View Full Version : Perris - TROUTS DUMP!! 5/29

05-26-2011, 05:15 PM
Don't know about you guys, but I'm heading out on Monday! They're doing a trout dump late on Sunday night BABY :!!!: Talked to a few of the DFG boys that in charge of the stocking. Due to the trout's population got hammered by the blue stones, they're dumping close to twice as much as usual. By the way, a few of the trouts are prize winning 5 to 8 lbs in the mix. Let's see who catch them first :Wink:

05-26-2011, 06:16 PM
yea i was reading on the perris sra website that they were supposed to stock trout "the week of 5/22/11" so i figured anyday this week

05-26-2011, 09:59 PM
What the heck is 'Blue stoned'?

05-26-2011, 11:20 PM
What the heck is 'Blue stoned'?

Algae control through the use of copper sulfate. Can be poisonous to some fish, like trout.

05-27-2011, 07:47 AM
DFG stocking fish on a Sunday night? With the lack of funds sounds funny that they would work overtime on a holiday weekend, Sunday no less, to stock fish??????

Not challenging you but sure sounds strange.

05-27-2011, 08:03 AM
They still stock trout in the IE at this time of the year (HOT)?

05-27-2011, 08:16 AM
ditto to seals reply. more likely it will happen during the week

05-27-2011, 09:35 AM
some misunderstanding here...

Perris is scheduled to have a trout plant the week of 5/29/11, remember weeks start on Sundays not Mondays.
I highly doubt they will plant on the Sunday, just that sometime during that week there will be a trout plant.

05-27-2011, 09:54 AM
DFG stocking fish on a Sunday night? With the lack of funds sounds funny that they would work overtime on a holiday weekend, Sunday no less, to stock fish??????

Not challenging you but sure sounds strange.

The week does start on sunday the dfg fish planting schedule, but that does not mean that they plant it on Sunday. That means that between Sunday and Saturday of that week, they will be stocking trout. They won't give you a specific day becasue everyone will be there waiting for the truck.

05-27-2011, 09:57 AM
Something makes me want to say that they like Tue and Thu for some reason.
I've seen Fri stockings before the tourney too.

05-27-2011, 09:59 AM
anyone wanna buy my 8inch SPRO BBZ-1 trout swimbait? I DONT EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO THROW IT WITH :-(
pm if intrested

05-27-2011, 10:02 AM
They still stock trout in the IE at this time of the year (HOT)?

That is strange, and for the dfg to waste trout in the 5-8 lb range for that matter is strange. It should be getting hotter out there pretty soon. I guess the Reservoir still meets the dfg planting criteria, but im sure the water temp is up there.

05-27-2011, 10:41 AM
The week does start on sunday the dfg fish planting schedule, but that does not mean that they plant it on Sunday. That means that between Sunday and Saturday of that week, they will be stocking trout. They won't give you a specific day becasue everyone will be there waiting for the truck.

Ok that's kind of what I was saying when responding to AsianGuy said they were stocking Sunday night. Me thinks AsianGuy got confused, besides DFG NORMALLY would not even tell you what day so don't know who he actually talked to.

But what do I care Silverwood should be planted in Miller Canyon this week so Mr. Stripey should be putting on the feedbag up here!

05-27-2011, 12:09 PM
Can't build my rod quick enough! :mad:

05-27-2011, 12:22 PM
Ah..me think you guys don't know about DFG. It's not DFG that doing the dumping, but rather, the contracted winner that do the dumping. If you see a DFG warden or a contractor's planter truck next time, ask them for a specific clause on their agreement on the time that the fishes are required to be planted (any time after 5pm during winter period or any time after sun down when water temperature reach adequate equilibrium to prevent transplant shocks..going from one water temperature to the next causing temp). The reason why they don't let you know the true time and date is because of possible poaching on disoriented fishes. Although the water temperature is way up there for the trouts planting, however, the damaged done by the algae control must be balanced with some trout planting to give the trout's population a chance to recover.

