View Full Version : Catfish Season

05-18-2011, 11:30 PM
Im so excited for catfish season. It is going to be my first time actually targeting the cats. I am going to hit up the local lakes, Pyramid, puddingstone, hansen dam, santa fe dam, quail lake. Any tips and points will be very helpful.

05-19-2011, 12:16 AM
My buddy and I pulled up a couple of cats at quail lake. I feel like that's a good spot to go get em. We were using night crawlers dipped in garlic sauce. I'm sure if you use chicken liver you'd have a great chance with both cats and stripers. Lots of big fish in there. Be prepared for the wind. That place seems to be a giant wind tunnel. Good Luck!

05-19-2011, 08:08 AM
Im so excited for catfish season. It is going to be my first time actually targeting the cats. I am going to hit up the local lakes, Pyramid, puddingstone, hansen dam, santa fe dam, quail lake. Any tips and points will be very helpful.

aqueduct, lake elizabeth, brite lake in tehachapi, pyramid lake, quail lake. all good places to get cats. and not to brag but every time i target catfish, i catch them haha. im kinda a catfish expert. considering that im kinda crappy fisherman.

05-19-2011, 08:50 AM
Curious. Do you sink the bait to the bottom, or let it float about just above the bottom? I have a better luck in using a float, rig the hook to have the bait raised about 1 foot above water..and WHAM! Never have good luck with the bait sitting flat at the bottom.

aqueduct, lake elizabeth, brite lake in tehachapi, pyramid lake, quail lake. all good places to get cats. and not to brag but every time i target catfish, i catch them haha. im kinda a catfish expert. considering that im kinda crappy fisherman.

05-19-2011, 09:55 AM
Curious. Do you sink the bait to the bottom, or let it float about just above the bottom? I have a better luck in using a float, rig the hook to have the bait raised about 1 foot above water..and WHAM! Never have good luck with the bait sitting flat at the bottom.

with catfish never have your bait sitting on the bottom. they have somewhat of an underbite making them unable to take the bait effectively. rig catfish bait similar to how you would do trout, for trout i use long learder and floating bait. for catfish i use about 6 inch leader in a lake, for the aqueduct i actually use a method that my uncle came up with to effectively catch catfish. but for cats have a 6 inch to foot long leader. I occasionally use a pretty heavy weight but it depends on the water and weather conditions. in the duct i use two leaders kinda. i attach one leader to the snap swivel, and that liter has the hook and bait. for the other leader its attached to the same snap swivel as the first leader but its an entirly different leader all together, that second leader is about 3-5inch in length and has a heavy pyramid sinker on it with no hook or bait just the sinker. thats a trick my uncle told me about to use in the duct because the current moves your bait around if you use a regular sinker. there some other reason to but i dont rememeber off hand right now.

05-19-2011, 11:58 AM
I saw someone fishing for catfish recently that was using one of those bobbers with a brain. It feeds line through until the sinker hits the bottom and then stops and suspends the bait whatever distance you want off the bottom. You can reel it part way in, and it finds the new depth and does it all over again. Looked like a good idea.

05-19-2011, 05:23 PM
Is that overkill? It's like driving a freaking space shuttle to work, rather than a normal manual stick GTO with twin turbo *LOL* However, I would love to buy the Japanese micro-pulse fishing trap that mimics a worm or dying fish. That freaking thing is $400, but snag fishes even on a piece of lint.

05-19-2011, 06:28 PM
I saw someone fishing for catfish recently that was using one of those bobbers with a brain. It feeds line through until the sinker hits the bottom and then stops and suspends the bait whatever distance you want off the bottom. You can reel it part way in, and it finds the new depth and does it all over again. Looked like a good idea.

im afraid i dont know what your talking about.

05-19-2011, 10:22 PM
I have the bobbers with a brain. They have a good concept, but IMHO I feel they are more trouble than they are worth. I rather a sliding bobber. Fish-o-holic, just go to amazon.com and search bobber with a brain.

05-22-2011, 11:54 PM
Youtube has some of those bobber w/brain how to videos, but i use the sliding bobber.