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View Full Version : is my boat harbor safe??

08-07-2007, 02:50 PM
i have a 1966 glasspar with a 1985 mercury 85 hps. outboard, would i be safe out on the harbor? and i just had the motor rebuilt will it ruin it?

08-07-2007, 06:45 PM
Try it out. Worst that can happen it will take on water or sink. :titanic:


08-07-2007, 07:16 PM
Just stay close to the boat launch area to see if you are taking on water.

You might want to get Vessel assist Insurance. That way if you break down of take on water you can can and get help. Kind of like the AAA on the water. Good luck .


08-07-2007, 07:57 PM
i think hes asking if the salt water will ruin the motor. if its an out board you are fine... just when you get it loaded up you need to run fresh water through it and rinse out the salt water.

08-08-2007, 10:29 AM
i think hes asking if the salt water will ruin the motor. if its an out board you are fine... just when you get it loaded up you need to run fresh water through it and rinse out the salt water.

yeah that was my main concern and thanks for input, as for sinking, i've seen smaller boats than mine out there, but it stills worries me for i have never been out there on my boat.

08-08-2007, 11:00 AM
Sorry for the misundrestanding. Yeah, you sure want to run alot of fresh water through the outboard when you take it out of the salt.


08-11-2007, 11:22 AM
I have a 14ft Crestliner with side console. Cruising the harbor here in Oxnard and Ventura is a piece of cake. You can only go 5mph so no biggie. Out of Oxnard I took it close to the breakwater and figured any further was not goin to be a good idea.
You didn't mention what Harbor you'd be goin out in. I believe places like San Diego might have to be in question as it is pretty big and I've heard the wind does come up.
I would think that in your boat you'd be a little safer as it is wider than the one I have. When your done make sure you wash everything off. Trailer, the boat and especially the motor. I've been told to run fresh water thru it for at least 5 mins.The motor that is... I did that, and, I also took it to the lake the next day. Not for any real reason other than to fish. That salt water and salt spray will do some funny stuff to boats after awhile...
Cruise the harbor&#46;&#46; better than sittin on shore lookin out when you can be in it&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;Also, FYI< sailboats have the right of way&#46; Anything non-powered does actually&#46; When in doubt, stop and wave em on by&#46;

The other nice thing about cruising the Harbor is, that if your running
lights are working you can go out there at night&#46;&#46;Always fun with your better half&#46;&#46;&#46;

08-12-2007, 06:04 PM
you'll be ok but the salt is killer on a boat that is meant for fresh&#46; Flush everything and trailer right after&#46;