View Full Version : Tougher day LB 5 31 2011

ghetto dad
05-31-2011, 05:18 PM
Hey guys,
Well, I have been looking forward to fishing today for a few days. Really looking forward to throwing the LC and catching again on it. Well, that didn’t happen today.


Arrived in LB at around 6:45 am, got to my spot, threw my waders on, and headed to water. Immediately, I noticed very large surf, which is VERY unusual for this area. I was pretty disappointed, but I had already made the drive from OC, so I proceeded to work the beach anyways. Good thing, salad was not as thick as it was previous. Bad things, big surf, very strong tide, and very dirty water. I would cast my LC, and it seemed just as I put the reel in gear, the surf was bringing it back to my feet. But, instead of giving up, I went ahead and walked/worked the beach for a good couple hours. I tried 4 different colors of LC, but like I said, with this dirty water and tough conditions, I did not even get a hit on any of them. So, I decided to give the Kroc a try, and tied it on my rod.

Made some casts, and worked my way back down the beach to where I had started. Again, as with the LC, I made a LOT of casts, working the Kroc. When I was almost back to where I had started, my rod gets thumped, and fish on! I could tell this wasn’t a but, no head shakes whatsoever. Once I got it closer, I landed my “skunkbuster,” if that’s what you want to call it, lol.


Made about a dozen or so more casts, then decided to bust out the Ghetto Bucktail. Made a few casts, and got thumped pretty good. I set the hook, and the fish JUMPED out of the water! I didn’t really see what it was when it made the jump, and this fish fought better than the first, but again, no headshakes. After a nice fight, I landed this.


Took pic, released the fish, and said that I had enough of the surf for today, I was beat. So I headed to my truck, and headed to a Spottie spot that I wanted to try. Arrived a few minutes later, and got to my spot. I was not happy with the water clarity at all, it was chocolate milk brown! For this spot, I had tied on a ¼ oz leadhead, with a 4 inch white Big Hammer. After my second cast, I got hung up in the rocks. Snap! Bye bye leadhead! Retied, casted, again…snap! Leadhead #2 gone! GRRRRR!!! Made another cast, and finally got hit. I set the hook, and the fish was on! By the way it was fighting, I was worried that it might be what I didn’t want it to be. And, of course, it was…a Lizard fish….NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Made a few more casts, lost 2 more lead heads, and decided I was done donating tackle to the rocks. There was one more spot in the bay that I wanted to try, so again, I jumped in my truck, and headed to my final spot.
I arrived a few minutes later, and for this spot, I set up the Drop Shot with a white fluke. Worked the beach pretty hard, and a short time later…tap..tap…I set the hook hard, and fish was on. Guess you can’t guess what I landed!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Lizard Fish #2!! WOO HOO!! Im on FIRE today!!!! Didn’t bother with a pic….sorry Lizard fish guys….lol.

Worked my way down to an area that looked like it had a a little bit of structure and weeds, made a cast, and worked the fluke through the area. Tap..Tap!! BAM! Set the hook, and another fish on! This one was NOT a damn Lizard fish, and after a nice little battle, I landed this…..



Took couple quick pics, and released the bass. After the day I have had so far, I was pretty stoked with that legal bass, lol. I worked the area some more, and got bit VERY hard! I set the hook, and the fight was on! After pulling it back through the weeds, I saw what it was, and beached it.

Nice YFC!

Took pic, released, and was pretty much done for the day. I threw my LC’s for a couple or more hours, in crappy conditions, but I tried. Threw the Kroc for a ray, threw the Ghetto Bucktail for another ray, threw the swimbaits for some lizard fish, and ended my day drop shotting and getting 1 legal Sandy and a chunky Yellowfin Croaker. The wind had started to pick up anyways, so I loaded up my truck, and headed south back to OC.

I won’t be able to hit the surf till next week…..until then…..

GD out……

05-31-2011, 05:34 PM
Nice! That water is super clean!

05-31-2011, 05:36 PM
Tough day?!

I'd be happy to walk out of there catchnig just one of those fish. :D Good job on the mixed basket of fish! I think i need to go with some skunk buster lures too. My little crew just seem so hard nosed into trying to land a hali that we don't switch it up often enough.

Nice report, thanks!


ghetto dad
05-31-2011, 06:08 PM
Nice! That water is super clean!

thanks man..yeah..i wish it was that clean in the surf....grrrr...lol

Tough day?!

I'd be happy to walk out of there catchnig just one of those fish. :D Good job on the mixed basket of fish! I think i need to go with some skunk buster lures too. My little crew just seem so hard nosed into trying to land a hali that we don't switch it up often enough.

Nice report, thanks!


thanks Leo! yeah....im becoming one of those hard nosed halibut hunter guys too...need my first LC legal! lol...before the LC..i was happy to use the crack and catch fish and drop shot...lol all it took was for me to catch ONE fish on the LC..i was hooked...


Which Way Out
05-31-2011, 06:26 PM
Well now I know where that chocolate water went we had not long ago.
That's a nice mixed bag GD. The water will clear soon and you better have your camera ready buddy.:LOL:
Good job...

05-31-2011, 07:00 PM
Nice job again.
Rough day pffft

05-31-2011, 07:20 PM
Good job Steve. I'm pretty sure I know where you were fishing. The water temps are on the rise again and the grunion runs are suppose to happen starting tomorrow.


