View Full Version : Bowfishing Elsinore

04-30-2011, 07:52 AM
Went out on Thursday and the carp finally moved shallow. Got a few out of the lake at least. One nice goldie too. I know it's not conventional fishing but I thought you might be interested anyway.



04-30-2011, 08:20 AM
Now that's my kind of carp fishing/hunting. Is a fishing license all that's required?

04-30-2011, 08:32 AM
AWESOME! I am interested! What's the minimum $$$ required to get started on bowfishing?And since it seems like you guys have it down, wanna do a tips/how to thread?

My idea is to purchase a used recurve youth bow, and attach a spincast reel to hold some 50 lbs braid. Too janky?

edit: sorry to ask, but what did you guys do with all that carp? do you guys eat em? i know some of us chinese people eat carp.... i personally have never tried it.

skunked again
04-30-2011, 09:24 AM
Wow, great harvest guys. Some people eat them but they taste terrible. If I remember correctly there are 2 rows of pin bones down each filet. It's too bad they dont taste better because they over populate the lake.

You can get all your supplies at Bass Pro.

04-30-2011, 09:30 AM
Looks like you guy did great out there. Nice pile of manurer for the garden.

ghetto dad
04-30-2011, 09:55 AM
Nice bow slay guys!! I would like to try that one day...


04-30-2011, 10:44 AM
Nice guys,
off the shore or on a boat?
Have to take mine out there to pop it cherry, got close my first time out with it, but could not stick any

PS I have a plain compound bow for sale if anyone is interested

04-30-2011, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. You do need a fishing license that is all. You can get a good bow for $200, a retriever bottle real for $65 a rest for about $20-30 a couple of arrows with safety slides about $30 and your are rollin. So for less than $350 you are good to go. Contary to popular belief the problem with most carp as far as eating goes are the amount of small bones. Now I say most because as with all fish it depends on water conditions and time of year etc. Some lakes have fish grinders (Big Bear) and you just put them in and grind em up. I dump mine at one of coyote hunting spots to make sure there is plenty of food available for them. I don't shoot that area since it would be baiting. At Elsinore you either must shoot from a boat or designated shore areas (check their lake map for specifics).

I would be happy to do a how to thread just tell me what and where and I will write it up. I have been working very hard to get our local lakes open to bowfishing. There are about eight open now and I hope to get more. I really rely on conventional fisherman to tell me when the carp are shallow so I don't blow a whole day for nothing. Most times people give me good info since we are not competing and plus they like lowering the populaion of these invasive fish.

For instance right now I am hungry for reports of activity at Cachuma and El Cap they are both open for bowfishing. The ones in this pic were shot mainly in less than eight inches of water (of course at Elsinore you can't see any deeper anyway). I have a specially outfitted Bass Tracker Pro 175 with a raised deck and rail that we shoot off of. The deck is the way to do for visibility.

Let me know if you have other questions, I am seriously addicted to the sport and would love to answer any questions.

04-30-2011, 05:10 PM
Ok well, I guess I should make myself clearer. I am looking for a youth bow because I don't know whether I like/am able to competently bowfish. It's like being a brand new fisherman and dropping 300 on a baitcasting reel and trigger rod, and trying to fish for trout with it.

I'd like to start with used, cheaper, diy stuff, and then progress to actual bows with some power. I've never done archery, and I've never gone bowfishing, so dropping $300 on an untried/untested hobby is not really the smartest thing to do. That being said, is using a youth bow doable? does it have enough power to push the arrow through?

What are the 8 lakes in SoCal that allow bowfishing? You've named 4 so far, Elsinore, BBL, Cachuma, and ElCap.

04-30-2011, 05:18 PM
I was at el cap today and fished for bass. Didn't see any carp anywhere.

04-30-2011, 07:02 PM
Simply, thanks for that. Tree any bow that can pull 30 lbs or up should be fine. If you decide to buy something like a Mission Menace than that bow can be used very effectivley for bowfishing but you can crank up the lbs and take a deer or turkey with it. The resale is execellent too. The cheapest I see it getting though, unless you use a hand wind reel (I do not recommend that) is $25 for a reel (Ti20) a roller rest maybe $20 and a couple of arrows with tips and slides. Line for the reel is $8.95 for 200 lb line.

04-30-2011, 07:51 PM
In case you guys were interested here are some shots of the boat.



A barrel fillin' up


Cool double at BB

04-30-2011, 09:11 PM
thats amazing. sure looks like a lot of mcdonalds fillet of fish sandwiches there.

04-30-2011, 09:29 PM
Wtf...amazing im sure you guys plan on eating, all those fish.or just trash them.very sporting, just like the endangered gars that are almost extinct due to bow fishing...

