View Full Version : New Fly Patterns

05-05-2011, 12:04 AM
These are some flies I've been tying lately. I've had a lot of extra free time as the doctor has had me off work for the past 3 months. Transient Global Amnesia. Google it. Weirdest damned thing thats ever happened to me. Anyway I'm off subject so here you go. Let me know what you fellow FNN'ers think.
Thunder Creek Minnow in "fire tiger" color
Daddy Long Legs
Clouser Anchovy
Thunder Creek Anchovy
Black Ant
Surf Bug
Crazy Charlie
Now all I have to do is finish my boat and hit the water!

05-05-2011, 02:33 AM
Nice Fliez!
Like the daddy long legs. Looks like a "Mosquito hawk".

Those green clousers should do the trick on numerous species.

05-05-2011, 05:07 AM
Thunder Creek Anchovy looks just like the shad @ perris nice fly's

05-05-2011, 08:59 AM
Thunder Creek Anchovy looks just like the shad @ perris nice fly's
They like to eat "Hot Flash Minnow (http://stevenojai.tripod.com/burkmin.htm)" flies there from shore with the fly rod. ;)
Also Flying kills them on the customized woolybugger he makes while in the tube.

City Dad
05-05-2011, 12:20 PM
Cool flies. Let us know how the perform.

05-06-2011, 06:25 PM
I tied the "anchovy" patterns to try out in the surf and on the break wall for bass and halibut. I've never fly fished for large mouth but I'm more than willing to learn new stuff. The "surf bug" and "crazy charlie" are supposed to represent shrimp or crabs. I kinda borrowed the ideas from other web sites and made them my own. Those should be good in the surf for perch. The other flies are for fresh water/ trout and pan fish. The "daddy long legs" aka mosquito hawk is a crane fly imitation I thought was pretty cool. I got that one from a book called "The Fly Tying Bible". That was a really hard one in that the legs are single strands of pheasant rooster tail feather fibers that are knotted to look like jointed limbs. Very difficult for my fat fingers. They're more suited for the carpenter work they've been doing for the last 30 years. Thanks for the replies and keep yer rods bent!

05-07-2011, 08:24 PM
Great ties. :Cool:

05-08-2011, 07:14 PM
Beautiful.... I can only tie
Woolly worms
Woolly nymphs
and Woolly-buggers

everything else I tie ends up a Woolly something

05-10-2011, 01:12 AM
nice flies, whats the average time for each to make, they look kinda complicated.
Good job with em though.:Thumbs Up:

05-10-2011, 07:20 AM
nice flies, whats the average time for each to make, they look kinda complicated.
Good job with em though.:Thumbs Up:
On average they take about 5 minutes or so to tie. The more difficult flies take longer. The daddy long legs took about 45 minutes. That was mostly tying the knots in the legs. The Thunder Creek minnow patterns have clear epoxy heads and those take about an hour to dry to be able to paint the eyes on. The eyes are my wifes nail polish, black on silver.