View Full Version : Tying Knots

06-25-2011, 08:42 AM
Just a share out:

I recently found this great website on how to tie knots. I have this book, but it kinda gets confusing. I guess I am a visual/kinesthetic learner. If you are a quick learner, you can speed it up and if you need it step by step you can slow it down! Check it out! I love it!! ps) I'm not screaming, just really excited.


06-25-2011, 08:52 AM
Very useful.. just bookmarked it. Thanks!

06-25-2011, 10:57 AM
Here's one that's even eaier to follow.... videos instead of animation. Menu is on the upper right. http://videofishingknots.com/

06-27-2011, 03:35 PM
Those are both good websites. Thanks for the info.

06-27-2011, 09:32 PM
P.A.W.- thanks for the info. I like your site too; you are right, it is easy to follow. Thanks for the share out.

06-28-2011, 12:01 AM
Actually, I found the BEST way to learn is by going to Youtube!

You can get a much better grasp this way!

07-11-2011, 02:43 PM
Great resource. I'm new to freshwater fishing and only had 1-2 knots I used for salt. How do you know what not works best for specific line? I switching over all my line to flouro or braid for several reasons. One application requires braid with a flouro leader. I read the best thing to do is NOT use a leader, but to tie both lines together. I found several knots that would work, but is their a resource that shows what knot to use for what application?

That Dang Guy
07-11-2011, 03:18 PM
The best knot you can tie, is the one you have the most experience with. A poorly tied superior knot, is worse than a properly tied lesser knot.

One of the reasons not to use a short leader, is the knot itself. It can cause problems if you the knot itself is bulky. For one, the knot can hang up in the guides or the line pulling off the spool can snag the knot during the cast. I feel, that is the primary reason people use long topshot, they are much longer than you can cast.

The best knot I have found for joining solid spectra to any topshot doesn't have a name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEYeUl5bBCA It requires a special tool, but it's a poor tool for the job. I purchased one, but it's difficult to use. I use a different tool. It's made of an aluminum bar wrapped with flexwrap. It's quicker and more secure....not to mention cheaper.

I've had zero failures with it. It's the slimmest knot and available...other than going to a hollowbraid connection. I've used it it for fluorocarbon from 4lbs all the way up to 20lbs.

07-11-2011, 04:14 PM
That Dang Guy- WoW! great cite. I kind got lost with the second knott- but the first one seems easy to do and remember. I have to tie it a few times so the know will go into memory. I liked how it went through the guides of the pole. That was pretty sweet. : )

That Dang Guy
07-11-2011, 04:39 PM
You definitely need some sort of tool to tighten it down properly. I've used handle of a pair of pliers and it does okay, usually needs a few extra wraps. Remember never to try to tighten on the leader side, all the clinching is done on the spectra side.

07-12-2011, 08:16 AM
That's simular to another video I watched. I think it was on the tackletour site, but I can't find it now. The odd part is he had a piece of pipe that had a notch in it to torque the line tight. Thanks for the help i'll have to give that one a try.

That Dang Guy
07-12-2011, 03:47 PM
I believe the video where he uses the dowels is for a hollowbraid connection, which i reserve for 25+lb fluoro.

You can definitely use dowels to tighten the connection, but i've always had problems with it biting into the dowel properly. I'll take a photo of the tool is use. I learned it from Gary Terakota and it's a simple and compact tool.

07-12-2011, 04:46 PM
is the tool something you can buy or do you make them?

That Dang Guy
07-13-2011, 12:11 PM
It's something you can make yourself. It's simply an aluminum tube cut to 3-4 inches and then wrapped with flexwrap. The flexwrap does get gummy every few weeks and you have to rewrap it.


Pre-tightened knot.

Tightened knot.

Compared to Uni-Uni.

Macro shot.

This was tied with 30lb PowerPro and 8 lb Yozuri. I tried to make the Uni-Uni as slim as possible by trimming the tag ends tight up to the knot, which I would recommend against in a real application. The tag ends of the Hi's tackle knot gets trimmed up as tight you can manage. Which is one of the reasons why it's so slim. I also have much more confidence in the knot strength.

Hope the pictures helped.

07-13-2011, 01:53 PM
Pics are great and although it's not a huge difference it is a big enough difference if it's going through the last eye on a pole and could determine if you get hung up or not.

My line came yesterday so i'm going to have to try and find some aluminum tubing and make a tighten tool.

That Dang Guy
07-13-2011, 02:15 PM
Size is just one of the benefits. The extremely short tag ends are as well. Usually with an Uni-Uni, there are stubs for tag ends. These will catch in guides (especially true if you have microguides) or other strands of the line when you cast it.

Even if you do stick with other knots, i'd recommend something to tighten your braid with. It's killer on your fingers.