View Full Version : LB Wall 6/11

06-11-2011, 09:44 PM
Ended up making a run to longbeach to see if we could hook up on some calicos. Ended the day with about 5 fish. 4 calicos and one olive rockfish (johnny bass). No real size to any of the fish. Water temp was cool and we missed the ideal tide times but we scratched a few fish. We both lost two calicos that were the bigger models that we were out to catch:Censored::Censored: We caught our fish on 4" BH on warbait slayer heads. This was the first time fishing these jig heads and man am i impressed. We fished these jigs in nasty cover and only got snagged twice but we managed to retrieve our jigs back. Not a single loss of plastics or jigs:Shocked::Shocked::Shocked:

On the outside of the jetty we happened to stumble into a feeding frenzy of porpoise feeding on sardines and mackerel. We had hundreds of porpoise surrounding us and there was one that breached less than five feet from the bow of the kayak. It was an awesome sight to see and a rarity that we were able to enjoy and catch video of.

http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r57/freshfish11/DSC00921.jpgbiggest fish of the day
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r57/freshfish11/DSC00917.jpglil runt but no one told him that
http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r57/freshfish11/DSC00916.jpg new species for me; olive rockfish (johnny bass)

Heres vid of the porpoise feeding frenzy http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r57/freshfish11/th_MOV00920.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/albums/r57/freshfish11/?action=view&current=MOV00920.mp4)

06-12-2011, 05:58 AM
Good job. Those Porpoise have been running through the port alot lately.
Seen them a few times last week off Pier J. They usually enter Queens gate then charge towards Pier 400.
Never seen them going the other direction, only Dolphins ?
THNX 4 the report.

murrieta angler
06-12-2011, 01:22 PM
Hey Adam,
Been a while since I've seen a report.
That lil rockfish is cool looking...:Cool:
The video is even cooler.
I just put a report up with videos for the first tiem.
Thanks for the report, pics and video,

06-12-2011, 04:19 PM
Nice pick on the checkers. in our tubes at night we had the same thing but we could only see the splashes in front and around us. i coulda sworn something bumped but coulda been my fin..lol..

06-12-2011, 05:20 PM
Congrats! Thanks for the report

06-12-2011, 05:32 PM
Hi Brandonfish,

That dang Phantom Red line .... two trips ago a porpoise snagged my long distance cast but my drag was buttoned down enough so I was able to stop the spool to break off the leader before I got frickin' spooled !! Same thing happened last year but I lost a spool of brand new PR line !!

Those darn Pelicans sure mess up the rocks in the background right around where they were yakin'. Thinkin' I'll be hitting Cabrillo here pretty soon to tube the inside wall and around the corner if tide calculation timing is good. Even with the tide right, I'm leary of launching on the outside beach even though there is a rock jetty adjacent to the actual breakwater. Too bad to as that's a killer natural bait trap !! Get a bad rip-tide and it might be R.I.P for sure. No bueno !!
