View Full Version : Striperfest 2011 with T.O. and Team TrollToon (part-1)

05-01-2011, 05:10 PM
Once the date for the Striperfest was confirmed and it fell on a date that I would be able to make I couldn't wait and to make things even better Team Trolltoon got an invite from our Good Friend Trout Only to fish with him once again on the Salmonoid Phenom.:Cool:
Trolly and I have known T.O. for quite a while now and we have spent plenty of time on the water together. From the height of the DVL trout trolling, chasing catfish in the local lakes, fishing for trout in the Sierras and now chasing some pretty awesome striper bites I can't think of two better Friends to fish with.
Our day started with Trolly and I meeting up at his house and then off to pick up some bait. When we finally arrived at the lake we met up with T.O. and saw a few more of the FNN group, talked a while and then headed out for a day of fishing. We had decided early on that we were not going to troll so we headed off to a spot that T.O. told us had produced well for him in the past to bait down and see what came to us. Once we anchored up and got the rods out it seemed like the worry of catching a lot of fish or the biggest fish disapeared and it was just good conversation between good friends. It was just exactly what I enjoy about this sport and the times we all get together. Good Friends having a great time. I don't have to mention that with these two the laughs were priceless!
Okay now for the fishing.....I don't know who caught the first fish but once the first one was brought in the boat the bite was off and on but when it did pick up it seemed like we all got fish. Trollmiester had to be the hardest working and most intense of the three of us. He fished from every corner of T.O.'s boat and every inch of water he could cast to in search for the Big One or just One.:LOL:
Bob, thanks My Friend for inviting me and Trolly to fish with you once again. We may not have tall tales of big fish to tell but as for me I had one of the best and memorable days on the water with two real Good Friends.
Before I get into more on the Striperfest here are a few pics of the days fishing........


05-01-2011, 05:11 PM
I have several pictures I took at the campground so I thought I'd break up the report to dedicate this part to "Feel The Steel" and "Breeze71" as well as everyone who helped out to make Striperfest II happen. It went off very smooth and I'm sure will get better and bigger. Great job Gary and Hiro.....Congratulations!:Cool:

For me it was great, once again, to see some of my old friends. FeelThe Steel, Breeze, GeordyBass, Mr and Mrs. NoHo, HittsOn, Cutbait, Trailblazer, Fishbones, Hometown,T.O., Trollmiester and several others whom I just met at this get together. As everyone started to gather around the campfire I couldn't help but notice how well everyone got along and how there were several people pitching in in one way or another to make things happen. It is really awesome to see this. From the guys handling the weigh in, those who jumped in and filleted a whole lot of fish to NOHO and his wife cooking and preparing the fish tacos and everyone who donated something to the raffle. Everyone played a part in making things happen.

It was a little bittersweet having to hand off the Big Fish trophy that I had the honor of holding from Striperfest I but it was definitely just as fun passing it off to this years winner, MikesOcean.
Congratulations Mike for taking both the Big Fish and Biggest Stringer award and Congratulations to Ezra for his honor of Smallest Fish. Unfortunately Trolly and I had to leave before the raffle but I hope that the remainder of the night went well and I'm looking forward to reading the reports from the raffle.

Once again, Great Job Gary and Hiro.

Here's a few pics from the day...........






























05-01-2011, 07:32 PM
Man them dayum tacos were great!! It was nice seeing you again Terry!!
Lots of faces I havent seen in a while! It was lots of funa nd great laughs!
Great report! And thanks for reporting! I didnt take not 1 picture! So I been waiting for the reports to come in !
Thanks Gary for putting up a huge event like this! I hope we can do another one like this peak days of the summer!

05-01-2011, 09:22 PM
Congrats on the catching!

That spot you were fishing produces better and better as the wind picks up.

That was a great event. You could tell at the camp that everybody was having a good time.

I'm still recovering.

05-01-2011, 11:56 PM
Sounds like a a good time and a successful event Terry, congrats to all the winners.
Bob gave me a run down of the day. :Cool:
Man, I could imagine all the good ol' stories that was shared on Bob's boat all day. :Envious:
Great company for sure. :Big Grin:

BTW, what's this rumor about Bob meeting some hot chick at the lake...? I heard that she was the silent type... :ROFL: Just joking Uncle Bob. :LOL:

05-02-2011, 08:55 AM
Nice seeing you guys out there!

It was def a great event this year!!

05-02-2011, 02:28 PM
Looks like a good time for all. Wish I could have got out of work.

05-02-2011, 03:50 PM
terry you and chris are the best ,i was so excited to get to spend the day with my oldest and dearest friends from the site.i wore myself out the day before so when i hit the sack the night before i would be in dreamland one minute then the alarm going off the next minute. i used to roll around in the bed all night before a big fishing day ,now days i ware myself out i knock out quick then the next thing i know its time to rise. it was nice to go straight to it and enjoy the fishing , i really liked the way you had trolly worried all day long on youre constent adjustments to stay on the slaying,that little brown rod looked like my little yellow eagleclaw rod i used to run till it finally got broke at pvr on a big trout. thankyou and chris for another day to remember,,,,,,bob,,,,,,,,,,

05-02-2011, 05:06 PM

AWESOME play by play of your Day! Nothing beats being with good friends having good laughs and fishing. Great post and pics. Word has it you guys are the kitty killing machines!!! Looking forward to seeing you at the next event brother man and hearing your awesome stories!! Thank you for the temporary pass off. I seem to hear from a lot of people that your trophy was a lot cleaner..:LOL:


