View Full Version : Jess Ranch - would it be good to take a guest?

06-22-2011, 02:29 PM
We have a couple who has been very kind to our boys the past few years. They're from Europe the husband used to be passionate about fishing there but since coming to the US, never fished though he's often talked of his fishing days.

So I'm taking him this Friday for his first fishing event in the US. He's so excited that he's rearranged his week to keep that day free.

I'm planning to take him to Jess Ranch since this is one time where I want to make sure that someone catches something....:)

I see that the fees have gone up to $20. No problem but anyone know if they are stocking larger trout than before or still similar? The couple of times we were in the past year saw only small trout (averaging 8 oz or so) with a very few larger ones.

Or any other suggestions for me to take someone that I want to have maximum opportunity for success in his first outing here?


06-22-2011, 05:14 PM
I sent ya a pm. I haven't been there for a couple months, so not sure what the water conditions and algae growth are right now. Not sure about the size of the trout, sorry. There's some decent size bluegill there, but it may be too late in the season for them.