05-01-2011, 07:25 AM
Master Baiter, yeah Elsinore spent over a half a million dollars trying to get the population under control by electra fishing them and then dumping 100's of thousands of pounds in land fills. Same is true for Big Bear Lake and to this day there are way more than they want in the lake. I don't think they will be endangered at any point. Ya know when we begin to bag on outdoor sports that others enjoy we play right into the anti's hands. You might want to think about the fact that you don't have all the facts before you go off. By the way you might be surprised by the challenge of shooting an arrow through the water and hitting a fish. Don't let the numbers fool you into thinking it's easy there are just so many in the lakes that for a hundred draws you might actually take a fish every fifth shot on a good day.

Also I spent 7 years on the G. Loomis pro staff, guided fly fishing in AK, have fly fished for 46 years (I'm 56) and know what elitists are all about. They frown on bait fishing and would like to see it removed from the sport of fishing. I don't buy into that either. I have not killed a trout in many years because if I want to eat fish I can buy them at the store. Even though that is my philosophy I don't try and push it onto others. I support their right to bait fish and kill their catch as long as it meets the regs. Mostly I hope they have fun and speak out against those who would take our right to the outdoors away. We all enjoy different sports in the outdoors. If it's legal which usually means tested in theory by the biologists then we should be able to enjoy it. In cases where the science is flawed or non-existent then we need to change our regs to meet the facts.

05-01-2011, 08:06 AM
I've been fishing Henshaw for the last couple of weeks. The carp are everywhere. The water is really stained, but you can see them skimming the surface. Is bow hunting allowed there?
Thanks for all the information. I wonder what my wife will say when she looks out back and see's me building a platform on the front of my Skeeter bass boat.

05-01-2011, 08:17 AM
It is my understanding that you can shoot Henshaw. Make a call before you go though most lakes have rules with regard to bowfishing. Here are the San Diego lakes that recently opened with their regs.
Public Utilities Department
Water Operations Branch



Bowfishing shall be permitted at: El Capitan, Hodges, Otay, San Vicente, and Sutherland on days the lakes are normally open for fishing. Bowfishing is restricted to fishing for Carp only, in compliance with Fish and Game regulations. Bowfishing is NOT permitted at Barrett, Miramar or Murray. The following special conditions shall apply:

 Bowfishing tackle must have arrow shaft, point, or both, securely attached by a line to the bow or to a fishing reel; this includes crossbows.

 Bowfishing is permitted only by vessel on surface waters of approved Reservoirs.

 Bowfishing is prohibited within 30 meters (100 feet) of any person outside the vessel of the bowhunter.

 Bowfishing is prohibited in areas of nesting water birds.

 Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult in order to bowfish.

 All fish taken by bow must be removed from the Reservoir property. Disposal of Carp into the Reservoir, upon the shoreline, or in trash cans is prohibited.

 Bowhunters must possess proper daily permits.

 Bowhunters must possess a valid CA state Fish and Game fishing license.

Any individual out of compliance with these regulations, or exhibiting any unsafe use of bowfishing equipment, is subject to revocation of the permit and ejection from the Reservoir.


Call the City Lakes Fish Line (619-465-3474) for updated fishing reports and lake information.

05-01-2011, 09:27 AM
Nice job, looks like fun....yea Elsinore needs the Carp Population thinned out every year, they get so thick they deplete the Oxygen level in the Lake, hence the Algae Blooms that caused the lake to turn over and Kill other species

The water here is so much better than it has been in the past years because of the Carp thinning process, but its still over populated that the city spends Thousands on Carp removal each year

Have fun out there

05-01-2011, 09:27 PM
Since you mentioned Big Bear, I'd suggest getting up there if you have the time They are shallow and plentiful.

phishin phool
05-01-2011, 09:37 PM
Yep thats about all carp are good for, but looks like fun!!
Looks like you guy did great out there. Nice pile of manurer for the garden.

05-01-2011, 10:23 PM
Stocker, we hit it hard starting in later May usually, confirm you are seeing fish shallow already?

05-03-2011, 08:51 PM
Pudd Master Baiter
“very sporting, just like the endangered gars that are almost extinct due to bow fishing...”
Is this BS or can you actually back up your statement? Which state are you talking about??? Which gar are you talking about?

Determine if you are right or left eye dominate – that will tell you if you need a left or right handed bow. You need to find out your draw length also – for the length of your arrows. You can snap shoot off of a compound bow so you are better off using a compound plus the compounds are easier to attach your gizmos.
You should try to hook up with someone going out – especially if you want to keep fish.

If you can pull 40 to 50 lbs., have a draw length of 26” to 29”, and are right handed; send me a PM.