Hit up the spots that you would usually hit up for flatties on the third or fourth days of the run and a few days following. The LBC usually goes off during that time. All kinds of fish that eat grunion will be in the surf.
TIP......I can tell you are fishing that LC too fast or rushing it in the last 20ft by the scribing of the hooks on the sides. If you watch baitfish in the water....They only swim fast when they are spooked. Also a slower retrieve will keep your bait in the strike zone for longer while temps are down and the halibut are still a little lethargic.

05-31-2011, 07:27 PM
Good job bro !

05-31-2011, 07:46 PM
There was clear substance almost like nail polish that we use to apply on our LC's that will keep the paint on and doesn't effect the movement or swim of the bait.

Oh, great cat h Steve hahaha

ghetto dad
05-31-2011, 08:44 PM
Good job Steve. I'm pretty sure I know where you were fishing. The water temps are on the rise again and the grunion runs are suppose to happen starting tomorrow.


Hit up the spots that you would usually hit up for flatties on the third or fourth days of the run and a few days following. The LBC usually goes off during that time. All kinds of fish that eat grunion will be in the surf.
TIP......I can tell you are fishing that LC too fast or rushing it in the last 20ft by the scribing of the hooks on the sides. If you watch baitfish in the water....They only swim fast when they are spooked. Also a slower retrieve will keep your bait in the strike zone for longer while temps are down and the halibut are still a little lethargic.

wrong>>>> not fishing it too fast ~ right....i AM rushing that last 20 feet...lol...damn..youre a Guru to know something like that bones!! lol also tho...that outgoing surge has been RIPPING..like today...i just let my LC sit there when water receded...its was FLYING..lol

05-31-2011, 09:18 PM
Think about what you just said Steve.......
In the outgoing surge.....What would a baitfish be doing.....definately NOT suspend in the water and wobble like crazy. During a scenario like that try keeping your rod in the highstick position when the bait is close to you and give up some slack when you feel the head wobble.I always try to slow down and get in tune with the swell surge and observe when the "Lulls" between sets occure. It's all about timing when you are fishing moving water for ANY fish especially on trenchy open beaches.When I first started fishing LC's I was good at wiping out my bait in ONE day. Now I can make the finish last for about 5 outings and I feel like I'm fishing the bait in a more realistic way.
To be honest......I was looking at my bait and watching Arthur slow it down. His numbers were higher than mine on all species and the finish on his bait was actually lasting longer.Most of his evident wear and tear comes from slapping his bait on the water to clean off debris....LOL
Think like a halibut and act like a baitfish...:ROFL:


05-31-2011, 10:12 PM
Think about what you just said Steve.......
In the outgoing surge.....What would a baitfish be doing.....definately NOT suspend in the water and wobble like crazy. During a scenario like that try keeping your rod in the highstick position when the bait is close to you and give up some slack when you feel the head wobble.I always try to slow down and get in tune with the swell surge and observe when the "Lulls" between sets occure. It's all about timing when you are fishing moving water for ANY fish especially on trenchy open beaches.When I first started fishing LC's I was good at wiping out my bait in ONE day. Now I can make the finish last for about 5 outings and I feel like I'm fishing the bait in a more realistic way.
To be honest......I was looking at my bait and watching Arthur slow it down. His numbers were higher than mine on all species and the finish on his bait was actually lasting longer.Most of his evident wear and tear comes from slapping his bait on the water to clean off debris....LOL
Think like a halibut and act like a baitfish...:ROFL:


True, true... I would have to agree that more than half of the people out there throwing hard baits in the surf are working them too fast. And yes, learning how and when to high-stick is definitely a plus. :Wink: Mike, stop watching me so closely and copying what I do, I want to stay ahead of you on the legal Flatties count. :LOL: :Wink:

Oh yeah, and most of the wear and tear on my LC's comes from teeth marks. :Envious:

Steve, good job in making the most of a slow day and in less than ideal conditions.
That's a nice mix of fish. :Big Grin:

06-01-2011, 04:56 AM
Some excellent advice on fishing slow.. That information right there is often the key to catching nuetral non active fish that otherwise would not have come off the bottom to chase down a faster moving bait.

Hey Steve If I'm not mistaken about the area you were fishing that spot can have a nasty shore pound at times (more often than not). From where you were at if you go north towards the Pier any where above about the half way point to the peir there is no shore pound. The area north of the Pier is a good bet. Try giving it a shot next time. The crocodile works very well in this area.


06-01-2011, 05:58 AM
True, true... I would have to agree that more than half of the people out there throwing hard baits in the surf are working them too fast. And yes, learning how and when to high-stick is definitely a plus. :Wink: Mike, stop watching me so closely and copying what I do, I want to stay ahead of you on the legal Flatties count. :LOL: :Wink:

Oh yeah, and most of the wear and tear on my LC's comes from teeth marks. :Envious:

Steve, good job in making the most of a slow day and in less than ideal conditions.
That's a nice mix of fish. :Big Grin:

Steve will probably agree with this... when I read posts like this I want to go fishing NOW lol.

06-01-2011, 06:31 AM
That's some great advice Mike and Arthur. GD, like Jerry said that area and down a few blocks get the swell through the gap in the breakwall. Clarmount St is where guys surf inside the harbor, check out this video with the oil islands in the background.


06-01-2011, 06:34 AM
Great report GD !
Mixing it up and moving around payed off.
Nice Bass and that YFC is sweet , is that near the Bass HOE ??
I've been trying to get me one of those(yfc).

And not being able to go out for a week , i feel ya on that .... i have 1 day off out of 10 ... :EyePop:

murrieta angler
06-01-2011, 07:37 AM
Persitence is the name of this story GD.
Thanks for the post and pictures.