05-02-2011, 07:03 PM
Bako thread jack


trail blazer
05-02-2011, 07:10 PM
It was great to see youall again,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU THREE ROCK!!,,that little boat,,LOL

Hopefully we can have another event soon,,,,,,,see youall on the water


05-02-2011, 07:52 PM
Man them dayum tacos were great!! It was nice seeing you again Terry!!
Lots of faces I havent seen in a while! It was lots of funa nd great laughs!
Great report! And thanks for reporting! I didnt take not 1 picture! So I been waiting for the reports to come in !
Thanks Gary for putting up a huge event like this! I hope we can do another one like this peak days of the summer!
Hitts, it's always a pleasure to see you at the events and I'm looking forward to the Co-Op! I'm sure you are going to be able to make it bigger and better than the last.:Cool:

Congrats on the catching!

That spot you were fishing produces better and better as the wind picks up.

That was a great event. You could tell at the camp that everybody was having a good time.

I'm still recovering.
fishinone, Thanks. Being that this was the first time I had ever fished this lake I had no doubt T.O. was going to put me and Trolly on some fish.

Sounds like a a good time and a successful event Terry, congrats to all the winners.
Bob gave me a run down of the day. :Cool:
Man, I could imagine all the good ol' stories that was shared on Bob's boat all day. :Envious:
Great company for sure. :Big Grin:

BTW, what's this rumor about Bob meeting some hot chick at the lake...? I heard that she was the silent type... :ROFL: Just joking Uncle Bob. :LOL:
Arthur, we definitely had a great time! T.O. and Trolly had me laughing most of the day and it was good to have a buddy there to keep Trolly from casting over my lines.:LOL:
I haven't forgotten about our surf trip in our Friends honor and we need to make it a point to make it happen real soon. We've got to keep the promise to Dana.:Cool:

Nice seeing you guys out there!

It was def a great event this year!!
Shock, it was good to see you again. Last time was at DVL...... That's quite few miles!:Cool:

Looks like a good time for all. Wish I could have got out of work.
Paddy, it definitely was a good time but there was a void in the field without the Pirate Crew cruising the waters.:Cool:

terry you and chris are the best ,i was so excited to get to spend the day with my oldest and dearest friends from the site.i wore myself out the day before so when i hit the sack the night before i would be in dreamland one minute then the alarm going off the next minute. i used to roll around in the bed all night before a big fishing day ,now days i ware myself out i knock out quick then the next thing i know its time to rise. it was nice to go straight to it and enjoy the fishing , i really liked the way you had trolly worried all day long on youre constent adjustments to stay on the slaying,that little brown rod looked like my little yellow eagleclaw rod i used to run till it finally got broke at pvr on a big trout. thankyou and chris for another day to remember,,,,,,bob,,,,,,,,,,
Bob, what can I say man, sitting in your boat saturday brought back many fond memories......like the trip you, trolly and I took to PVR, the unveiling of Trollys rock to overeating at the BBQ place.:LOL:
Trolly and I had a great time with you My friend and I will not forget what you told me later in the day. trolly and I concur, it was the best fun in a long time.........Wadaya say.......road Trip?


AWESOME play by play of your Day! Nothing beats being with good friends having good laughs and fishing. Great post and pics. Word has it you guys are the kitty killing machines!!! Looking forward to seeing you at the next event brother man and hearing your awesome stories!! Thank you for the temporary pass off. I seem to hear from a lot of people that your trophy was a lot cleaner..:LOL:

Mike, it was a pleasure to hand off the trophy to you! Remember though, there will be many after it next year so enjoy it!:Cool:
I have to say I got just as much mileage out of it as Trail blazer got out of the Big stringer trophy. I had it behind glass and wouldn't let anyone touch it. Heck I even thought of having a copy made.
It's time for me and Trolly to concentrate on the kittys but I'm sure we'll see you somewhere on the water.

Bako thread jack

LMAO! Cutbait that was the best thread jack I've seen in a while. Seemed to add a little character to the report.:LOL:
I'll tell you what though, I don't think I have seen a guy as intense as TB was working his butt off to keep the title. And by the way what the heck were Gary and Hiro doing in that cove anyway? From the descriptions...."Ugly"......"Not wanting to touch the water"......and from TB's facial expressions it had to be something not for the faint of heart.:LOL:

It was great to see youall again,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU THREE ROCK!!,,that little boat,,LOL

Hopefully we can have another event soon,,,,,,,see youall on the water

Trail Blazer, after seeing the video clip of you cutbait made it was quite evident you meant business and wanted the title real bad. I think everyone needs to steer clear at the next Striperfest:Cool:
Good to see both of you.

05-02-2011, 09:25 PM
loved your report bro i felt like i was there lol:ROFL:
it was grate to see team trolltoon as usual... good times was had by all!
thanks again for the fresh bait:UDaMan:

05-03-2011, 04:41 PM
loved your report bro i felt like i was there lol:ROFL:
it was grate to see team trolltoon as usual... good times was had by all!
thanks again for the fresh bait:UDaMan:
Art it was good to see you and Mrs. No too! Tell her I look forward to a cup of coffee every time I see you both. And thanks for some awesome fish tacos.:Cool:

05-04-2011, 06:31 AM
wow what a good time,but if you keep out fishing me i will have to cut your line with scissors. lol lol lol