So..me think me not crazy when I heard from the guy I work closely with for the past 12 years. However, the date may be pushed a bit further along the way, or may be rushed due to the biota and temperature conditions.

However, I'm not taken any chance that they won't be planting on late Sun night, with those prized trouts, or better yet, tagged ones. The tagged are breeders. Catch them, photo ops the tags, and return them into the water. You still get the prize money, and also give the trouts the chance to live for the future mating. Hey, I'm just forwarding the news..don't kill the messenger.

05-27-2011, 12:37 PM
We just watch it happen in person at lunchtime mid day in 80* weather and throw swimmies around the drugged up lunchmeat trouts. Don't shoot the reporters.:Razz:

Blame it on those dang tricky DFG and their contracts! LOL
(just kidding love you guys =P)

05-27-2011, 12:44 PM
Blame it on those dang tricky DFG and their contracts! LOL
(just kidding love you guys =P)

Damn it boy! Nearly gave me a freaking heart-attack. I nearly dropped my kid reading my email because my gears were half prepped for the water for the entire three days weekends. I thought I have to throw them all into the float tubes with me and haul them out into the lake just to get to those new yummy trouts.

05-27-2011, 01:40 PM
Sorry AsianGuy this is a new one on me but I don't fish Perris anymore so not in the loop, my bad. But still confused, the Mohave State hatchery stocks Silverwood and plants only in the daytime at Silverwood. What hatchery stocks lake Perris and how do you cash in on the tag money? Tagged trout (brood stock) never use to be worth money just kind of a prize, we always would put them on our vests to see who could get the most but I thought they stopped that program a couple years ago.

Thanks and not shooting the messenger just learning something new.

05-27-2011, 01:55 PM
Yeah there's tagged fish in Perri.
They have signs on all angles of the lake rewarding $10 for the "Taggers".
If I was on my PC I would photoshop a beanie on a trout with a cig in his mouth and a rattle can hanging off his fin painting murals.

05-27-2011, 03:03 PM
See I know nothing, don't ever listen to a Seal! Unless of course it's Silverwood related.....

05-27-2011, 09:05 PM
yeah there's tagged fish in perri.
They have signs on all angles of the lake rewarding $10 for the "taggers".
If i was on my pc i would photoshop a beanie on a trout with a cig in his mouth and a rattle can hanging off his fin painting murals.

lol! Yea dude me 2

05-27-2011, 10:58 PM
um, not sure who from the "dfg" you all talk to but they sure had fun at your expense. The lake was stocked this last week with a normal amount of 2/lb RBT with a percentage of those fish having tags (I tagged every one of em). There is no "contracted" fish planter, our Mojave River Hatchery plants Perris and every other water in SD, SB, Riverside and Imperial County. If a tagged fish is caught return the tag to the address on the tag. This info helps us determine the success of our trout stocking program. Thanks!

05-27-2011, 11:04 PM
kwin's the man he knows whats up!

Hooked Up
05-28-2011, 12:35 AM
Is Perris deep enough for trout to survive all year long? Are the tags to help find this out?

05-28-2011, 01:15 AM
thanks kwin

05-28-2011, 08:20 AM
Well I thought maybe Perris was getting some private stockings from somewhere that would somehow decide to plant on a Sunday night on a holiday weekend, now I'm back to calling BS, maybe not intentional BS but BS nonetheless!

05-28-2011, 06:42 PM
Hm...looks like I have a nice heart to heart talk with Eddie and Mark about this. Thanks kwin for the notice. Looks like I may have to pull out my torture paddle to make those guys spill the beans on what they're hidding.

05-28-2011, 08:15 PM
Is Perris deep enough for trout to survive all year long? Are the tags to help find this out?

I think so. I see 65 feet in the channel that feeds the outlet tower so the deepest part of the lake is about 85 feet right now.

Hm...looks like I have a nice heart to heart talk with Eddie and Mark about this. Thanks kwin for the notice. Looks like I may have to pull out my torture paddle to make those guys spill the beans on what they're hidding.

Make sure you get out the BIG paddle :LOL:. I've seen plenty of plants go in during the day. Normally around noon.