View Full Version : Skinner 5/7 The joint is jumpin'

05-07-2011, 12:28 PM
For the last month or so I've been seeing fish crashing the surface in the early morning but nothing would take my offerings, soooo I was looking for LMB instead. Today I thought I'd start out at the dam and halfway across the lake I thought I saw a swirl so I stopped. CRAP!!! Right in the middle of a school of frenzied juvenile stripers! Man there were maybe a hundred of 'em. Smacking my topwater but having a hard time hooking up. I then continued to the dam and these guys were all over the place, thier little fins poking out of the water like sharks. They were smaking and following all of my topwaters.

The guys with bait were having action at the bouy line. Man, the time is drawing near...... like I mean just days away and this will break wide open. Unless of course the comming cool period holds them off. I tell you My heart was racing for like 4 hours from 7-11 while I chased the boils. Fun times!

Hooked Up
05-07-2011, 11:56 PM
Thanks for the update! I'll be ready! lol

05-08-2011, 01:20 PM
Well, as I feared the sudden cold really affected the stripers today (Mom's day). Real windy too. I ran into Billy and Issac out there back in a cove hunting for LMB. Stopped to say "Howdy" and as I pulled up they both got nailed! Double hookup. Billy's was a 6# and Issac had a 5#. For Skinner that's just nuts! Here is some fish porn......

05-08-2011, 09:37 PM
damn dude.. if u ever see me fishin the shore u should roll up on me.. you seem to have good luck lol

05-09-2011, 07:55 AM
I was striper fishing at the dam when they caught the two bass. I could tell by the yelling that they had hooked a couple of hogs. Great job and congradulations. The striper bite was a little slow, but we managed a few.

05-09-2011, 08:45 PM
Nice going guys! Exciting to hear all the action, I gotta get out there!