View Full Version : Aqueduct stretch above Silverwood

06-18-2011, 06:10 PM
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went to the duct today first time ever. Found out Los flores rd takes you to the dirt then it forks left or right, left continues los flores but its kind of a rugged steep climb(which i tried got to the top only to get my wheels spinning lol) reversed and went the other way, u then run into a paved road made a left and it took me to the gate of the beginning of the siphon pump. so whoever may go there whos never been there before when your on summit valley road dont go to los flores, there is a street just before it that has no sign(you will see a stop sign thats facing away from you) turn right and take the easy drive to the duct. Got there unloaded and walked to the water, calm crisp morning beautiful weather. Water was flowing about walking speed, and is kinda brown. Current was kind of strong, couldnt get anything to stay down(i wasnt prepared for that really) maybe i need pyramid sinkers to hold. Lots of bike riders there and nice locals. Locals gave tips on casting to a curve then feed a lot of line and walk down etc. wasnt working for me lol. walked all the way to los flores bridge(which is halfway down the duct) and fished there first. The current was eating us up and i kept getting snagged on something on the bottom several times not sure what it was. there is a sign at the bridge that says no trespassing, but next to it there is a sign that says HELP US HELP YOU aqueduct recreation, no shooting, no bikes, motorcycles, ahh but didnt say no fishing lol so we proceeded. go down another mile and fish where there is awater inlet(thought cats might be hanging out in there with the calmer water) was throwing a rapala shake and my brother was throwing a super fluker, reeling in the rapala i saw a tiny little silver bait fish chasing my lure so i thought that was a good sign and stayed there for a bit. there is a ranger that drives around checking things out( as he was coming around i was like oh s*** were trespassing, but he drove right by us and said nothing, 3 times today so i guess its ok to be there. Saw or heard a huge plunge across from us, sounded like it had good weight to it thought it was a striper so were throwing our lures in the area but nothing(that was the only action we saw all day) later went all the way to the end(mojave siphon) and saw a nice sized striped carcass on the side vultures were eating it. Trekked all the way back to the bridge fished some more got nothing the left. i know theres fish in there just my first time there now i know i need different equipment to assess the situation. Oh yeah felt uneasy leaving my truck parked up there 5 miles away lol. Oh yeah you can cross the los flores bridge to fish the other side of the banks, which is better cause the current will take your bait into the middle instead of drifting to the bank closer to you. Got home looked at google earth and saw you can take the 138 to the 173 and it dives into los flores road(which is the other side of the bridge) Am looking forward to tackling this many a time and would maybe like to hook up with some peeps who have some good knowledge to share. So today the fisherman loses the battle but gains knowledge of the battlefield, have a good one guys.

06-18-2011, 06:16 PM

06-18-2011, 06:25 PM
realized this in the wrong forum how could i move it? or does and admin have to do it

06-18-2011, 06:27 PM
havent been there yet. might give it a try soon. it gets frustrating not getting hits or anything. one of us has to get a fish there soon.

06-18-2011, 08:52 PM
Nice effort, if the water is running you can kind of follow your bait downstream, that's one technique that seems to work for bait, maybe that's what you were talking about.

Yeah I always keep going and the signage is about the same as over by the siphon by Summit Valley Road so although I know Nessie Hunter is a big time local so maybe things have changed or they just aren't enforcing the rule, but I've fished it many times all the way down to the overlook of the Ranch and never have been questioned, but I tend to go real early AM.

Keep it up you'll figure it out!

