View Full Version : I will drink to that!!!!! Yea baby!!!

05-02-2011, 03:46 PM
301403014130142I WILL DRINK TO THAT!!!!! YEA BABY!!!

I would like to start out by giving BIG thanks to Gary for putting together such
an awesome event! The amount of work and sleepless nights he had, I just wanted
to say thank you for everything. Also, it was awesome taking tequila shots with
ya brotha, hope you liked it! I kept hearing about your other bottle of southern
comfort while we polished my tequila and never saw yours? Haha. I can understand
now why your so liked by many and respected! Your good people!

Also, I do have to say thank you to CB and TB for influencing me on one of my
post to come to StriperFest. TB even posted that I would be his Special Guest
there if I showed. Well, he wasn't bulshting. I am very glad I had the chance to
meet the Bako boys. I would drink and fish with ya guys anytime for the bako
beatdown. Haha. You did tell me that I have to post it 465 times. I don't think
I will get anywhere close. You see, I was a winner for just being there and
meeting so many great people who share the same passion as me. And I guess I
might have a little bragging rights til next year, until you try to get it
back!!! BRING IT!!!! I have to practice all the smack talk!! =)

And what about Bob? I am very happy I met him he was such a better guy and
knowledgeable then you guys all made him out. :) And I'm mad at him because he
kept talking to me about going to San Antonio and I haven't been able to sleep
just thinking about ripping drag. So Bob, I'm holding you to it for the Bako
Beatdown. Haha

Also, KPN Your awesome! Thank you for holding my bottle for me. I am glad I had
the pleasure to meet you. I will def. Be buying your lures. I Can't wait for the
top water action to arrive..... My Favorite! Hopefully I get lucky to fish with
ya one day too. And Fishone for sharing so much good info with me. Congratz on
both of you for your big slay. You guys killed it!!

Hiro, my brother from another mother. I really enjoyed meeting you and talking
to you. Thank you for the umbs(looking forward in using em). And sharing such
great stories with me. I will be hitting you up in the future for other things.
And Pontoon my other brother from another mother thx for the handoff. It was
great to meet you and looking forward in sharing stories in the future. Just
the few min. we talked you made me laugh. And trolly, awesome coffee. And
pleasure meeting you too bro!

I met so many other FNN'ERs that I can keep on going! Everyone was just all
frikken great people and very happy to be there with each other.

Now I have to say thank you to Scot(in2deep) for putting us on fish. It was
awesome fishing with you and I loved your boat. I kept trying to think how I was
gonna jack it from ya. Haha. You were a lot of fun to hang out with and fish
with. Your an animal brother!! Scot must have caught twice as much fish as me.
I would fish with ya anytime brotha. I kept missing so many fish cuz I refused
to put a smaller hook and use smaller bait for high hopes of a bigger fish. I
think my bait was twice as big as there's and scot kept laughing at me cuz most
of these small fish couldn't take my bait, hence I kept farming fish. Plus, I
think I waisted way more bait. Btw.. Scott, would love to hear how u did on
Sunday? And Donald good fishing with ya too. You must of been real tired cuz you
were talking as much as me and Scot? And Scot, we are looking forward to your
2011 video!!

Okay now about fishing!

Our first spot we stopped on was deep waters that scot felt good about. I think
only 2 fish both landed by Scot. I'm sure he will correct me if I'm wrong. After
an hour he felt it was time to move. So off we went looking for high hopes for
the right stop. Started getting descent marks in another spot, so out the anchor
goes! I think within minutes cat, then another, and another, and so on. Scot
looked at me and said wrong fish, but I aint moving. I would almost say it WFO
cats. He said let's just have fun with this and hope the stripes move in.

And they Did!!!!!!

It was non stop scratching for 6-7 hours in the same spot. If we didn't get bit
for 15 min we all looked at each other like something was wrong. Tb and cb
drove by and we asked em any luck? They said no, they were getting skunked(big
bull shters..haha) They asked us, we said no just some kitties! And the day went
on and on. Nothing big at all, just little schoolie action! But I aint
complaining! It was an awesome day and I was very happy to be a part of it and
looking forward to join in on future events. I just think next time I'm gonna
have to bring more tequila. =)

As far as me winning biggest stringer and biggest fish trophy was pretty
awesome. Pure luck!! You guys are the real pros. As far as I'm concerned, I was
more of a winner for showing up and meeting so many great people! I look forward
to seeing and fishing with many of you in the future!!!! And I will drink to
that BABY!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't get rid of me now. FNN ROCKS!!!

I am already having withdrawals!!

I need more BLOOD!!!!

And I use to think freshwater was Gay! Pffffffft.. ITS ON!!


Just a few photos. Hopefully Scot might add to it.

05-02-2011, 04:58 PM
YOur too cool Mike..

Sick arse ice chest shot.. Tons o fish..

You guys killed it out there. Your choice in Tequilla is top notch!

Congrats my friend... But you better watch out. Bako boys are comin for the next one!!!

05-02-2011, 06:38 PM

Once again, Congratulations! and Great report!

I'm sure you will enjoy looking at that trophy every day and as I did I hope it will mean a lot more to you than just catching the biggest fish and the biggest stringer (not a bad feat in itself) but, I hope it will trigger memories of a great day having a great time with good friends.

Enjoy it sir!:Cool:

05-02-2011, 06:59 PM
Bako thread jack


trail blazer
05-02-2011, 07:05 PM
Nice VID!!!!!!!!!


You deserved to win and you did!,,,congrats,,,,,see ya soon no doubt!


Fishin Magician
05-05-2011, 07:24 AM
I can't believe I missed this event. I'm definitely making the next one just to meet you guys.

05-06-2011, 02:29 PM
I wasn't going to tell this story, but I guess I will. I went up there and camped overnight on Friday night. When we got there we had to set our tents up in 35-45 mph wind and it was cold. Darkness set in quickly and we weren't ready for it. We braved the nasty conditions until about 11:00pm when the wind finally laid down and we could have a conversation.

We were the only people in the campsite so we were able to make as much noise as we wanted. And boy did we make some noise! We all got smashed...Next morning was rough so we packed it up early just headed home.

Next year we'll just roll out early in the morning like normal people and party and drink with you guys.

05-06-2011, 03:26 PM
it was an awsome day on the water. i had a blast fishing with you and scott, if you remember i told you you had it hours before lol, great job