05-03-2011, 09:35 PM
Wtf...amazing im sure you guys plan on eating, all those fish.or just trash them.very sporting, just like the endangered gars that are almost extinct due to bow fishing...

no one cares its carp, for every one you see theres another thousand in the lake. for all i or anyone else on this forums cares augnmike can bowfish all the carp in that lake, and guess what comeback the next day and find the lake overrun by carp again. I honestly think bowfisherman like augnmike are doing a service to the lakes community and are own human community by riding the lake of the trash fish. Sure thos fish fight well but they useless slimy and they taste bad. They just gang up on other fish and move them out of there habitat combine that with the fact that no bodylikes them and you have the perfect reason to get rid of them. augnmike keep bowfishing believe it or not your actually do all of us rod and reel fisherman a favor. Wether you know it or not.

05-04-2011, 09:54 AM
Fish-o and D1, thanks I came on this site with two things in mind. One I was hoping most of you would feel the way you do and let me know when they move shallow so I can time my trips to be as productive as possible.

Two I hoped to encourage others to take up the sport, it is growing very fast and lakes are slowly realizing that they can use it to at least reduce some carp numbers plus increase revenues for user fees. I have been a predator hunter for a number of years so I am used to people attacking the sport with limited information but I do appreciate the comments from others defending the right to legally pursue their sports.

I hope some of you will give bowfishing a try sometime, it's a combination of hunting and fishing and a lot of fun. I have been taking some local kids (including my own) and they really love it. When the spawn is on it's nearly constant action which is good for younger people. As long as we don't abuse the sport by violating the rules including dumping fish in unauthorized places we should see it continue to grow.

05-04-2011, 10:54 AM
Fish-o and D1, thanks I came on this site with two things in mind. One I was hoping most of you would feel the way you do and let me know when they move shallow so I can time my trips to be as productive as possible.

Two I hoped to encourage others to take up the sport, it is growing very fast and lakes are slowly realizing that they can use it to at least reduce some carp numbers plus increase revenues for user fees. I have been a predator hunter for a number of years so I am used to people attacking the sport with limited information but I do appreciate the comments from others defending the right to legally pursue their sports.

I hope some of you will give bowfishing a try sometime, it's a combination of hunting and fishing and a lot of fun. I have been taking some local kids (including my own) and they really love it. When the spawn is on it's nearly constant action which is good for younger people. As long as we don't abuse the sport by violating the rules including dumping fish in unauthorized places we should see it continue to grow.

hey the way i see it is your a trashman and your trashtruck is your boat. it kinda bugs me when people down a sport with no knowledge of it, especially because you never know how that sport can affect someones life. me personally if i didnt have fishing id just be bored. but for others it keeps them out of trouble or harms way. if you enjoy it and as long as its legal you have my support.

05-04-2011, 11:33 AM
I believe Ive seen you up in BBL bowfishing , Iam a deer bow hunter and always wanted to try this . You can and other bow hunters do GIVE your fish to the BBL ZOO , as they will take your fresh catch for there animals . Good report .

05-04-2011, 12:01 PM
I hope some of you will give bowfishing a try sometime, it's a combination of hunting and fishing and a lot of fun. I have been taking some local kids (including my own) and they really love it.

How crazy would I be to ask to tag along on one of your bowfishing excursions and give it a try? :P

05-04-2011, 12:09 PM
Fish-O, thanks again

Diamond thanks for the tip I will definately check out the zoo, glad to help if I can.

Tree, you wouldn't be crazy, I do have a partner and we only fish during the week not on weekends. The boat only comfortably shoots two adults but I will keep you in mind. My partner works for the Feds and is sometimes in the middle east so if that happens during the season I will PM you

05-04-2011, 12:12 PM
Fish-O, thanks again

Diamond thanks for the tip I will definately check out the zoo, glad to help if I can.

Tree, you wouldn't be crazy, I do have a partner and we only fish during the week not on weekends. The boat only comfortably shoots two adults but I will keep you in mind. My partner works for the Feds and is sometimes in the middle east so if that happens during the season I will PM you

what lakes have you bowfished here in socal

05-04-2011, 10:29 PM
I need to get some blood on my arrows,
may I ask you for tips and spot info when my boat is ready?

05-05-2011, 07:18 PM
I have fished BB, Elsinore and Isabella quite a bit. I haven't hit the SD lakes yet since most of them just opened last month. I want to get to Cachuma and check that out but frankly I can't see leaving fish to find fish. Filled tow 40 gallon barrels today. Gave almost half a barrel to a Russian guy since he says he loves them. I know Europeans love them and say they taste great if cooked in a way that minimizes the bones.

Blackberg you most certainly can, let me know when I can help you. Right now there are a lot fish by Williams Bait and Tackle launch ramp and marina. William called me today right after I launched at the other end of the lake (oh well) so we went down there and hammered them. The males are staging there big time.