06-18-2011, 08:59 PM
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went to the duct today first time ever. Found out Los flores rd takes you to the dirt then it forks left or right, left continues los flores but its kind of a rugged steep climb(which i tried got to the top only to get my wheels spinning lol) reversed and went the other way, u then run into a paved road made a left and it took me to the gate of the beginning of the siphon pump. so whoever may go there whos never been there before when your on summit valley road dont go to los flores, there is a street just before it that has no sign(you will see a stop sign thats facing away from you) turn right and take the easy drive to the duct. Got there unloaded and walked to the water, calm crisp morning beautiful weather. Water was flowing about walking speed, and is kinda brown. Current was kind of strong, couldnt get anything to stay down(i wasnt prepared for that really) maybe i need pyramid sinkers to hold. Lots of bike riders there and nice locals. Locals gave tips on casting to a curve then feed a lot of line and walk down etc. wasnt working for me lol. walked all the way to los flores bridge(which is halfway down the duct) and fished there first. The current was eating us up and i kept getting snagged on something on the bottom several times not sure what it was. there is a sign at the bridge that says no trespassing, but next to it there is a sign that says HELP US HELP YOU aqueduct recreation, no shooting, no bikes, motorcycles, ahh but didnt say no fishing lol so we proceeded. go down another mile and fish where there is awater inlet(thought cats might be hanging out in there with the calmer water) was throwing a rapala shake and my brother was throwing a super fluker, reeling in the rapala i saw a tiny little silver bait fish chasing my lure so i thought that was a good sign and stayed there for a bit. there is a ranger that drives around checking things out( as he was coming around i was like oh s*** were trespassing, but he drove right by us and said nothing, 3 times today so i guess its ok to be there. Saw or heard a huge plunge across from us, sounded like it had good weight to it thought it was a striper so were throwing our lures in the area but nothing(that was the only action we saw all day) later went all the way to the end(mojave siphon) and saw a nice sized striped carcass on the side vultures were eating it. Trekked all the way back to the bridge fished some more got nothing the left. i know theres fish in there just my first time there now i know i need different equipment to assess the situation. Oh yeah felt uneasy leaving my truck parked up there 5 miles away lol. Oh yeah you can cross the los flores bridge to fish the other side of the banks, which is better cause the current will take your bait into the middle instead of drifting to the bank closer to you. Got home looked at google earth and saw you can take the 138 to the 173 and it dives into los flores road(which is the other side of the bridge) Am looking forward to tackling this many a time and would maybe like to hook up with some peeps who have some good knowledge to share. So today the fisherman loses the battle but gains knowledge of the battlefield, have a good one guys.

Yeah you do need pyramid sinkers to hold, Dont feel discouraged though. Put as many hours into the duct as possible. Trust me the more you fish it the more you learn it. Everytime you fish the duct you learn something new from it. ive been fishing it at least three times a month for quite a few years now. I'm still learning things from it.shoot me a pm if you want to and i can help you out with what to use, that current will get you snagged up alot. Oh and the water level looked like it was down from what the pictures tell me. But ive fished the aqueduct during and after heavey rains, let me tell you the water level is scary high.

06-18-2011, 10:02 PM
Nice going! Very nice report. Did you manage to record the temperature, wind level, or water temperature based on the feel of the recovered weight? Very thorough photo session there. Looks like the water level dropped from the original heavy flow. Plenty of sedimentation just a few inches below water, and high turbidity too. That means the bait has to be extremely loaded with scent to attract what's every down there. Looks like I have to pull all the tricks in bait making to bring the cats and stripers out of the muddy water.

06-18-2011, 10:05 PM
Nice going! Very nice report. Did you manage to record the temperature, wind level, or water temperature based on the feel of the recovered weight? Very thorough photo session there. Looks like the water level dropped from the original heavy flow. Plenty of sedimentation just a few inches below water, and high turbidity too. That means the bait has to be extremely loaded with scent to attract what's every down there. Looks like I have to pull all the tricks in bait making to bring the cats and stripers out of the muddy water.

UhOh everybody step back Asianguy is going into bait making overload. HAHA

06-18-2011, 10:10 PM
well little crisp in the morning but not cold enough for a sweater, around 10 it was a dry heat, wind ripped a little here and there but felt good, over all it was a calm dry day bring lots of water and or gatorade, i had a rolling cooler with that(no beer this time) i would like to fish it at night when its cooler, heard the wildlife is crazy out there though so gotta have a weapon maybe a few of us can go up and itll be fine. Leo depending on what u drive there is the little paved road just before los flores thats a hell of a lot better to get there lol just FYI.

06-18-2011, 10:41 PM
I drive a Santa Fe or a Durango. Switchable between 2 and 4 wheeler. That's why I was able to head off this area so easily with a 2x4 (not the wood plank either LOL).

