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View Full Version : Diammond Valley Website Gripe

05-18-2011, 09:28 AM
Maybe i just haven't had my coffee this morning or i'm getting old, but I just got to shake my head sometimes when I read the DVL fishing report on their website. I guess I'm used to a straightforward report that I see on other sites and the posts on FNN. Anyway, what's up with these poems? I'm thinking, is accuracy going to take a back seat because the writer has to find a word or phrase that rhymes?

I can read these little 'poemettes' on my daughters AYSO Touchline weekly results narrative, but on a Website sponsored by a lake that receives accolades nationally? Something a little more down to earth and practical might be in order.

Now that I got it off my chest, I feel better!

Oh, and by the way-the bass are biting 'drastic on the plastic'!

05-19-2011, 03:07 AM
I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to take the report seriously when it's written like that. Another thing I don't like about the fish report on the dvl site is that they don't update it very frequently. Not even weekly. Conditions can change very quickly and that's why I use http://www.pe.com/sports/outdoors/stories/PE_Sports_Local_D_web_only_fishing_report_19.3e41e 50.html

05-19-2011, 07:38 AM
I know exactly what you mean. It's hard to take the report seriously when it's written like that. Another thing I don't like about the fish report on the dvl site is that they don't update it very frequently. Not even weekly. Conditions can change very quickly and that's why I use http://www.pe.com/sports/outdoors/stories/PE_Sports_Local_D_web_only_fishing_report_19.3e41e 50.html

Um yea those reports are not the most up to date info either, although I won't go into it out of respect for the author. They are only as good as the info received and usually not as up to date as you think.

Sorry to bust your bubble, best place for info is going out and fishing the lake you want to fish, as often as possible.

05-19-2011, 10:33 PM
No bubble being bursted. I most definitely don't rely on the Internet to find fish. I was just throwing that out there in case sevenout might have not known about it.

05-20-2011, 05:12 AM
No bubble being bursted. I most definitely don't rely on the Internet to find fish. I was just throwing that out there in case sevenout might have not known about it.

I agree. Most of the info. I read on sites are inaccurate anyways. Some are even unfounded, so I just go out and fish on my own knowlege of a lake or stream.

05-20-2011, 07:59 AM
No bubble being bursted. I most definitely don't rely on the Internet to find fish. I was just throwing that out there in case sevenout might have not known about it.

If you follow the column you can kind of see where just a little info or almost no info is changed week to week, not saying it's anybody's fault but just pointing out that by the time the info is received then published on a weekly basis the bite could already be drastically changed.

I'ts good your aware of it I just like to pass it on to those that aren't.

05-20-2011, 08:27 AM
I personally dont get to fish that often so i use whatever i can get to make my fishing expereince worth my while. some reports on here are just of few fish biting that day, and some reports talk about things that can change a whole bite pattern for a couple of weeks. those are the reports i actually take into consideration.

05-20-2011, 09:01 AM
To 7out- I know what you're saying. I know the DV Marina guy that writes the report. I'll mention that to him when I see him. Just a suggestion to you when you're looking for info for DVL: Read their reports on their website, call Last Chance to find out the details of what's happening on the water. Any one of their staff will tell you what's happening on a daily basis. At times, their reports are a few weeks old anyway. Don't pout 7out, I'm out...........