor now. I got a Sage Z-Axis 590-4 and a Torque 5 with an extra spool and you wouldn't believe me if I told you the price. Also came with 50+flies. We shall see what happens now, just got to get out and use it. I appreciate your input, it was what I was looking for. Sound advice from someone with fly experience. I'll let you know how it goes up in Bridgeport here pretty soon. Supposed to go 3 more times and I mainly want to concentrate on fly fishing and probably mostly with streamers. Again thanks Liteweight!