Fish-O, you better believe it..didn't want to waste all those years of developing secret weapons for the water for nothing..heheheheheheh..if anyone can share some homemade recipes, chime in!

Nessie Hunter
06-19-2011, 07:18 AM
I have never been harassed in the last 2 miles, but have seen the signs & noticed no walk gates there, so wondered about Security. Good to know they are cool...

That road that comes up from 173 near Silverwood dam, is private property (Horse Ranch) and Standing at the End of Duct it looks like it has chained gated for MWD or coming up the hill to end of open duct...
Probably no public access.....

Good slow moving large pool right there also??? Before the Large gates that screen out debris.. Check out the conveyor belt for Bodies!!!!! lol

I have caught Cats to 10# there, and seen a whole lot of Stripers to about 8 or 10# at or near the Summit Valley Entrance (just raising & falling in the current where it comes up from underground in the small fenced area) also lots of jumpers at dusk.... Couldnt get them to go on anything I had????
Have seen bait fish and pan fish, a few carp cruising also....

I was leaving one day and a guy man was coming in with a very heavy Ocean rig (Maybe 30#++??).. We talked and he said he got railed on 15# bass rig by something HUGE last outing and that WASNT going to happen again!!! LOL
Have heard a lot of stories from locals about GIANTS in that section........
The ones that got away and/or broke them off of course!!


06-19-2011, 09:18 AM
I never bring a weapon along but there again I wander the Wood at night also, I'm going to make a fine dinner one of these days for the local wildlife! There were mountain lion sightings again last week in Hesperia, they use the Duct to travel, water source there and every other animal goes there for a drink so Leo likes to hang out there waiting for an easy meal. Lot's of scat seen but only Bobcats and other locals have been seen by me but I'm to busy stairing at the water to notice what's around me. I figure worse case scenario jump in the Duct and go for a little ride, yea it's dangerous in the water but I swim like a Seal!

06-19-2011, 09:34 AM
so leo did u take the dirt road left and climb the dirt road? then follow it around and it leads you to los flores bridge(which is closed off) you could park off in the dirt there thats about the halfway point of the duct, walked up and down it yesterday u said it was 4.83 miles, man it went fast though lol on my way back to the top i saw a lot of peeps fishing the beginning right at the siphon, we were the only people way down there, local bike rider said "you guys park at the top" i said yea then he said "man you guys had a little walk huh, is that your truck up there with 3 wheels?" i was like are u serious, he was joking, lots of nice locals i met up there they say they fish it in the evening and night though. so not sure if the top is the best "spot" but thats where everyone was, i saw the big splash the last 200 yards to the end where i fished the water inlet or outlet.

06-19-2011, 10:04 AM
Leo likes to hang out there waiting for an easy meal. Lot's of scat seen but only Bobcats and other locals have been seen by me but I'm to busy stairing at the water to notice what's around me.

:LOL: I would love to have that challenge for a good non-fish meal on the side. Used to hunt all the time in survival mode, and dealing with native animals were something that was quite fun. But, having city slickers with me, I don't think I can fend off all the incoming animals without leaving some major battle scars on myself and slickers.

so leo did u take the dirt road left and climb the dirt road?

Nope, turn off to the right just before Los Flores, went dirt mode on the left side of the aqueduct. Drove (illegally?) on the small dirt path on the left, downwind of the howling sheer wind to prevent the dirt from entering the aqueduct. I got stopped before Los Flores intersection, due to fencing. Drove all over Los Flores to see if I can go beyond this point. Either fence or natural terrain go the best of the large SUV. Whipped out my PDA with the GPS receiver, and walked..freaking walked..and walked..it wasn't that short of a walk either. I walked the upper slope of the aqueduct, or so it felt. Jeans, and not long sleeves shirt is not good..I sweated and sweated..I made a wet imprint on the car seat after the short trek was over.

06-19-2011, 10:20 AM
im just gonna park like i did at the top its the easiest, and all the bike riders park there and unload their bikes and go for a ride, its an easy walk along the duct smooth surface